Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake


New member
Where in the Bible?
Genesis Deuteronomy, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Galatians, Philemon, 1 timothy and a bunch of other places.

Homosexuality is forbidden, thus by extrapolation so is same sex marriage. Thus baking a cake to celebrate it is a violation of the belief that homosexuality is a sin, you lack-wit.
the bible forbids dozens of things that modern Christians have no trouble with.

Even if their a jerk to the staff and/or customers?
If you are a business denying someone goods/services because they are a member of a minority then you are the one being the jerk.

Yes you are. I simply changed the people who were the subject of your post and nothing else. It is what you posted, verbatim. You are a complete bigot. Especially as you have singled out one group of people to discriminate against.
No a bigot would try to associate a minority with murder, child molestation, adultery and rape

Ask Quincy about the fluidity of orientation.



So, the answer is no, you cannot prove otherwise

It wasn't meant to. It was sarcasm.

But if you can't figure out the point of my retort, then you are completely lost in your liberal delusion.
"Sarcasm: the last defense of the truly witless" - John G. Pollard

You're the one who made the assumption. The onus is on you.
I didn't assume anything

as·sume verb
1.suppose to be the case, without proof.
2. take or begin to have (power or responsibility).


the wrong thing to do in my case would have been to imprison my wife and make her pay for something the Lord brought her to repentance of. Matthew 6:15

Being civil government no longer considers adultery a crime (like homosexuality and abortion; thank liberals and Libertarians like jerm for that), how would you go about "imprisoning" her?

Of course under the law it was my 'right' to have her imprisoned, and people all hung up and the law and don't know how to act are thinking they have to do what the law says is their right to do.

I can see the newspaper headlines now: "Man holds wife he suspects of adultery hostage in basement for 2 years, saying that it was his "right to imprison her".

I beleive ACW to be one of these types of people, I don't beleive he could take the high road if he was surrounded by a cannon and it was the only way out, Matthew 7:14

(Pagans just love taking Holy Scripture out of context).

So for them we have 'rights' and 'laws' because without them they don't know how to act with any dignity, Romans 7:7.

(Refer to my last quote).

Paul preached on that problem extensively in his letters which I'm sure ACW relates to, Romans 7:15.

(Refer to my last post).

where he takes it too far is because he is like this he thinks everyone else needs to be under the law too.

If everyone isn't under the law of God or laws of righteous civil legislation jerm, what would that leave us with?

(I'll give you a hint jerm, it starts with the letter "a" is followed by the letters "n-a-r-c-h" and finishes with the letter "y").

Even these passages I give thee I do not have to follow legalistically, these things just happen naturally and easily Matthew 11:30 for those whom seek His Kingdom Luke 12:31.

One of the scariest things on earth is Holy Scripture in the hands of a pagan who thinks he knows how to rightfully interpret it.

Jose Fly

New member
And in many of the cases, those business were not refusing service based on the couple's sexual orientation but based on their own deeply held religious convictions. The Christian baker in Denver CO does not refuse to bake birthday cakes for people he may suspect are gay, he simply finds so called gay weddings to be morally objectionable events and did not want to lend his talents toward that event.
Two couples walk into the an opposite-sex couple and the other a same-sex couple. Both request a cake for their wedding. The baker makes one for the opposite sex couple but refuses the same-sex couple.

The only reason one couple was served and the other wasn't is because of their sexual orientation. That's illegal. I realize you fundamentalists don't like that, but I care as much about that as I do the Christian baker who refuses to bake wedding cakes for interracial couples.

Right, and laws in this country have been proven to be both unjust and unconstitutional in the past.
We are trending away from discrimination, not towards it as you would have it.

They should be able to refuse to lend their talent toward religious observances they find objectionable.
And would you extend that courtesy to every single religious belief out there? Christians who believe their god wants the races kept separate doesn't have to serve non-whites? Christians who believe in Christian Identity don't have to serve Jews? Muslims don't have to serve infidels?

And do we extend this to every private business? Banks can refuse home loans for all the above reasons? Landlords can refuse to rent for all the above reasons? Bus drivers can refuse transportation for all the above reasons?

IOW, you want a society where anyone can discriminate against anyone else, so long as they claim "religious beliefs".

Not only that, do we also allow this in public accommodations? Can gov't officials also discriminate against anyone they want?

Should a Jewish baker be forced to make a bacon loving Baptist a BLT or close up shop because there are Baptists in the area and they want thier bacon?
Are "people who like bacon" a protected class?

Does a Muslim bakery have the obligation to make a "Mohammad was a moron" cake because there are pro-Israel Jews in the neighborhood and they think the so call prophet was a nut job?
Are "people who think Mohammed was a moron" a protected class?

Does a Jehovah's witness T-shirt designer have the obligation to print "Jesus is God" t-shirts or fold up shop because they live in an area where evangelical Christians like to wear t-shirts?
Probably so.

The civil penalties that bible believing Christians are facing for refusing to pay homage to the homosexual agenda are illustrative of the stranglehold the far left has on our country's judiciary and these video's illustrate the abject hypocrisy of it all.
I'm sure you see it that way, but society is trending the opposite direction. Some day, I'm pretty sure you guys will be looked back on the same way we look back on Christian white supremacists of the early-mid 1900's.

The legal principles are based on faulty comparisons. You keep appealing to law as if the law determines what is right and wrong.
That's what laws do in societies.

I realize that the legal principle is that race and sexual orientation should both be treated as a protected class. This "legal principle" is not yet recognized at the federal level and only a few states see sexual orientation as a protected class so your "but its the law" argument is a bit hasty yet.
Guess which way it's trending? Not the way you want.

Jose, you don't get to say you haven't been warned.

It may be all well and good when the freedoms that are being curtailed are the ones you'd rather see curtailed anyway but when they start curtailing your freedom, you will get what is coming to you.
Christian racists make the exact same arguments. Why should you be granted legal protection, but not them?


New member
Two couples walk into the an opposite-sex couple and the other a same-sex couple. Both request a cake for their wedding. The baker makes one for the opposite sex couple but refuses the same-sex couple.

The only reason one couple was served and the other wasn't is because of their sexual orientation.
That is a lie.

The baker said he would sell the two homosexual perverts any other type of cake or baked good that he made, but drew the line at making a wedding cake for their pretend wedding.

So, it obviously had nothing to do with their "sexual orientation" but had everything to do with the baker's beliefs about wedding cakes.

Jose Fly

New member
That is a lie.

The baker said he would sell the two homosexual perverts any other type of cake or baked good that he made, but drew the line at making a wedding cake for their pretend wedding.

So, it obviously had nothing to do with their "sexual orientation" but had everything to do with the baker's beliefs about wedding cakes.
That's such a fundamentally stupid argument, its main purpose has to be to demonstrate the absurdity of the arguments fundamentalists bring to courts, which is why you guys keep losing.

Couple A: Same-sex

Couple B: Opposite-sex

The baker would bake a wedding cake for A, but not B. The only difference between the couples? Their sexual orientation. That's illegal.

The best you guys can do is attempt to reverse the current trend and take our society towards increased discrimination. And I seriously doubt you'll ever do that.

Jose Fly

New member
So basically the fundamentalist Christians are asking for an exemption from anti-discrimination laws. They want to be able to discriminate against a protected class (gays) and not be subject to any penalty.

Do the fundamentalists want that exemption just for themselves, or would they be willing to allow it for any type of religious belief?


New member
The legal principles would be exactly the same if there were today a symbol representing loving disapproval of LGBTQ-marriage, such as the Christian Cross in times past, and LGBTQ bakers were forced by law to create this symbol even if they feel it militates against them and their behaviors and lifestyle. Do you support the right of the LGBTQ baker to deny service to customers who make such a request ?

I do.

If a customer desires a baker to craft a cake with a symbol repugnant to the baker's religious sensibilities, then there oughtn't be any law to force that baker to oblige that customer.

Jose Fly

New member
Your anti-discrimination laws are DEMANDING an exemption to the baker's first amendment rights.
Would you agree the same rationale applies to the Christian baker who believes the Bible teaches separation of the races, yet is forced to serve interracial couples?


New member
Would you agree the same rationale applies to the Christian baker who believes the Bible teaches separation of the races, yet is forced to serve interracial couples?

It appears that your claim is that people are born with dark skin because they are sexual perverts.

You are a bigot.

Jose Fly

New member
I think one of the problems here is the fundamentalists want to have an exemption only for cases like this. But what they fail to understand is that as soon as you grant a religious exemption from anti-discrimination laws to one group, every other religious group is going to demand the same thing.

Jose Fly

New member
It appears that your claim is that people are born with dark skin because they are sexual perverts.

You are a bigot.
???????????? You're not even coming close to making sense.

Again: Would you agree the same rationale applies to the Christian baker who believes the Bible teaches separation of the races, yet is forced to serve interracial couples?

If "Yes" then say so. If "No", the explain why your religious beliefs should be granted an exemption, but other people's shouldn't.


New member
I think one of the problems here is the fundamentalists want to have an exemption only for cases like this. But what they fail to understand is that as soon as you grant a religious exemption from anti-discrimination laws to one group, every other religious group is going to demand the same thing.


You have finally realized why the right to practice your religion was put into the Constitution and the choice to practice your sexual perversions was not.


New member
That's such a fundamentally stupid argument, its main purpose has to be to demonstrate the absurdity of the arguments fundamentalists bring to courts, which is why you guys keep losing.

Couple A: Same-sex

Couple B: Opposite-sex

Couple A: want a cake for Holy Matrimony

Couple B: want a cake for a Satanic Mass


New member
Couple A: want a cake for Holy Matrimony

Couple B: want a cake for a Satanic Mass

They wanted a wedding cake. That's all. A wedding cake that would have been supplied to a heterosexual couple. I'm sure they would have baked a cake as a prop for a movie, so it is not as if they required the wedding to be a 'real' one before they would all.


New member
the same thing he has in store for people who eat shrimp and people who have tattoos

Please provide the verses that state the penalty for eating shrimp or getting a tattoo.

I will provide the verse that state the penalty for homosexual sex.

Leviticus 20:13
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.​
