Comments on Bob Enyart's Proposed New US Constitution


New member
"If you think homosexuality has been a benefit to this country that's also unsubstantiated so maybe you can go "beyond the rhetoric"?"

That's not even English? Are you Taiwanese? If you are, I have a letter for you...


Well-known member
How do kids get confused about their sexuality? Esp. a male child? Cause a man molests them for the most part. As the Catholic scandals ultimately proved. Do your own lifting would you.


New member
Is that how you answer a question? With another question?

First.... just answer the question.

Do you believe I am wrong for thinking that homosexuality should be criminal?
I don't have a problem answering that question. Your opinion on this is ludicrous. Why would you even WANT such a thing??? Why can you not be content to just accept that not everyone believes exactly as you do and allow them to live their lives in peace. It would be REALLY dangerous to impose such a law that limits a person's right to be happy with whomever they choose. What's next? Making it illegal for someone with blond hair to fall in love with someone who's hair is black/red/brown? To forbid those with blue eyes to fall in love with someone who's eyes are hazel? It amazes me that christians claim that god gave us "freewill", but then they spend ungodly amounts of time trying to take that from everyone who doesn't CHOOSE to believe exactly as they do. That is about as UNbiblical as a person can possibly get.


New member

That's funny. I post a link to an extensive series of surveys conducted under strict research methodologies, and you post a link full of unsubstantiated gobbledygook.

Still waiting to see where the Feds addressed homosexuality, or even stated that they assumed the states would deal with it. Pretty spurious assertion on your part, but maybe you have something to back it up.


New member
Haven't you ever wondered what you would do if you could start your own country? We had classes like that in high-school and I always enjoyed exploring my ideology.

- What laws would be enforced?
- How would the government be structured?
- How would your tax system operate?

That's what the ShadowGov constitution is. It's an exercise in government.

Me thinks you are getting a bit too paranoid.

Except the name of Enyart's book where this "Shadowgov" fantasy become reality is called "The First Five Days: The Rebirth of America". Please don't downplay it as a theoretical government of a hypothetical country. It is about Enyart's idea of enforcing what he believes to be God's law in the United States.

It was never about starting ones own country. He (and you I assume) would like to see this scenario takes place here and now. Would you not?


New member
Originally Posted by NetPyro View Post
Well how about all the little girls raped by adult men?

Thats an evil as well

Originally Posted by NetPyro View Post
How about female school teachers molesting young boys in their charge?

Thats an evil as well.

Originally Posted by NetPyro View Post
Am I to understand you feel that is OK since it's heterosexual? Please tell me you're not really a Dr.

Get your head from your rear end and we can talk.
So, you claim that homosexuality is not a victimless crime and to support this argument you use children molested by homosexuals. My argument is that is pedophilia, and is true for both homo and hetero. You are trying to justify your claim using a red herring.

For your benefit, I'll rephrase it: consensual homosexuality is a victimless crime, just like consensual heterosexuality. The difference is that you support killing homosexuals and I suspect it is because you choose to interpret the bible to support your own bias or compensation. As I said before, leave wrath and vengeance to God, he proclaims it as his own and by promoting intolerance and hatred as you do you are denying God's word and the teachings of Jesus.

Love begets love, kindness begets kindness, hope begets hope, and peace begets peace.

Tell me drbrumley, if you could narrow it down to just one thing, what has Jesus taught you?

Nathon Detroit

Except the name of Enyart's book where this "Shadowgov" fantasy become reality is called "The First Five Days: The Rebirth of America". Please don't downplay it as a theoretical government of a hypothetical country. It is about Enyart's idea of enforcing what he believes to be God's law in the United States.
This is great, it's so old school. How many years has it been since "The First Five Days" was a topic for discussion? That's a fun read.

It was never about starting ones own country. He (and you I assume) would like to see this scenario takes place here and now. Would you not?
Seein' liberals get what they deserve??? Oh yeah... count me in!


New member
Except the name of Enyart's book where this "Shadowgov" fantasy become reality is called "The First Five Days: The Rebirth of America". Please don't downplay it as a theoretical government of a hypothetical country. It is about Enyart's idea of enforcing what he believes to be God's law in the United States.

It was never about starting ones own country. He (and you I assume) would like to see this scenario takes place here and now. Would you not?
I realize viewpoints contrary to group-think are frowned upon here and I hope I don't get banned for it, but I have a feeling you'll get nothing but deflection in response to your question.

I would love to read Enyart's book (file under "know your enemy"...and yes, judging from what I've read so far, I believe he is an enemy of Christianity and America regardless of who or how many he's "brought" to God. Jim Jones brought many to God as did David K.), but not if it's going to put money in his pocket.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination, but just reading the Shadowgov website and the proposed constitution it's as if Enyart is channeling Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The USA is a country of different cultures, ideas, and beliefs - that is our strength and our source of power. We do not need to become a theocracy nor a Taliban style nation regardless of the religion behind it.
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Nathon Detroit

I realize viewpoints contrary to group-think are frowned upon here and I hope I don't get banned for it, but I have a feeling you'll get nothing but deflection in response to your question.

I would love to read Enyart's book (file under "know your enemy"...and yes, judging from what I've read so far, I believe he is an enemy of Christianity and America regardless of who or how many he's "brought" to God. Jim Jones brought many to God as did David K.), but not if it's going to put money in his pocket.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination, but just reading the Shadowgov website and the proposed constitution it's as if Enyart is channeling Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The USA is a country of different cultures, ideas, and beliefs - that is our strength and our source of power. We do not need to become a theocracy nor a Taliban style nation regardless of the religion behind it.
You should listen to a few of Bob's shows.

Bob is on the most powerful AM station in this part of the country but you can also listen online here. Better yet, you could call the show weekdays at 3PM (MDT) 1 800 8ENYART. Many TOL'ers (adversaries) have called in the past and Bob is never anything but cordial.


Except the name of Enyart's book where this "Shadowgov" fantasy become reality is called "The First Five Days: The Rebirth of America". Please don't downplay it as a theoretical government of a hypothetical country. It is about Enyart's idea of enforcing what he believes to be God's law in the United States.

It was never about starting ones own country. He (and you I assume) would like to see this scenario takes place here and now. Would you not?
To bring back the mosaic law? If that is true then that is a false gospel. It is also why so many Jews misunderstood Jesus, He came not as the conquering king but as the suffering servant. That is completely antithetical to a concept of dominion theology.