Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
Dear noguru,

You should check out the thread R. Dawkin's blind spot. I'm not going to repeat what all has been said there. Read it a bit and learn. God is Who is in charge of all of the genome and DNA changing. It sure isn't you or nature doing it all. Get Real!!


Michael, this is the last time I am going to ask you;

Please stop misrepresenting me. I have clarified your error in this regard many times. I will not repeat myself again.

You are the first person I am considering putting on ignore.


Dear noguru,

Gets to you, does it? That's God taking His peace from you. You can't have it both ways. I won't bother you again. I will put you on ignore too.

Michael Cadry


Dear noguru,

I realized it is wrong for me to put you on ignore, even though I did for about 5 mins. If God can forgive you, then I'll try also. I know we are supposed to love one another, instead.

God Be With You,



Dear All/6days,

Doesn't ANYONE believe that God created all we have on earth or do you believe that it just came out of Evolution. What is wrong with Christians today. The Evolutionists tell you it's because of the altering of this gene (genome, DNA, mitochondria) with that, though they do not give the credit to God Almighty for making the changes. They all call it 'nature' or 'natural selection,' etc. Who is going to stand up for God among you. Take a head count. This has been going on long enough.

Am hoping you will post, 6days, and you also, JosephR. Who else is out there??

In God's Holy Name,



New member
Yes I believe we are in a created environment and DNA,the double stamp info supports this. And the way matter acts supports this also. Would be happy to discuss this with anyone ,anytime.


Thanks, JosephR,

You're a blessed friend. Everyone seems to think that God is not doing the changing in genes, genomes, DNA and mitochondria. They think 'nature' is doing it or 'natural selection.' I've tried telling them that God is the One Who is making ALL of those changes, not nature. That's like calling a tornado "Mother Nature" knowing far well it is God's fury and done by Him as He sees fit. God controls EVERYTHING down here.

Thanks for posting, Joe. I'm going to be posting at your Ark thread is a bit.

God Bless You Tons!!!



New member
MichaelCadry said:
Doesn't ANYONE believe that God created all we have on earth or do you believe that it just came out of Evolution. What is wrong with Christians today. The Evolutionists tell you it's because of the altering of this gene (genome, DNA, mitochondria) with that, though they do not give the credit to God Almighty for making the changes. They all call it 'nature' or 'natural selection,' etc. Who is going to stand up for God among you. Take a head count. This has been going on long enough.
Am hoping you will post, 6days, and you also, JosephR. Who else is out there??
Michael Michael Michael... Let's not your heart be troubled. ;)

You need to stop are not going to change anyone's mind. And, I'm not going to change anyone's mind. You and me are just farmers sowing seeds. Never in a million years can we make a seed grow. We can plant the seed but then its up to God after that. We can pray that God will first of all help us to properly understand His Word. We can pray that we are Christlike when we respond to someone. And we can pray that God will use our words.

Michael.... ask yourself, what is the purpose of debating an atheist. What are your expectations? Not all, but many atheists are described in verses such as Proverbs 29:1. We have to realize that they have suppressed, or are attempting to suppress God from their lives. God does allow people to get "stiff necks". When I'm debating with an atheist... Of course I hope and pray that something I say may start them to think. But my goal is never to change their mind. My goal, or my hope, is that same young Christian might read my words and realize that there are answers from God's Word and from science. I am not disappointed or upset when there is a hostile response. ( if I do get upset, then I realize that pride is making me look to myself, rather than look to Jesus).

Gods Word said:
*But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully.


New member
So...I'm new. I lean toward young earth creation. I believe that in the begining God creaated. I do not believe that everything evolved from a common ancestor.

What did I miss in the first 88 pages of this thread?


New member
Monk316 said:
So...I'm new. I lean toward young earth creation. I believe that in the begining God creaated. I do not believe that everything evolved from a common ancestor.

What did I miss in the first 88 pages of this thread?
Welcome aboard matey.
You haven't hardly missed a thing....just the usual banter between Biblical creationists and evolutionist's.


Dear 6days,

Thank you! That helped a lot. I have a tendency to get too zealous and my heart just aches for the brothers that do not understand, who might miss going to Heaven completely. It's almost more than I can take. 6days, the Holy Ghost has visited me and certain angels have visited me a number of times. The Lord even visited me on occasion and I've had certain visions. I'm just a hopeful romantic, that all might come to God, through Jesus and the Holy Ghost.

I know what it feels like to be visited by the Holy Ghost. He visited me two MAJOR times. Oh it was AWESOME, but I'll not describe it, so that others don't say they've been visited too and this is how it feels like. From all whom I've met here, no one seems to have been visited by the Holy Ghost. Would they just keep that to themselves or be able to explain how if felt? And none seem to have been visited by angels, nor the Lord, nor have had visions. You are all wonderful people and I'm sure that many of you are among the firstfruits. But I've seen and heard things that are nearly indescribable to any of you. You wouldn't believe how Strong God has been in my life. Even sometimes, I need help though. I asked help from you. The Christian/Evolutionist just got to me. Very frustrating when you're trying to help someone out. There's a reason why I've been so blessed with these occurrences in my life, but we are not ready to go there. I guess that must be the reason.

God hates to lose even one soul. But each soul has Free Choice. They pick in error, and you just try to talk some reason into them. It gets frustrating. Thanks so much for helping me back up. Joseph has been helping me also. You're both my buddies. Thanks again very much!!

In Christ's Name And Love,



New member
Anyone going to be watching the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate in February? I like watching those things but they don't really seem to get anywhere for either side.


New member
Anyone going to be watching the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate in February? I like watching those things but they don't really seem to get anywhere for either side.

did know that creationists usually won these debates?
Even evolutionusts admit it.
Richard Dawkins is afraid of this debate and scolded Bye for accepting it.


New member
Anyone going to be watching the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate in February? I like watching those things but they don't really seem to get anywhere for either side.

did know that creationists usually won these debates?
Even evolutionusts admit it.
Richard Dawkins is afraid of this debate and scolded Bye for accepting it.


Dear 6days,

Thanks for all of your posts. You've helped give me strength to go on. I could never let God down anyway. You're right. I should only plant seeds and let them grow with God's Help. I'm going to do that from now on, again. It's what I used to do 'til I came to this website. Thanks for the crutches so I can walk again.

God Bless You Extremely,



Dear 6days,

Thanks for all of your posts. You've helped give me strength to go on. I could never let God down anyway. You're right. I should only plant seeds and let them grow with God's Help. I'm going to do that from now on, again. It's what I used to do 'til I came to this website. Thanks for the crutches so I can walk again.

God Bless You Extremely,




Dear JosephR,

Thank you once again bro' for helping pull me up from the trenches. No one on earth is perfect, I know. I really needed a shot in the arm and you helped me immensely. You always come through for me. Thanks Buddy!!

May God Show You All That You Deserve,



New member
did know that creationists usually won these debates?
Even evolutionusts admit it.
Richard Dawkins is afraid of this debate and scolded Bye for accepting it.

Yeah creationist usually do a much better job of arguing their point and using their evidence. The evolution usually resorts to trying to poke holes in Christianity. They get away from their evidence quickly because of the amount of faith it takes to believe it.


New member
Yeah creationist usually do a much better job of arguing their point and using their evidence. The evolution usually resorts to trying to poke holes in Christianity. They get away from their evidence quickly because of the amount of faith it takes to believe it.

really? It takes more faith to use your computer, the one based on the science of physics that tells us the universe is billions of years old rather than 6000 years old than to believe in special creation based on the oral stories of shepherds?
I have this bridge...


New member
Yeah creationist usually do a much better job of arguing their point and using their evidence. The evolution usually resorts to trying to poke holes in Christianity. They get away from their evidence quickly because of the amount of faith it takes to believe it.
Parody? :think:


New member
really? It takes more faith to use your computer, the one based on the science of physics that tells us the universe is billions of years old rather than 6000 years old than to believe in special creation based on the oral stories of shepherds?
I have this bridge...

What physics proves the earth is billions of years old?
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