climate change


[Man caused
global warming] Someone's mind just got blown.

I hope you're right about global warming. I'm sick of all this cold.


"In Denver Tuesday a cold weather record was set, breaking a mark that stood for nearly 100 years..." Denver Breaks 4 Records During Historic Cold Snap

The Barbarian

The real world is waaaay too complicated for serpent. Let's take it a little slower for her....

As the Earth warms up, the seas take in most of the thermal energy. Water has a huge specific heat, so it will remain warm in the winter long after the continents cool off.

The warmer water gives off more water vapor, raising the humidity in the air.

Colder temperatures condense out the water, and if cold enough, produce snow. A lot more snow, because the air has more water vapor in it.

And we get record snows.

Serpent reacts:



Surprise. It was predicted decades ago by warming models, and here we are.

As expected, you're once again trying to rewrite history.

It wasn't that long ago that all the global warming HOAX proponents said the following about snowfall in relation to global warming:

First, let's look at what Environmental Attorney RFK Jr. said in 2008:

"Snow is so scarce today that most Virginia children probably don’t own a sled.”

I know, I know, RFK Jr. is not a real climatologist.

Ok, let's look at what actual climate scientists said:

Let's look at what senior research scientist David Viner, working at the time for the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia said in 2000:

"within a few years, snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event in Britain. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,”

Let's look at what scientist Adam Watson, who is with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology said in 2004:

"the skiing industry in Scotland has less than two decades left to go."

Let's look at what the IPCC (a bunch of climatologists work there) said in 2001"

"milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms.”

As we see above, the global warming HOAX proponents are left once again trying to rewrite history because the climate is doing the exact opposite of what they said it would do.

Yet, there are people who keep believing these idiot climatologists.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Surprise. It was predicted decades ago by warming models, and here we are.

As expected, you're once again trying to rewrite history.

Well, let's take a look...

The 2009/2010 winter saw a number of dramatic, record breaking snowstorms. Early February saw two "once in a 100 years" snowstorms hit Philadelphia, now being dubbed "Snowmageddon". Does record snowfall prove that global warming isn't happening? What do observations say? 2009 was the second hottest year on record. January 2010 was the hottest January in the UAH satellite record. Satellites data indicates last month was the second hottest February in the satellite record.

Doesn't take a genius to realize that warmer air will produce more precipitation. Of course it does. But let's look at the claim that the models didn't anticipate this. From a report in 2007, citing earlier research on the issue:

Temperature changes are one of the more obvious and easily measured changes in climate, but atmospheric moisture, precipitation and atmospheric circulation also change, as the whole system is affected. Radiative forcing alters heating, and at the Earth’s surface this directly affects evaporation as well as sensible heating (see Box 7.1). Further, increases in temperature lead to increases in the moisture-holding capacity of the atmosphere at a rate of about 7% per °C (Section 3.4.2). Together these effects alter the hydrological cycle, especially characteristics of precipitation (amount, frequency, intensity, duration, type) and extremes (Trenberth et al., 2003).

It wasn't that long ago that all the global warming HOAX proponents said the following about snowfall in relation to global warming:

See above. You've been suckered again.

First, let's look at what Environmental Attorney RFK Jr. said in 2008:

"Snow is so scarce today that most Virginia children probably don’t own a sled.”

I know, I know, RFK Jr. is not a real climatologist.

Of course, but you guys also tried to peddle Newsweek as a climatology journal, so rational people expect you to do that kind of thing. I notice you didn't provide a checkable source, either, which is also your M.O.

Ok, let's look at what actual climate scientists said:

Let's look at what senior research scientist David Viner, working at the time for the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia said in 2000:

Since you didn't bother to provide a checkable source for that, either, why not just show us in the literature where climate scientists didn't think warming would bring on more snow. As you see, the literature even a decade ago, was indicating that we would have more snow.

It's not that difficult to figure out, but we'll explain it again.

  1. Warmer climate means the oceans get most of the thermal energy.
  2. The huge specific heat of water means that the oceans stay warmer in winter relative to the land and evaporation puts more water in the air.
  3. Over land, this water will precipitate, producing a lot more snow.
That's why some of the warmest winter months have produced the heaviest snows.

If you spend a little time on it, you shouldn't have that much difficulty figuring it out.

The Barbarian

Barbarian, regarding Serpent's consternation at learning warmer air means heavier snowstorms:
The real world is waaaay too complicated for serpent...

After you believe Genesis 1:1, it gets way less complicated.

Especially, if you can convince yourself that Genesis is about snowstorms. A decent respect for God and His word would prevent you from trying to put words in His mouth.


climate change

Ask the people of Buffalo if they believe in climate change - a winters worth of snow in 2 days!

Technically, winter in 2014 doesn't even begin until December 21, 6:03 P.M. EST.

The Barbarian

Ask the people of Buffalo if they believe in vlimate chanfe - a winters worth of snow in 2 days!

See above. As it warms up, there will be more warm, moisture-laden air coming in off the lakes. And more snow. Kind of ironic, um?


At the beginning of this millennium, climatologists told us snow would decrease.

Then in 2010 & 2011, heavy snow was due to global warming.

Then in 2012 the lack of snow in the Eastern US was due to global warming.

Then in 2013 heavy snow was once again due to global warming.

Now in 2014, heavy snow is so far, once again because of global warming.

However, if the rest of the winter produces little snowfall, it will be because of global warming.

IOW, if we get record amounts of snowfall, it's because of global warming. If it snows very little, or doesn't snow at all, it's because of global warming.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
At the beginning of this millennium, climatologists told us snow would decrease.

Then in 2010 & 2011, heavy snow was due to global warming.

Then in 2012 the lack of snow in the Eastern US was due to global warming.

Then in 2013 heavy snow was once again due to global warming.

Now in 2014, heavy snow is so far, once again because of global warming.

However, if the rest of the winter produces little snowfall, it will be because of global warming.

IOW, if we get record amounts of snowfall, it's because of global warming. If it snows very little, or doesn't snow at all, it's because of global warming.

You just don't understand you denier you...:angrymob:

The Barbarian

Here is what the IPCC said in 2001

"Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms" - 2001

And they do, where winters have been mild enough to rule out snow. In many states, snow is less and less common.

Snow Cover. Snow cover refers to the area of land that is covered by snow at any given time. Between 1972 and 2013, the average portion of North America covered by snow decreased at a rate of about 3,500 square miles per year, based on weekly measurements taken throughout the year. However, there has been much year-to-year variability.

Here's a graph of the area of snow cover for North America for the past few decades:

So where the increase in temps make it possible, there is less snow. But even then, they also noted...

Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms but could cause an increase in freezing rain if average daily temperatures fluctuate about the freezing point.

They didn't tell you about that, did they? Should have looked it up for yourself. By 2007, as you learned, scientists realized that warmer oceans would cause greater snowfall. This is why you see a warmer summer and fall in the northeast and upper midwest leading to great increases in snowfall near lthe Great Lakes or the Ocean, and climatology models as early as 2003 already indicated this would happen.

Temperature changes are one of the more obvious and easily measured changes in climate, but atmospheric moisture, precipitation and atmospheric circulation also change, as the whole system is affected. Radiative forcing alters heating, and at the Earth’s surface this directly affects evaporation as well as sensible heating (see Box 7.1). Further, increases in temperature lead to increases in the moisture-holding capacity of the atmosphere at a rate of about 7% per °C (Section 3.4.2). Together these effects alter the hydrological cycle, especially characteristics of precipitation (amount, frequency, intensity, duration, type) and extremes (Trenberth et al., 2003).

See the points above. It's not really any surprise to anyone with any scientific understanding at all.


New member
global warming is hard to prove
not climate change

It's not that difficult.

Scientific understanding of the cause of global warming has been increasing. In its fourth assessment (AR4 2007) of the relevant scientific literature, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that scientists were more than 90% certain that most of global warming was being caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities (anthropogenic).[7][8][9] In 2010 that finding was recognized by the national science academies of all major industrialized nations.[10][a]

(source: Wikipedia: Global warming)


In many states, snow is less and less common.

From the past few weeks:

Snowiest November: Grand Rapids breaks century-old record for snowfall

Record snow hits Buffalo

Detroit Snow Record Falls: 133-Year-Old Mark Broken By Unusually Snowy Season

Record cold reaches Cleveland, following unusual early-November snow totals

Record snowfall recorded in Chicago on Halloween 2014

All this snow isn't because it's getting warmer, it's because it's getting colder:

"Every U.S. state, including Hawaii, was bitten by temperatures at the freezing point of 32 degrees F (0 C) or below, the National Weather Service (NWS) said.

It was the coldest November morning across the country since 1976, according to Weather Bell Analytics, a meteorologist consulting firm. Typically, such cold is not seen until late December through February, the NWS said."

The Barbarian

And yet, even with all that cold, coming from a dip in arctic air, this year will be one of the hottest on record, if not the hottest.

Does that suggest to you why confusing weather and climate is such loser for deniers?

Every year there are record highs and record lows somewhere. But the world keeps getting warmer, and the daffodils keep blooming earlier.

Despite a bitter cold snap in parts of North America, the globe is rushing hell-bent toward its warmest year on record with last month setting the fifth monthly heat record of the year.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Thursday that last month was the hottest October on record worldwide. The 14.74 Celsius (58.43 degrees Fahrenheit) beat out October 2003.

"It is becoming pretty clear that 2014 will end up as the warmest year on record," said Deke Arndt, climate monitoring chief for NOAA's National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, North Carolina. "The remaining question is: How much?"

With only two months left in the year, 2014 has now surged ahead as the globe's warmest year so far, beating 2010 and 1998. So far this year, the world is averaging 14.78 degrees Celsius (58.62 degrees Fahrenheit). If the last two months of the year are only average for the 21st century, it will still be the warmest year ever, Arndt said.

Gotta be frustrating for you guys. Bitter cold and snow, and the warm just keeps on coming.


this year will be one of the hottest on record

It's really easy to make any current year the hottest or coldest year on record.

All you have to do is go back and change the historical data.

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” - George Orwell