Creation vs. Evolution

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Have you never had any atheistic doubts about Christianity Michael?
That's just a genuine enquiry btw I'm not trying to sway you. :plain:

Dear Alwight,

No, I've never had any doubts. Not a one. I've been His since I was a tyke.

Much Love To You Alwight!!



Have you never had any atheistic doubts about Christianity Michael?
That's just a genuine enquiry btw I'm not trying to sway you. :plain:

No Alwight,

I am actually certain that I've never had doubts about Christianity or God. Have known them since I was 11 years old. Got saved when I was 12. Got baptized (totally submerged) when I was 57. I didn't think that sprinkling of water done to my face was enough. The Baptist Church had their own Baptismal. Thank God that I went to them. I love you Alwight, even when we disagree. Same with noguru also. You're my buds even though we don't agree!

Praise The Lord!!




Dear noguru,

I'm beginning to start understanding what your belief system is. You used to be an Atheist/Agnostic and then became Christian. And so you combine the two, by seeing the error of the one and the edifying of the other. But I say, like I have, if eyes are so hard to comprehend to becoming ours and other creatures eyes to simply not believe there to be a Creator, how then does a butterfly and peacock have eye-like creations on their feathers or wings. I am very interested.

Much Love For You In Christ, Noguru,



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I'm beginning to start understanding what your belief system is. You used to be an Atheist/Agnostic and then became Christian. And so you combine the two, by seeing the error of the one and the edifying of the other. But I say, like I have, if eyes are so hard to comprehend to becoming ours and other creatures eyes to simply not believe there to be a Creator, how then does a butterfly and peacock have eye-like creations on their feathers or wings. I am very interested.

Much Love For You In Christ, Noguru,


Are you asking for the explanations I have seen from behavioral biology that is most likely? Or is the mystery something you do not want to resolve?

You do realize that even a biological answer is not 100% certain. There is a likelihood that the explanation is accurate, but we can never know for certain.

It is most likely due to something called mimicry. Though even that would be due to the mechanisms of genetic variation and natural selection.

Also, I do not really combine the two (atheism/agnosticism and Christianity). But I can consider both world paradigms.


New member
No Alwight,

I am actually certain that I've never had doubts about Christianity or God. Have known them since I was 11 years old. Got saved when I was 12. Got baptized (totally submerged) when I was 57. I didn't think that sprinkling of water done to my face was enough. The Baptist Church had their own Baptismal. Thank God that I went to them. I love you Alwight, even when we disagree. Same with noguru also. You're my buds even though we don't agree!

Praise The Lord!!


Hi Michael,
I don't know where you get your certainty from to maybe not even feel a need to question your own beliefs, I couldn't be like that.
If however you had been raised say a Muslim I rather suspect that what you would be believing now would be somewhat different.

Personally I doubt anything that I can't know from personal and physical experience to be true. I need to question and doubt almost anything or else it seems somewhat mindless to simply accept something which has perhaps only been told to me or read. It's an evidence thing for me, I need it to exist and to return to it. Maybe it's insecurity on my part but I don't believe having real knowledge can be otherwise.

I was never baptised and in a way I am glad of it, some atheists however feel a need to be un-baptised to become honest,

We would perhaps always disagree about gods Michael but I see no reason not to like each other anyway, I wish you well. :e4e:


Well Alwight,

Yes, I do love you like a brother who is with me when some of the others aren't. You've been kind to me and taught me quotes and I can tell that some of you wants to believe there is a God. I never questioned it because I never went to anything but a Nazarene Church, and now a Baptist Church. It never dawned on me to question that there was a God or Jesus, since I was keeping Christmas as Jesus' birth and Easter as His Death and Resurrection. I was never a Muslim. My Dad was and we used to have to hide the Christian Bibles and church leaflets whenever any one of his relatives used to come over unannounced. My aunts and grandma were the culprits. We couldn't let them know that we were Christian. It was my Mom's determination that we be raised as Christians and that my name be Michael instead of Mohammed. Dad went along with it because he loved my Mom and she had made it very clear. I used to be in the church choir and did solos because I was the best singer in the group. I also did Church Plays.

I think very highly of you Alwight. It doesn't matter to me if you are an atheist or not, even though I wish you weren't. You've been there as a good friend to me and I feel I know you somewhat. When you see that Jesus has returned, call out to Him for saving you. Salvation. It could be that He would forgive you and take you anyway because I am close to you and love you, so perhaps He will take that into consideration. It is written, those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. I know you are just an atheist, but that is better than being a murderer or thief. Do what you feel is the best. Oh, BTW, my Dad became a Christian too and wanted a Christian funeral service like my Mom, Betty, had. I'm so proud of him. Keep in Touch.

C What Happens, My Friend,



Dear noguru,

You also feel like a Christian brother to me and I never tell you. Sometimes, I forget that you are Christian but instead an atheist. But I guess we are sent to the atheists because they complete the puzzle. Maybe we can help them, maybe they can help us. I've met some interesting people on this TOL site and it's been intriguing. It is after 2am here, and I'm having a bit of a problem with my puter. But I'll get it fixed 2nite or 2morrow. It could be that I have too much downloaded on my puter.

Haven't heard much from Hedshaker. He is a die-hard atheist evolutionist. Why can't you all see that God/a Creator does every little bit of changing that needs to be done. We have a myriad of people, of all types, making our world a better place with much variety. Same with the animals and plants. We even have seedless watermelon. Cool, eh? We have Siamese twins. In the olden days, we would let them live their lives the way they were, but now we try to separate them and sometimes we lose one. Life is full of differences. God made them all happen. My cat has seven toes on two of her feet, and six toes on one foot, and five on the other. She's a great cat, has more claws to scratch with if she got in a fight, and more claws to scratch herself with. But we have two other cats who claw us up with 5 claws only. Life is unusual.

Well, will close for now. God Bless and Keep You Both Healthy and Safe,



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

You also feel like a Christian brother to me and I never tell you. Sometimes, I forget that you are Christian but instead an atheist. But I guess we are sent to the atheists because they complete the puzzle. Maybe we can help them, maybe they can help us. I've met some interesting people on this TOL site and it's been intriguing. It is after 2am here, and I'm having a bit of a problem with my puter. But I'll get it fixed 2nite or 2morrow. It could be that I have too much downloaded on my puter.

Haven't heard much from Hedshaker. He is a die-hard atheist evolutionist. Why can't you all see that God/a Creator does every little bit of changing that needs to be done. We have a myriad of people, of all types, making our world a better place with much variety. Same with the animals and plants. We even have seedless watermelon. Cool, eh? We have Siamese twins. In the olden days, we would let them live their lives the way they were, but now we try to separate them and sometimes we lose one. Life is full of differences. God made them all happen. My cat has seven toes on two of her feet, and six toes on one foot, and five on the other. She's a great cat, has more claws to scratch with if she got in a fight, and more claws to scratch herself with. But we have two other cats who claw us up with 5 claws only. Life is unusual.

Well, will close for now. God Bless and Keep You Both Healthy and Safe,




Dear noguru,

Too much for you to handle? You are a Christian who doesn't believe that God created everything. What else is different about you? That's it!

I shouldn't have shared my feelings with you.



Dear noguru,

I'm sorry about what I said. You just get to pressing my buttons sometimes. My computer is working like new now. I got through to Gateway, who helped me fix it. I was stressed out when I was posting to you.

God Be With You!!



Dear noguru,

I suppose you don't accept apologies very well. It isn't any easier for me to do. You want me to accept you as a Christian, yet you come off like an evolutionist over a Creationist. What am I supposed to think? How can you think that just chance or something else's hand has anything to do with the changes of genomes, DNA and mitochondria change without any help from God?? You are a real nut case, if you keep believing this way. It simply is not how it works, and God is not sharing any spotlight with the Devil. Can you feel it?? Enough said!!



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I suppose you don't accept apologies very well. It isn't any easier for me to do. You want me to accept you as a Christian, yet you come off like an evolutionist over a Creationist. What am I supposed to think? How can you think that just chance or something else's hand has anything to do with the changes of genomes, DNA and mitochondria change without any help from God?? You are a real nut case, if you keep believing this way. It simply is not how it works, and God is not sharing any spotlight with the Devil. Can you feel it?? Enough said!!


Michael, please stop telling me how I feel about things. Especially after I have corrected you on "how I feel" several times, but you do not seem to absorb what I say. Your whining is getting to be a little tiresome. No, I do not accept apologies when they are not sincere.


Dear noguru,

The apology was sincere, but you've cast a cloud over it now, so I can't handle it. No whining here. No caring here anymore. I gave you my best chance!

God Bless You In Spite Of Yourself,



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

The apology was sincere, but you've cast a cloud over it now, so I can't handle it. No whining here. No caring here anymore. I gave you my best chance!

God Bless You In Spite Of Yourself,


Peace Michael. I hope you get over your emotional imbalance. Hasn't anyone pointed out that sharp swings between obsessive caring and not caring at all means you are dealing with the issue in a problematic way?

But feel free to continue if you think it is best. That is entirely up to you.


Oh Noguru,

Now you'd like to call it all an emotional imbalance for your sake. It has not been obsessive caring, but REAL CARING. I've tried with you and I can't believe this outcome. Some friend. Make it sound great for yourself. That still doesn't add one iota that I tried to tell you about God and His hand in 'changing His creations', in lieu of your evolution nonsense. God has full control of EVERY change. Don't you get IT! By NOW!! I'm upset with you FULLY!!

Sincerely In God,



Well-known member
Oh Noguru,

Now you'd like to call it all an emotional imbalance for your sake. It has not been obsessive caring, but REAL CARING. I've tried with you and I can't believe this outcome. Some friend. Make it sound great for yourself. That still doesn't add one iota that I tried to tell you about God and His hand in 'changing His creations', in lieu of your evolution nonsense. God has full control of EVERY change. Don't you get IT! By NOW!! I'm upset with you FULLY!!

Sincerely In God,


Michael, I am going to repeat myself one more time for you;

I do not need to adopt your world view to be a Christian. In fact I think you are a wacko. I look at you as an example of what not to be.

I will not simply adopt your craziness from your attempts at being threatening, sympathy, outrage...or any other attempt at emotional manipulation. That may work in your family or with your friends, but it will not work with me. If you cannot develop a well reasoned argument, then I just think you've got nothing of value to offer other than reporting on your emotions.

If I am wrong about this, then I am wrong. But I think I will stick with my opinion over yours. I can live with that, can you?


Dear noguru, You don't need to adapt my world view to be a Christian. You are far from that. Yes, you think I'm wacko, but have you ever checked yourself out? Or you immediate compadres. You also need not adopt my 'craziness' at being threatening, sympathy or outrage, which I don't feel I've done at all. My qualm with you is simple. I say God created and continues to change the genomes, genes, mitochondria and DNA in that life that He's made famous. Not Darwin. Do we finally agree with each other, or is there more??!



Well-known member
Dear noguru, You don't need to adapt my world view to be a Christian. You are far from that. Yes, you think I'm wacko, but have you ever checked yourself out?


Yes, I check myself all the time. Right now I am seriously debating the wisdom of continuing this discussion with you.


Dear noguru,

You are a piece of work. You're loving and yet not caring, it seems. And you believe in God, but not all of His rules. Do you think God has made all of the changes in His creations, or evolution?? It really boils down to that. For you and all of your friends, for shame that I even have to ask this!! But you have friends that don't believe in a God. They don't know that He's leaving them out of the equation. Hope they figure that out quick. Will they?? What a horrific shame! I can't believe it is happening!!

Your Friend Michael!!


Dear noguru,

You should check out the thread R. Dawkin's blind spot. I'm not going to repeat what all has been said there. Read it a bit and learn. God is Who is in charge of all of the genome and DNA changing. It sure isn't you or nature doing it all. Get Real!!

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