Me thinks you are getting a bit too paranoid.
Maybe, maybe not.
The line between church and state is very, very clear in the existing document, and yet over and over again we see mostly conservative Christian groups taking to the streets and courts to blur that line. I am concerned, because if the ideas promoted in the Shadowgov document is the ultimate goal of the most conservative of Christians, then vigilance against them in the political realm needs to be redoubled.
Our constitution may not be sacred but it's the next best thing, and it deserves to be defended by ALL Americans, even the most conservative of Christians. The ideology espoused in that document is directly counter to what our Founding Fathers intended.
And I believe that blowing that particular document off while holding its author up for adulation is dangerous.
Since I am not able to respond privately to the note with my "infraction," I'll respond publicly. I am not being unnecessarily disruptive, IMHO. I am holding up a mirror that people can choose to view or not. If they decide to question their own assumptions, or to consider thoughts from outside the chorus, great. Or they can just do what they're going to do anyway, continue to blow me off, and enjoy smug contemplation of the same continuuo day after day after day.