climate change


And of course, increased snowfall as a result of warming was predicted by climate models in the 80s.

Not low temperatures.

"Hokkaido, Aomori, Niigata and Nagano prefectures all had unseasonably cold"

Global warming idiots never said it was going to get cold.


New member
Telestial ,

Human cause of Global Warming is Baloney.

How many TONNES of Ash and Carbon Dioxide and other deadly gases

do Volcanoes spew into the atmosphere every year in Ever increasing amounts

not counting the hundreds of underwater Volcanoes and Earthquakes that warm

the Oceans and Seas.
Mt 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:

and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Mr 13:8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:

and there shall be earthquakes in divers places,

Lu 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places,

The Barbarian

Human cause of Global Warming is Baloney.

How many TONNES of Ash and Carbon Dioxide and other deadly gases

do Volcanoes spew into the atmosphere every year in Ever increasing amounts

not counting the hundreds of underwater Volcanoes and Earthquakes that warm

the Oceans and Seas.

Insignificant compared to human activity. Would you like me to show you?

Published reviews of the scientific literature by Mörner and Etiope (2002) and Kerrick (2001) report a minimum-maximum range of emission of 65 to 319 million tonnes of CO2 per year. Counter claims that volcanoes, especially submarine volcanoes, produce vastly greater amounts of CO2 than these estimates are not supported by any papers published by the scientists who study the subject.

The burning of fossil fuels and changes in land use results in the emission into the atmosphere of approximately 30 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year worldwide, according to the EIA. The fossil fuels emissions numbers are about 100 times bigger than even the maximum estimated volcanic CO2 fluxes. Our understanding of volcanic discharges would have to be shown to be very mistaken before volcanic CO2 discharges could be considered anything but a bit player in contributing to the recent changes observed in the concentration of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere.


The Barbarian

In the same sense that your one vote can't change anything. You can just do a little. If we all did a little, it would help a lot.

The Barbarian

Hard lesson to learn, but what each of us does, makes a difference. All it is, is the collective effect of what each of us does.



Popular saying on the net about it:

"Cut off your internet ... Shut off your computer ... and turn off the heat ..."

Then the conscience will be clear ( Re: do our little part )))

The Barbarian

"Cut off your internet ... Shut off your computer ... and turn off the heat ..."

You would do a lot better by setting your thermostat down or up (depending on the season) when you go to work, and setting it for a more comfortable level when you're actually at home. For a reasonable price, you can get a thermostat that you can program, so you'll remember.

Not only cuts emissions, it saves you some cash. Win/win.

Weekend errands, plan them out to minimize driving. Less frustration, less emissions. Thinking thrifty is also thinking green. Funny how old-fashioned virtues are applicable now, more than ever.


You would do a lot better by setting your thermostat down or up (depending on the season) when you go to work, and setting it for a more comfortable level when you're actually at home. For a reasonable price, you can get a thermostat that you can program, so you'll remember.

Not only cuts emissions, it saves you some cash. Win/win.

Weekend errands, plan them out to minimize driving. Less frustration, less emissions. Thinking thrifty is also thinking green. Funny how old-fashioned virtues are applicable now, more than ever.

I do that anyhow ..... :D

But ... not sure if it is helping, as you can see ..... ))


Today, here in Pittsburgh, PA the high temperature is going to be 20 degrees.

The all-time record "low-high temperature" for November 18th in Pittsburgh is 28 degrees (they have been keeping track since 1875)

Must be the CO2 being trapped in the atmosphere that causes a "greenhouse effect" that's causing the all time record low-high temperature be be broken by EIGHT DEGREES.

Gotta love global warming.

The Barbarian

And again, tet confuses weather and climate. According to weather underground there are 495 new record highs in the United States alone this year.

Gotta love global warming.

Probably not. Just weather. That's always the way it is. But unless it gets a lot colder in the next month and a half, this will be the hottest year ever.

It's the 6th hottest December-February, and only one hotter prior to 2002.
It's the second hottest March-May exceeded only by 2010.
It's the third hottest June-August, only one hotter existing before 2010.

That's climate. And the El Nino hasn't kicked in yet. Unless it gets a lot colder quick, this is going to be a record year.


According to weather underground there are 495 new record highs in the United States alone this year.

According to the actual weather outside right now, there are record lows from Idaho to Nebraska and Iowa south to Texas and east through the Great Lakes.

The eastern 2/3 of the US has shattered decades-long and in some cases, century-long record lows.

The Lower-48 or CONUS average temperature for November 18th, was the coldest since 1976 for any day in November.

The CONUS was 19.4 degrees.

More than 85% of the surface area of the Lower-48 states reached or fell below freezing Tuesday morning.

All 50-states saw at or below freezing temperatures on Tuesday.

Just weather.


Are you sure all these record lows aren't from global warming?


climate change

have you noticed how it gets really hot in the summer?
then it gets really cold in the winter?

well this is climate change
it is hard to ignore

I know you have been worried about the debt, jobs, and terrorism
now you need to take a look at climate change

global warming is hard to prove
not climate change

consider yourself warned
We used to call it weather. :plain:

All 50 states have below freezing temperatures

Check on your neighbors (Mk 12:33).
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Well-known member
Are you sure all these record lows aren't from global warming?
Well, the jet stream has dipped much lower than normal. A lot of the cause of that was a domino effect from the extremely powerful Typhoon Nuri in the Pacific which became an extratropical storm, which gave the jet stream a big bump. When the jet stream dips low, arctic air spills into the lower 48. Somewhat paradoxically, northern areas are warmer than average when this happens.

The prediction was made here on Nov 3rd (and other places)

Domino effect? Nuri’s Aleutian vacation may trigger US cold wave

As Nuri tracks north toward the Bearing Sea, it may set off a sequence of atmospheric events that could drive a shot of significantly below average November cold into Minnesota and the eastern US. Nuri’s downstream ripple effect could trigger a downstream trough in the eastern US that may bring a cold wave into Minnesota.

The latest Global Forecast System runs suggest a buckling jet stream and a deepening low pressure trough over Minnesota and the eastern US in the six to 10 day time frame. This is the beginning stages of an arctic outbreak.

Extreme warmth in the pacific has fueled intense tropical storms there. Again, lets remember the earth's temperature is spread out across the *globe* not just in the USA.

There is record warmth in the ocean, globally.

Plus the jet stream is now beginning to return to normal and in my area we'll have temperatures in the 50s by the end of the week.

Yet another reason why "it's cold outside therefore there's no global warming", is stupid.

The Barbarian

I used to have conversations with people who thought TSA precautions were a good idea. So I'd point out the huge loss in productivity, money, and aggravation for a tiny, tiny increment of safety. The odds of having a terrorist act on an airline, even if we went back to more reasonable security rules, are miniscule.

And then the TSA advocate would play his trump card:
"But what if that one chance in 5.3 million happens to you?"
(smiles as though he actually made a point)
And then I realized it wasn't about safety. It was about the illusion that all those stupid rules actually meant something.

Climate deniers are like that. Every year, there are lots of record highs and record lows. It doesn't mean anything, except in the context of overall temperature.

And Mrs. Barbarian's flowers bloom earlier and earlier. Liberal daffodils, you know.

The Barbarian

I'm terrified about global warming--New York expects enough snowfall as is normal for an entire year with the coming storm.

As the climate warms up, you'll see a lot more of that.

(denier grunts: "HUH?")

Yep. You see, as the oceans warm up, we get more water in the atmosphere. (warmer water, more evaporation) And when it gets cold in the high troposphere (like for example, in winter) you get... more snow.

Surprise. It was predicted decades ago by warming models, and here we are.