climate change


The author of the book in my previous post is Nigel Calder.

Nigel Calder participated at the world's first "Earth Day" in 1970. At the event, Calder said the following:

"The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind."

The Barbarian

tet tries again and thinks he's found a textbook:
Ok Zoo. I found a science book from the 1970's for kids that I remember reading.

Missed again, tet. Not a textbook. Just something someone wrote, without peer review and without textbook review. I get to review science texts from time to time, and it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

BTW, I find errors in science textbooks sometimes, that are at variance with the consensus of scientists in that particular field. So again, peer-review is what you need to see, if you want to know what scientist actually thought at the time.

Are you beginning to see where all of this is leading?

The Barbarian

Nigel Calder participated at the world's first "Earth Day".

Well, that convinces me! He obviously knows more than any of those climatologists.

It's well-known that anyone who participates in Earth Day is an expert on climate. WFTH-I


New member
The author of the book in my previous post is Nigel Calder.

Nigel Calder participated at the world's first "Earth Day" in 1970. At the event, Calder said the following:

"The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind."

Nigel Calder wasn't a scientist, never trained as a scientist, but was really a journalist. His rhetoric may not have been accurate, but it made his fortune in selling his books.

The Barbarian

And tet comes up with yet another "climatologist" who predicted an ice age:

GILFOND-Henry. Age 94, died of a heart attack on January 31, 2002, in Southampton, N.Y. Born in Ekaterinoslav, Ukraine, on May 29, 1907, he emigrated with his family to England and then to the United States in 1917. He graduated from The College of the City of NY in 1927. Poet, playwright, scholar, and educator, he was a frequent contributor of poetry and short stories to literary magazines in the 1930s-including the ``Yale Harkness Hoot,'' ``Bonacker,'' and the little magazines. He edited ``The Dance Observer'' and ``New World Monthly,'' and did public relations for the African Council. His play ``Region of the Cross,'' was produced at Circle in the Square in NY, & ``The Wick and the Tallow'' was recorded by Folkways. He was a writer for radio and television-including Cavalcade of America, New World A'Coming, American Inventory, Shakespeare's Women, and Ellery Queen. He contributed to ``The NY Times Sunday Book Review,'' ``Diplomat'' magazine, Readers Digest books, and the ``Southampton Press.'' He was the author of more than 100 Plays for Reading and more than 50 nonfiction and educational books. His poetry was published in ``The Yale Literary Magazine,'' ``Commentary,'' ``The Centennial Review,'' ``The NY Times,'' ``The Sewanee Review,'' & ``Tiananmen Square Anthology'' (Australia), among others. A collection of his poetry, ``Journey Without End,'' was published in 1958. Active into his 95th year, his most recently published poem appears in the current issue of ``The Sewanee Review.'' His wife Edythe, costume designer for Martha Graham, Broadway, and television, died in 1989. He is survived by his son Michael and his daughter Pamela, three grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Following a private service, he was laid to rest in Good Ground Cemetery, Hampton Bays, NY on February 3, 2002. - See more at:

Are you beginning to see a trend here, tet? Whether by stupidity or design, this has crossed over from dishonesty to slapstick.


I found a video from the 80's about a coming Ice Age.

This video is titled: "Stopping the Coming Ice Age"

Stopping the Coming Ice Age

This video talks about the "greenhouse effect", but dismisses it by stating that burning of fossil fuels for decades has only made the earth cooler, and claims CO2 will cause an Ice Age.


http://;_yltsorry. I'm trying to post the "global land ocean temperature index from GISS to visually show what I was talking about in the following post: This image posting on TOL seems to be impossible from an iphone

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
And tet comes up with yet another "climatologist" who predicted an ice age:

I didn't say he was a climatologist.

No kidding. Not even a scientist, much less a climatologist. You were trying to show us that most climatologists thought the world was cooling off. This is the best you can do?

I said he wrote a science book for kids about the coming Ice Age

Yep. That's the best you can do. Isn't that a good clue for you?


How do you know it was carbon dioxide doing the warming and not an increase in solar insulation? While it is true that carbon dioxide absorbs infrared in that band,, is every increase in carbon dioxide absorbed at the same linear rate??? Isn't there diminishing returns in absorbed heat for every increase in carbon dioxide? Can we rule out the possibility that extra amounts of carbon dioxide after 280 ppm did not absorb an extra significant amount of infrared?, if takes a while for a kettle of water to boil if you increase the heat under it. If the solar insolation in the 20 the century was 4% higher on a daily basis than it was during g the 19 the century, wouldn't it take a while for the oceanic " kettle" to boil after that increase in solar insulation started and continued at that elevated rate? If so, that would explain the rise of the twentieth century of 1.5 °F. The pause or drop from 1940 to 1970, could be explained by aerosols. The pause after 1998 can be explained by the kettle analogy as well. The kettle finally reaches a point of equilibrium with a constant applied heat. The weak solar cycle 24 also helps explain the pause. My point is there is no reason to insist that carbon dioxide has been the culprit unless you can prove extra carbon dioxide always absorbs extra heat in a linear manner.


That's the best you can do.

Let's take a look at what Dr. John Holdren the senior advisor to President Barack Obama on science and technology said in the 1971:

Dr. John Holdren the climate scientist along with his colleague Dr. Paul Ehrilch contributed a chapter in the 1971 book "Global Ecology":

The following are two excerpts from the chapter:

"This number seems small until it is realized that a decrease of only 4°C would probably be sufficient to start another ice age."

"The effects of a new ice age on agriculture and the supportability of large human populations scarcely need elaboration here."

You can see a scan of the two pages where the above excerpts were taken from HERE


From 1971 by NASA scientist S.I. Rasool (a colleague of James Hansen)

“The world “could be as little as 50 or 60 years away from a disastrous new ice age, a leading atmospheric scientist predicts,”

“In the next 50 years” — or by 2021 — fossil-fuel dust injected by man into the atmosphere could screen out so much sunlight that the average temperature could drop by six degrees,

new glaciers that could eventually cover huge areas.”

“such a temperature decrease could be sufficient to trigger an ice age.