Re: Re: Re: Re: Credentials vs. credibility
Re: Re: Re: Re: Credentials vs. credibility
Originally posted by aharvey
Hmm, since you brought it up, and since it’s the only relevant thing you’ve said to my comment (i.e., that your claims of my incivility ring hollow given that your average level of incivility is way ahead of my most severe lapse of civility), let’s go back to my very first post to you:
No attitude here, right? If I wrote “Have you gotten a load of the new reviews of Brewer’s book on Intelligent Design,” you would of course not have noticed any ‘attitude’ there, would you?
I was talking to Strat about the homo book review. I wanted his take on it, he declined, I respected his rejection to get into the topic, then you took it up as some sort of "proof" that news only comes from the paper pages of
Nature. Sorry, but since you still haven't clued me in on the "accepted" news outlets that's the best I can guess.
Okay, I admit, there’s an attitude here; it’s called 'suspicion.' I was suspicious that you hadn’t actually read the reviews to which you were referring, despite the fact that your “didja get a load of this?!” attitude implied that you did. Therefore, it seemed to me that the next most logical source for your information and scorn would have been a creationist site. But really, was the attitude in this, my original post to you, “too much to wade through”? Was it really so much more out of control than yours? Best of all, was it unjustified? Let’s see…
Yet I didn't misquote or misrepresent anything thing from either the article or the review. Then later when I posted straight from you
still took issue with the source. I'm still trying to get you to give me an approved list of news outlets.
No attitude here, right? And, hey, my suspicions were correct after all. You didn’t read the reviews, and you also managed to skirt the question of what your “loaded” remark was based on.
I asked what I missed since you seem to think there is some sort of "science" being promoted in that book review. From what I had gathered, the review was basically blowing the book off as aganda driven. But, since you didn't feel compelled to reply, I guess I didn't miss a whole lot by not reading the review
or the book. Unless you think the theory has been "debunked" in that book or something...
How much attitude did I put in this response? I see one parenthetical phrase. That's it.
How much is in your response?:
"So your claim that “the archaeoraptor hoax is being promoted to children” is completely incorrect. The specimen is not in the Czerkas’s private museum in Utah, despite what the web site of the San Juan County Community Development group implies."
You claim I am incorrect, yet it
is on display in Utah. I took the time to email the guy and he said it was. So to answer your question, your attitude lies in the fact you instisted it wasn't, not once but twice. When it was found to be there, did you correct yourself in your assesment of my being incorrect about the matter?
By the way, do you understand the logic now?
Actually, all this seems to be so far is going back to dredge up the first dialog we had that had no conclusion. Maybe we could "close" it by you enlightening me where real news comes from.
No, you were bent out of shape by my incivility, remember?
No, I don't remember getting "bent out of shape". What I remember is getting tired of wading through your ego to get to your points.
As I've told you before, no news source is "ok" if by "ok" you mean "free from errors, and thus never to be questioned." Some are more reliable than others. When dealing with science, creationist web sites, tourist bureaus, self-promoting authors, and the National Enquirer are less reliable than Nature, the New York Times, etc. You got a problem with this?
Actually I'm rather relieved to see you finally address my question, thank you
So what is your issue with
See previous post. You implied you read some book reviews that you didn't.
I never claimed to have read the book
or the review. I simply wanted to know what Strat thought of it.
What would you call that?
Asking Strat what he thought of a new book claiming to "debunk" sexual selection.
But I've hardly made any fuss about that, have I?
I'd say you are making a fuss, still.
To me, it was a trivial point compared to if you had had access to the journal, thus knowing that the Archaeoraptor fossil has long been returned to China while claiming otherwise.
But that wasn't my point in the matter.
My point is the people who had the actual fossil were the same people who created the exibit and wrote the book. People
you claimed, " are not professional paleontologists".
But you didn't do that, and I've never accused you of it, although yes, it did drive me nuts that you refused (refuse?) to accept the evidence about this.
understand the fossil has been returned. I
understand the raptor was dropped from the exibit. I also understand people you claim don't have "credintials" have written the book and made the exhibit. Are we square on this issue now?
And I wasn't implying that you were lying about reading the Nature article, but was again frustrated at your (sorry, there's no other way to put it) boneheaded insistence that you hadread the article (and blasted others for not doing so), when in fact it was perfectly clear to everyone else that you hadn't read the article, only a press release and a summary. And if you still think the one is a perfectly acceptable substitute for the other, I ask you to refer to your own post #8 in this thread, where you chastise Jukia for the same thing!
I think you are trying to confuse the chromosome article with talking about the homo book and the raptor. I posted the whole chromosome story from and then the "article" from
I asked you before, and I'm asking again now, if isn't posting what they mean to say on their web site, where then can I get news you won't take issue with?
Again, I'm not implying that you're lying when you talk about hoaxes, you're just grossly misrepresenting them and their relevance to evolutionary biology. Hoaxes, lies, and fabrications involve the intent to deceive. All mistakes are not hoaxes, lies, or fabrications, yet you seem to see no difference (is this why you never admit to even the smallest mistake?). Nebraska Man and Java Man were not real, nor were they hoaxes, they were mistakes. Get it?
I never implied mistakes are hoaxes. However, the raptor had no excuse, I'm glad it was discovered and taken care of quickly. Java Man was a "mistake" for over 30 years. I can't stretch my imagination that much to believe it wasn't on purpose. I don;t make up the news about these "transitionals" or "missing links", but the history behind them is there. I tend to believe sometimes people want something so badly they are willing to do or believe anything. In the realm of science pilt down, java, nebraska and the raptor were all acclaimed to be evidence of evo at some point. I am happy those examples are behind us now. Unfotunatly it appears Lucy has different bones making up her story, too. I guess we shall wait and see what comes of it all, especially since she has a prominent place in our "tree", at least to the museums that put her on display.
The only time I've seriously considered calling you a liar was when you repeatedly claimed that I said facts and evidence make evolutionary biologists wince, when you know full well I said no such thing, and that no reasonable person could honestly infer that from anything I've ever said here.
You are right, you didn't use the term "wince".
I would also like to thank you for keeping things civil, all but for the "boneheaded" part