Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake

Jose Fly

New member
I am making sense.
Every one of your arguments boils down to your eqating one person's skin color with another person's sexual perversions.

That makes you a racist bigot.

This is why your side keeps losing in court. No one is equating race with sexual orientation. Instead, it's the legal principles that are equivalent (discrimination due to religious beliefs). Until you're able to grasp that simple concept, this discussion will always be beyond you.

You have finally realized why the right to practice your religion was put into the Constitution
Is the right to practice religion universal and absolute? Can a Satanist legally murder a child in a religious ceremony?

and the choice to practice your sexual perversions was not.
Why do you keep trying to say I'm gay?

They wanted a centerpiece for a satanic ritual.
Thank you for demonstrating my point. Your side is completely unable to muster a sound legal argument, and instead has to say stupid things like that.

Jose Fly

New member
You constantly resort to equating a person's skin color with sexual perversions.
Well then, I guess the fact that it's the legal principles that are the same, not the people being discriminated against, is just too much for you to comprehend. Oh well...

I mean, it's like if we have a case where a Christian racist shop owner refuses to serve blacks and a Muslim shop owner refuses to serve Christians. If I ague that the legal principle behind the two cases are the same (discriminating against a protected class because of religious beliefs), you would say "You're saying race and Christianity are the same thing!!" :rotfl:

Thank you for demonstrating my point.
You didn't answer the question: Is the right to practice one's religion absolute?

Your side is completely unable to muster a sound legal argument
Um....yeah. That must be why we keep winning in court. :rolleyes:


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Genesis Deuteronomy, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Galatians, Philemon, 1 timothy and a bunch of other places.
Can you actually back that assertion up? Give me the specifics of the passages in question.

the bible forbids dozens of things that modern Christians have no trouble with.
Such as?

If you are a business denying someone goods/services because they are a member of a minority then you are the one being the jerk.
I don't disagree. But if you are denying it because they are asking you to celebrate something you view as a deviant perversion and you deny that request then you are simply staying true to yourself.

No a bigot would try to associate a minority with murder, child molestation, adultery and rape
So God's a bigot because He equated homosexuality with other sexual deviancy and commanded the death penalty for it?

Just to clarify I do not agree with the defining of homosexuals as a minority. They come in all sorts.



There is a poster on TOL who gos by the name "Quincy." He is not a Christian and he does not agree with fundamentalists on the issue of homosexuality as per the deviant nature of such. He started a thread a while back wherein he discussed the fluidity of sexual orientation.

Not to mention the number of homosexuals who say they made a choice.

So, the answer is no, you cannot prove otherwise
See above.

"Sarcasm: the last defense of the truly witless" - John G. Pollard
Well, Pollard was clearly a fool.

I didn't assume anything

as·sume verb
1.suppose to be the case, without proof.
2. take or begin to have (power or responsibility).
Yes you did. You assumed homosexuality was as natural as those other things.

So basically the fundamentalist Christians are asking for an exemption from anti-discrimination laws. They want to be able to discriminate against a protected class (gays) and not be subject to any penalty.

Do the fundamentalists want that exemption just for themselves, or would they be willing to allow it for any type of religious belief?
Not just religious beliefs. No class, or race, or any group of people should be protected more than any other. And no one should receive special protection just because of what they happen to be. If someone actually causes them physical harm, for whatever reason, then there should be recourse. Otherwise no. And motive should not matter beyond showing that motive existed.

Jose Fly

New member
Not just religious beliefs. No class, or race, or any group of people should be protected more than any other. And no one should receive special protection just because of what they happen to be. If someone actually causes them physical harm, for whatever reason, then there should be recourse. Otherwise no. And motive should not matter beyond showing that motive existed.
If you want to do away with all civil rights and anti-discrimination laws, then that's a completely different argument.


New member
Can you actually back that assertion up? Give me the specifics of the passages in question.
go read up on it yourself, it's not that hard to find. jeez

Christmas trees, wedding rings, tattoos and pant suits. again go read for yourself

I don't disagree. But if you are denying it because they are asking you to celebrate something you view as a deviant perversion and you deny that request then you are simply staying true to yourself.
you just made my point

So God's a bigot because He equated homosexuality with other sexual deviancy and commanded the death penalty for it?

Just to clarify I do not agree with the defining of homosexuals as a minority. They come in all sorts.
denying that they are a minority is just dishonest


There is a poster on TOL who gos by the name "Quincy." He is not a Christian and he does not agree with fundamentalists on the issue of homosexuality as per the deviant nature of such. He started a thread a while back wherein he discussed the fluidity of sexual orientation.

Not to mention the number of homosexuals who say they made a choice.
there are tens of thousands who say they have been abducted by aliens and given anal probes on their UFO's. So i guess alien abductions are a real thing.

See above.

Well, Pollard was clearly a fool.
takes one to know one

Yes you did. You assumed homosexuality was as natural as those other things.
as·sume verb
1.suppose to be the case, without proof.

Not just religious beliefs. No class, or race, or any group of people should be protected more than any other. And no one should receive special protection just because of what they happen to be. [/QUOTE] This is what you are advocating however