climate change

The Barbarian

It's really easy to make any current year the hottest or coldest year on record.

All you have to do is go back and change the historical data.

And when they run out of excuses, they always say "everyone is lying."

No one is fooled by that. And when this year turns out to be the hottest on record, we'll hear it again.

And plants will continue to bloom earlier and earlier. Take a look at the way the hardiness zones have moved north:


"Them lying daffodils!"


And plants will continue to bloom earlier and earlier. Take a look at the way the hardiness zones have moved north:


That's from 2006

The last hardiness zone map was done in 2012.

However, let's look at the USDA hardiness map from 1960:


Look at Tennessee. The entire state of Tennessee (100% of it) is in zone 7.

Now, look at your map from 2006, there's still traces of zone 6 in Tennessee.

Let's look at the 2012 map:


When we compare 1960 to 2012, we still see some zone 6 in Tennessee.

That means it's colder in 2012 than it was in 1960.

Look at Indiana. In 1960 more than half of Indiana was zone 6. In 2012 more than half of Indiana is zone 5.

That means it's getting colder in Indiana.

Wait until the next map comes out that reflects the recent cold of the last two years. Then you'll really see how dramatically south the zones have moved, which means it's getting COLDER.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
And plants will continue to bloom earlier and earlier. Take a look at the way the hardiness zones have moved north:

That's from 2006

You just told us that it got colder. And here you see, the hardiness zones are moving north.

And cherrypicking the exceptions won't help you any more than pretending weather is climate.

Wait until the next map comes out that reflects the recent cold of the last two years.

2013 was the seventh hottest year ever. And only one year previous to this century was hotter. 2014, unless the weather turns very cold, very quickly, will be the hottest year ever.

At some point, you'll have to come to grips with reality.

Then you'll really see how dramatically south the zones have moved, which means it's getting COLDER.

Last year, the daffodils came up earlier than ever. So it doesn't seem very likely, does it?


A decent respect for God and His word would prevent you from trying to put words in His mouth.

"If you believe in a god who did not make the heavens and the earth, you believe in a false god that cannot save you. Only the God who made everything can save." Jer 10:11~ Daryl Ferguson


Well-known member
October 2014, the warmest October on record globally.


Also here's a listing of billion dollar weather disasters just from this year.


I'll make a new post when and if 2014 is the new warmest year on record. (It is on track to be the warmest on record).


New member
Well, the effects of us running out of resources to maintain our rather wasteful society will probably hit us before it hits the rest of the ecosystem. I wouldn't worry about the planet, I would worry about us. I think a slow transition from fossil fuels to nuclear and then solar energy would be a decent way of doing it.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Notice it doesn't say what you want it to say. The 2012 map shows hardiness zones farther north.

Yep. You just cherry-picked a few places that didn't fit the general warming trend, and pretended that they were typical. Do you think no one noticed?

The Barbarian

Yep. I probably should stop showing this stuff to him, but he's so much fun to watch. Now he's down to accusing flowers of lying.

You could call them early bloomers: In 2010 and 2012, plants in the eastern U.S. produced flowers earlier than at any point in recorded history, a new study says.

They discovered that those two recent warm spells triggered many spring-flowering plants to blossom up to 4.1 days earlier for every 1 degree Celsius rise in average spring temperatures, which translates to 2.3 days for every 1 degree Fahrenheit.

Many studies have already shown that flowering times have come earlier as a result of recent global warming, but what's unknown is how long the plants will be able to "keep up" by budding earlier and earlier. (Get more facts about spring.)

So far, plants—at least in the eastern U.S.—are coping.

"It's just remarkable that they can physiologically handle this," said study leader Elizabeth Ellwood, a biologist at Boston University in Massachusetts.


Wait, Tet is doubling down on crazy and saying that the climate is getting colder?

It has been getting colder since 2012.

Arctic sea ice is up 43% since its low point in 2012

Even climate scientists admit it has been getting colder (from 5 days ago):

"Climate change scientist John L. Casey claims that changes in solar activity are the largest factor in determining the global temperatures, and believes it’s possible that an era of global cooling is upon us."

Casey believes the global warming models have been proven false by the evidence.

“There are two fundamental flaws with that,” Casey says. “Number one, the greenhouse-gas theory, and the global climate models that they produced, never permitted a pause. As long as CO2 levels were going up, the only thing that could happen was global temperatures could go up. That has not happened. Number two, there could absolutely be no cooling, much less a pause. And yet we’ve been cooling for 11 years now.”



Yep. I probably should stop showing this stuff to him,

You have nothing more recent than 2012.

2012 was the apex of the warming period that began in the 80's.

Now we're in a cooling period that began in 2012.

Do you really want me to post all the articles about how early the leaves fell this year? Do you want to see all the articles about the leaves turning color in August?

The Barbarian

You have nothing more recent than 2012.

I showed you that 2014 has been so far, the warmest year on record.

2012 was the apex of the warming period that began in the 80's.

See above. Surprise.

Now we're in a cooling period that began in 2012.

Whoops. That didn't last long, did it?

Every time we get a little downtick, we hear "cooling has begun!" And then it continues to rise and you guys get all bummed out. Sort of manic-depressive, isn't it?

Do you really want me to post all the articles about how early the leaves fell this year? Do you want to see all the articles about the leaves turning color in August?

And that delusional thing about "weather equals climate." So not entirely manic-depressive.

And each decade, the flowers bloom earlier. (lying daffodils!)


New member
You have nothing more recent than 2012.

2012 was the apex of the warming period that began in the 80's.

Now we're in a cooling period that began in 2012.

What do you think of the fact that 2014 is likely to be the global warmest year on record? How does that fit in to your 'cooling' claim?

(And what sort of loonie claims that a two year temperature sequence constitutes a solid climate change trend?)


What do you think of the fact that 2014 is likely to be the global warmest year on record?

I can make any year the warmest year on record by changing historical data.

How does that fit in to your 'cooling' claim?

I don't claim it's getting colder, it is getting colder.

(And what sort of loonie claims that a two year temperature sequence constitutes a solid trend?)

Now you're contradicting yourself.

Above you said it was getting warmer, now you say there's a two year temperature sequence of cooling.


And each decade, the flowers bloom earlier. (lying daffodils!)


Again, why don't you try reading current material

April 2014, from "The United States National Arboretum"

"Spring has finally sprung. The cherries and daffodils are currently in full bloom, roughly 10 days behind usual. The cold temperatures experienced in the mid-Atlantic region this winter put us back into a solid zone 7 [average night time low of 0-10 degrees F]. This year, marginally-hardy plants that might have wintered fine for the past 5 years, may have suffered winter burn, bud blast, bark splitting or they might have perished altogether."


Well-known member
You have nothing more recent than 2012.

2012 was the apex of the warming period that began in the 80's.

Now we're in a cooling period that began in 2012.

Do you really want me to post all the articles about how early the leaves fell this year? Do you want to see all the articles about the leaves turning color in August?



2014 Boils Toward Warmest Year Ever with Three More Records Broken
Nov. 20, 2014

Even if it's freezing in your personal universe, Earth as a whole just broke three "warmest" records and is likely to see 2014 go down as the warmest since record keeping began in 1880, scientists reported Thursday.

Driven by record warm oceans, combined sea and land temperatures in October were the warmest on record, according to data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. On top of that, January-October was the warmest first 10 calendar months, while November 2013 to October 2014 was the warmest 12-month block.


Warmest October: The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces was the highest on record for an October at 58.4 degrees F, or 1.3 degrees above the 20th century average and topping the previous record (2003) by 0.02 degrees.

Warmest first 10 calendar months: The surface temperature for January-October was 58.6 degrees, 1.22 degrees above average and topping the previous record set (1998 and 2010) by 0.04 degrees. Ocean temperatures by themselves were 1.03 degrees above average, the highest on record for this period, beating the previous record (1998) by 0.05 degrees.

Warmest 12-month block: The period of November 2013-October 2014 averaged 58.2 degrees, 1.2 degrees above the norm, breaking a record set just a month ago for warmest 12-month period.


But Tet is telling us that we're in a cooling period. :plain:

And, of course, the Jews are behind it.


(lying daffodils!)

Let's look at what "Daffodil Days at Garvan Woodland Gardens" in Arkansas posted on their website this March 2014:

"Note: Please make sure these beauties are blooming before you head out and about with the family. Because of the extreme cold we've had this winter, dates may be delayed. Most of these event organizers will be posting updates on their Facebook pages as the flowers start blooming."