Creation vs. Evolution

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Literal lunatic
Cute, you stuck "sin" in. Very thoughtful.

And the details in your holy book do not fit with the real world details. so either your god is not telling the truth or his scriveners took down the dictation incorrectly. Take your pick, neither helps you.

The word of God does not fit with the unproven theory of scientists who just keep coming up with more theories as to why they could not prove the last one.



Literal lunatic
So Noah went around and buried all the dead humans all around the world after the flood so that dino and human bones would never be found together? Very interesting.

Your problem is assuming sediment layers show time.
There are different depths of sediment determined by the global flood waters.
It took earthquakes and 40 days and nights of rain to flood the earth.
Men were not out there in a rodeo on their pet dinos when the flood suddenly hit.
Like I said fossilized footprints of human dino hunters have been found.
If there are footprints there are bones somewhere from the same period.
Somebody aint lookin hard enough.
Or they are lying.
Now ask yourself..... Who would lie?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Your problem is assuming sediment layers show time.
There are different depths of sediment determined by the global flood waters.
It took earthquakes and 40 days and nights of rain to flood the earth.
Men were not out there in a rodeo on their pet dinos when the flood suddenly hit.
Like I said fossilized footprints of human dino hunters have been found.
If there are footprints there are bones somewhere from the same period.
Somebody aint lookin hard enough.
Or they are lying.
Now ask yourself..... Who would lie?
Who said anything about anybody lying? People have recorded their observations and none of those observations have ever found dino and human bones together. The question remains unanswered. Consider that in floods we have rushing waters. Anything in the path of those waters such dinos and the fabric tents the dino herders would most likely have lived in were washed away so dead dinos and dead humans were floating in the flood waters together. As te flood waters drained all those dead bodies would have followed the flow of water and all piled up together and then been buried all at the same time. Why don't we see that?
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Literal lunatic
Who said anything about anybody lying? People have reordered their observations and none of those observations have ever found dino and human bones together. The question remains unanswered. Consider that in floods we have rushing waters. Anything in the path of those waters such dinos and the fabric tents the dino herders would most likely have lived in were washed away so dead dinos and dead humans were floating in the flood waters together. As te flood waters drained all those dead bodies would have followed the flow of water and all piled up together and then been buried all at the same time. Why don't we see that?

While the flooding was most likely violent, the recession of it was not.
I would say as it took quite awhile for the waters to recede, them sharks and whatever else is out there had quite the feast.


Literal lunatic
Here is another unproven theory.
People have found some dino bones and THEORIZED that they covered the whole earth.
Men filled the earth, not dinos, neither did men become dino herders.
Quite the imagination you have along with ungodly speculations.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
While the flooding was most likely violent, the recession of it was not.
I would say as it took quite awhile for the waters to recede, them sharks and whatever else is out there had quite the feast.
Makes your problems worse, not better. As part of eating the animals the sharks would have dismembered the bodies to a point where finding intact skeletons becomes problematic.

In any case, I note that you are now attempting to avoid answering the question directly. Why do we not find human pone and dino bones in the same bone bed?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Here is another unproven theory.
People have found some dino bones and assumed they covered the whole earth.
Men filled the earth, not dinos, neither did men become dino herders.
Quite the imagination you have along with ungodly speculations.
So when you said, "Men were not out there in a rodeo on their pet dinos when the flood suddenly hit." in post 1884 you were not meaning to imply that men had tamed dinos. What did you mean by that comment? What was your purpose for making it?


Literal lunatic
Makes your problems worse, not better. As part of eating the animals the sharks would have dismembered the bodies to a point where finding intact skeletons becomes problematic.

No it simply means there would not be hordes of bodies piling up in one spot when the flood receded.

In any case, I note that you are now attempting to avoid answering the question directly. Why do we not find human pone and dino bones in the same bone bed?

why would we?


The voices in my head are only mine just as yours are only yours Michael, the difference is that I don't happen to think they are anything else, least of all supernatural communications.

You must know that I would know the difference with the normal 'voices', my own thoughts. The Lord or an angel speaking to you is a loud, commanding voice filling the air in the room, booming. There's a lot of difference. What makes you think you would ever understand anyway, Alwight, because none of it has ever happened to you, buddy! When it happens to you, then you can tell me about 'supernatural communications.' You have 'NO IDEA' what I've been through. It has been great and highly improbable, but true.



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
No it simply means there would not be hordes of bodies piling up in one spot when the flood receded.

why would we?
Well, that's it for you. I can see we have completely depleted your knowledge of science and far exceeded your ability to reason.


I think Jesus was here many times as the angel of God, before he was born of woman.
Not sure why you would think just because some men took shelter in caves and wore animal skins that there was some supposed race of (cavemen).
Far as dinosaurs go.
There are footprints of men fossilised alongside dinosaur kills.
Looks like it would take more than one man to kill this one God is talkin bout to Job.

Job 40:15 KJV
Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together .
18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.
19 He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.
20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play .
21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.

22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about .
23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.
24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.

Rep points for just showin up?
Sounds alot like flattery to me.
Dont need em, but thank yuh, just the same. :tunes::luigi:

There is no way to know what behemoth actually looked like, nor why it's extinct now.

Hey, the rep pts. were NOT just for showing up. And they certainly were not for flattery. I was just trying to help you get more established here because you are new. I'm sorry I ever gave you any.

In Christ's Love and Forgiveness,



Literal lunatic
There is no way to know what behemoth actually looked like, nor why it's extinct now.

Hey, the rep pts. were just for showing up. And they certainly were not for flattery. I was just trying to help you get more established here because you are new. I'm sorry I ever gave you any.

In Christ's Love and Forgiveness,


No prob.:cool:


New member
These are very interesting ideas/revelations Michael. I would like to ask a few questions.

If God is constantly recreating man, is he using the same souls he had already redeemed off the earth or is he bringing back unredeemed souls or is he creating new souls?




Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

Cool enough! I have no idea when the dinosaurs existed. Did they always exist alongside man, is the question? How does it mean in the Bible, God created dinosaurs inclusive when He created the animals. I have this feeling that Genesis is only a synopsis given to us so we have an idea of Whom God is. I believe there was a race of men and women before our own Adam and Eve, or perhaps even more times. I think God kept obliterating them because of sin, but He altered man each time. Who knows? It's a mystery, but we'll find out soon enough. And I also believe that Jesus did come to earth to let Sarah know she was having a baby (Abraham's wife) in her older age. She found it quite amusing, but with God, ALL is possible. Do you know what kind of Great chemist God is? And what an imagination!! Awesome God, Awesome Creations, Awesome Son!!



Dear SouthernStorm,

Most likely, some of each. We know John the Baptist was Elijah in spirit, when he came proclaiming the coming of Christ. I would really think though that God is bringing back souls to teach them more with each lifetime until they grow as an adult children and get it right to sin no more to the point that they are ready to go to heaven. I also believe that's why God put it into man's mouth to call this the MILKy Way.

You will notice in Rev., it is written that 'and the dead did not live again until the 1,000 years were fulfilled.' You see, there are things that needs be fulfilled before the Lord and us can go to the next point in life. This is all for us to make it to the place the Lord Jesus is preparing for us, which I believe is Venus, the morning star. For Jesus even said, "I am the bright and morning star", 'and I will give them the morning star, even as I received of the Father, so shall I give it to those who overcome...' I think that New Jerusalem will be on it. But first, it will take a couple thousand years to happen. I have this feeling that the dead shall not live again for 1,000 years, and then they will get 1,000 years to live and finally choose Jesus and God, or not. Then the earth shall be again removed out of her place and then Venus will take the earth's present orbit and will be able to sustain life. The Bible says the Earth shall reel to and fro and be utterly removed out of her place. I also think that happened to Mars, but I'm not saying. They kept warring. Like we're getting on earth now. It's enough people have trouble with what I tell them already and think I'm a nut. Time will tell. I don't believe the elements will burn for a long while (those that the apostle said).

Thank You Jesus!!



New member
Also [and please excuse my inquiring mind] would that mean that Christ has to die each time God recreates man? The bible seems to indicate otherwise...

Romans 6
9 knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. 10 For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11 Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.


New member
CabinetMaker said:
How that the flood killed off all the dinosaurs except the ones that could swim?
I think the flood killed everything except the critters that live in water or were on the ark.

CabinetMaker said:
How come no human bones are ever found with dino bones
How come fossilized humans aren't ever found with Pelicans?

There can be many reasons things aren't found together in the fossil record, but that doesn't mean they didn't live together. ( I'm not sure if pelicans is a good example but know there are many things that aren't.. coelacanth?) Another reason may be the sheer scarcity of human fossils. I'm not sure who... Niles Eldridge possibly... said the fossil bones from every human ever found would hardly be enough to fill a coffin.

Anyways... we do know from the Bible that humans and dinosaurs did live on earth at the same time. There does seem to be supporting evidence from pottery and cave drawings, in addition to some legends of dragons that may be credible.
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