Creation vs. Evolution

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Literal lunatic
If all the flood water evaporated then there should be enough moisture in the clouds to flood the earth again. There is not nearly enough for that.

Bring your scientific supposed proof of how all the moisture in the world that is not in the sea gets stored in the clouds.

Have you never heard of condensation?


Literal lunatic
Originally Posted by CabinetMaker
So why do dino bones frequently appear in large bone beds that show evidence of having been deposited by flood waters yet no other bones are found similarly deposited?

Bones like that could have been deposited there by men, or maybe some of them were like elephants, who go to a death ground when its time to die.
Fossils dont need an ocean over them to form.
You didnt read the info in the site I supplied.
Those bones you speak of were there before the flood.
Men buried their dead, they would not be found in a dino graveyard.


Literal lunatic
Errm, clouds are condensation. Do you want to try again?

Lets see, as a roofer i deal with preventing condensation.
Moisture can appear out of thin air in your house.
Ever seen it on your windows, the windshield on your car?

It is not all stored in clouds.
You breathe moisture in every day.
The cloud theory was a real brainstorm.
Duh, I caint see it, so it must not be there.
Yall just get better and better.
God hid all that moisture in plain site.
How yuh reckon you can see that rainbow?
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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Bones like that could have been deposited there by men, or maybe some of them were like elephants, who go to a death ground when its time to die.
Fossils dont need an ocean over them to form.
You didnt read the info in the site I supplied.
Those bones you speak of were there before the flood.
Men buried their dead, they would not be found in a dino graveyard.
I see more assertions on your part but no supporting evidence. Got any?


Literal lunatic
I see more assertions on your part but no supporting evidence. Got any?

Lol, I dont think you know what that word means.

state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.

I disproved your theory on the evidence.
And stated facts about the evidence that you cannot refute.
If you can have at it.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Lol, I dont think you know what that word means.

state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.

I disproved your theory on the evidence.
And stated facts about the evidence that you cannot refute.
If you can have at it.
I note that you ignored the definition of assertion:

assertion (əˈsɜːʃən) n1. a positive statement, usually made without an attempt at furnishing evidence

So what evidence have you presented? I have not seen any, just assertions that men were bury their dead (except for all those who died in the flood of course) and the dinos didn't. You haven't posted anything that supports your statements. You have completely ignored the issued of herd animals.


New member
Lets see, as a roofer i deal with preventing condensation.
Moisture can appear out of thin air in your house.
Ever seen it on your windows, the windshield on your car?

It is not all stored in clouds.
You breathe moisture in every day.
The cloud theory was a real brainstorm.
Duh, I caint see it, so it must not be there.
Yall just get better and better.
God hid all that moisture in plain site.
How yuh reckon you can see that rainbow?

Someone didn't pay attention in high school science class.... And perhaps never traveled to the tropics. You've never heard of humidity have you? You've never watched a news report where they comment on humidity? We can measure moisture in the air, in fact we measure it frequently all over the world for weather forecasts.

You're so ignorant about science that you can't even understand how much you don't know and even think you somehow have some expertise... A bit pathetic really.


New member
If all the flood water evaporated then there should be enough moisture in the clouds to flood the earth again. There is not nearly enough for that.

Psalm 104:5-9
"You who laid the foundations of the earth,
So that it should not be moved forever,
You covered it with the deep as with a garment;
The waters stood above the mountains.
At Your rebuke they fled;
At the voice of Your thunder they hastened away.
They went up over the mountains;
They went down into the valleys,
To the place which You founded for them.
You have set a boundary that they may not pass over,
That they may not return to cover the earth."

There is not enough water to flood the Earth again, because the Earth's terrain was radically altered by the Flood.


New member
Psalm 104:5-9
"You who laid the foundations of the earth,
So that it should not be moved forever,
You covered it with the deep as with a garment;
The waters stood above the mountains.
At Your rebuke they fled;
At the voice of Your thunder they hastened away.
They went up over the mountains;
They went down into the valleys,
To the place which You founded for them.
You have set a boundary that they may not pass over,
That they may not return to cover the earth."

There is not enough water to flood the Earth again, because the Earth's terrain was radically altered by the Flood.
So, there is enough moisture in the atmosphere to flood an earth where no hill rises above 100 meters say?


Literal lunatic
Someone didn't pay attention in high school science class.... And perhaps never traveled to the tropics. You've never heard of humidity have you? You've never watched a news report where they comment on humidity? We can measure moisture in the air, in fact we measure it frequently all over the world for weather forecasts.

You're so ignorant about science that you can't even understand how much you don't know and even think you somehow have some expertise... A bit pathetic really.

My post was in response to a post that stated, that all moisture is stored in clouds.
I showed it is not.
Thank you for adding another variable in where condensation comes from.
Thusly bolstering my point. :kiss:


Literal lunatic
So, there is enough moisture in the atmosphere to flood an earth where no hill rises above 100 meters say?

In the air you breathe, in the clouds, in the ice of the north and south poles.
And yes God changed the Eco system so that you cant know anything about the past, except what can be gleaned from what he tells us.
And that happened within one years time, not millions or billions of em.

Bummer for you and your theories.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
In the air you breathe, in the clouds, in the ice of the north and south poles.
And yes God changed the Eco system so that you cant know anything about the past, except what can be gleaned from what he tells us.
Bummer for you and your theories.
So why did God decide to lie to us about the apparent age of the Earth by changing the eco system?


Literal lunatic
So why did God decide to lie to us about the apparent age of the Earth by changing the eco system?

He did not lie.
His truth gives you all you need to know about the age of the earth.
Genealogy from Adam to Jesus.

He changed the Eco system, so He and us His sons, wouldnt have to put up with you for more than a short lifetime.


New member
In the air you breathe, in the clouds, in the ice of the north and south poles.
And yes God changed the Eco system so that you cant know anything about the past, except what can be gleaned from what he tells us.
And that happened within one years time, not millions or billions of em.

Bummer for you and your theories.
So your god changed the earth so we cannot tell anything about the past but all the evidence he left suggests it is billions of years, not 6000, old. So why did he leave such misleading evidence?

Is he just fooling with us?


New member
1Mind1Spirit said:
doloresistere said:
If all the flood water evaporated then there should be enough moisture in the clouds to flood the earth again.
There is not nearly enough for that.
Bring your scientific supposed proof of how all the moisture in the world that is not in the sea gets stored in the clouds
1mind. .. True that our atmosphere holds lots of moisture. But I think there is a better answer from the Bible which is supported by science.

Bible: "The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them"
Everyone agrees...the mountains rose. Every mountain range has marine fossils. And there is plenty of evidence that water drained from the continents such as submarine canyons / trenches. There are valleys in the oceans several mies deep. There is enough water in the oceans to cover the entire earth 2 miles deep if it was flat


Literal lunatic
When I was a little feller, my dad once said that Einstein was so smart, he wouldnt be able to have a conversation with us common folk.

In my dads defense, back in those days all he had to go on was the media and the big hoopla they were makin over him.

By Alberts own admission we now know he spent more time in his imagination than he did in reality.

So my dad had it half right.
Albert couldnt carry on a convo with real people.

As to his intelligence being the problem, lets think about that.

Relativity, space, time, continuim.

This all had to do with the relative amount of time Albert continued to spend spacin off in his own little fantasy world. :rotfl:

Jukia and company woulda made fine prodigies.
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