Christian Kids in the Public School


New member
Look, once again, I am going to point out to you that the "LOSER" emoticon - :loser: - was a DIRECT RESPONSE TO, and quote of, a post one of your homeschoolers threw at me.

You need to read the garbage that has been thrown at me, then we can talk.

If you believe it is wrong to post a :loser: icon at someone why would you do it? Do two wrongs make a right? Mocking is not always bad if the mocking justified.
I have read the thread in its entirety, and found the most rude person in the thread to have been you. I have pointed it out to you, and will pray God will soften your heart towards your homeschooling Christian brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you think we have been tough on you, you are wrong. Most of us have a deep respect for you.


Proverbs 31:10
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If you believe it is wrong to post a :loser: icon at someone why would you do it? Do two wrongs make a right? Mocking is not always bad if the mocking justified.
I have read the thread in its entirety, and found the most rude person in the thread to have been you. I have pointed it out to you, and will pray God will soften your heart towards your homeschooling Christian brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you think we have been tough on you, you are wrong. Most of us have a deep respect for you.

Great post, PK! :thumb:


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PastorKevin said:
parsonjefferson said:
I do not, for a minute, disparage those who choose to home-school your kids.

PJ Disparaging:
parsonjefferson said:
Let me throw in a little :loser: for your home-schooled education

parsonjefferson said:
It is the HOME-SCHOOLERS here who are bragging incessantly about the superiority of home-schooling.

PJ bragging about his public schooled kids:
parsonjefferson said:
Tell ya what... Care to put 3 of your kids up - academically - against my 3 "public school educated" kids? I'm talking about my 3 kids that did NOT learn to roll joints and put on condoms in public school. You would find yourself, and your kids, terribly humiliated

parsonjefferson said:
Stop being so disrespectful of people who don't agree 100%.

PJ being disrespectful:
parsonjefferson said:
Let me give you a hint... You would find yourself, and your kids, terribly humiliated. Let me throw in a little :loser: for your home-schooled education!

parsonjefferson said:
However, I DO NOT appreciate this condescending, mocking, broad-brush criticism that comes from the Home-School Crowd.

Note the following quote said to a very young homeschooled lady who was not rude in any way to ParsonJefferson: I find it very condescending and mocking

parsonjefferson said:
If you want to do nothing but sit on your butt and criticize the Public School System, fine. But don't expect to be taken seriously, because talk is cheap and non-involved critics are a dime-a-dozen. Sorry...

Parson, you need to consider how your own attitudes have shaped the responses you have received from people. You are behaving quite hypocritically right now, and it is loving for me as a fellow believer to come alongside you and encourage you to stop.

Wow, talk about some blatent hypocrisy.


New member
Open your eyes. Read the post by the homeschoolers. "Sheltering" happens when a kid sits in a square white room all day, not when they get to go out into real life and learn while living. So yes, the socialization issue is a talking point that has no merit.

Um.. can you read? Did you even try? Are you sure you're not replying to some imaginary idea of what liberals think? 'Cause I quite clearly said pretty much what you just did.. that not all homeschool kids will be sheltered, it depends entirely on the way in which the parents of said kids handle it..


New member
What form of Christianity did they teach? Just curious. What things did you learn about Christianity and the Bible in your public school?

That the bible was the word of god. They used to make me read it in the library when I refused to sing christian hymns and pray in assembly. :chuckle:


New member
That the bible was the word of god. They used to make me read it in the library when I refused to sing christian hymns and pray in assembly. :chuckle:

Were you taught that God created the world in 6 literal days and that Jesus Christ is the only way to a relationship with God? (Just trying to get a better feel for what they taught you).

Kids in America don't get even a hint of Bible teaching in the public schools, so I am kind of curious what they are doing in the UK.



New member
Were you taught that God created the world in 6 literal days and that Jesus Christ is the only way to a relationship with God? (Just trying to get a better feel for what they taught you).

In primary school, yes. I went to a secular secondary school (age 12-18)and we were taught that that was what christians believed (along with what muslims believe, what buddhists believe, etc) in RE but without judgement/indoctrination (ie - it wasn't taught as fact or fiction).

Kids in America don't get even a hint of Bible teaching in the public schools, so I am kind of curious what they are doing in the UK.


I don't know what they're doing now, I took science a-levels, plus have been out of school 3 years.


New member
Better as in nicer, good character, more empathetic, more caring, more understanding with other people.

This is probably true, but home school is not the impetus behind this.

Home Schooling Demographics

Home school parents in the study had more formal education than parents in the general population; 88% continued their education beyond high school compared to 50% for the nation as a whole.

Many home school parents were formally trained as teachers. Almost one-fourth of home school students (24%) have at least one parent who is a certified teacher.

The median income for home school families ($52,000) was significantly higher than that of all families with children ($36,000) in the United States.

Almost all home school students (98%) were in married couple families. Most home school mothers (77%)did not participate in the labor force; almost all home school fathers (98%) did work.

Home school students watched much less television than students nationwide; 65% of home school students watch one hour or less per day compared to 25% nationally.

The distribution of home school students by grade in grades 1-6 was consistent with that of all school children. Proportionally fewer home school students were enrolled at the high school level.


To think that education is the only difference between home schoolers and public schoolers is erroneous. Home schoolers may be 'better' in your regards and they test better, but I feel like demographical differences are the cause behind thiss, and home schooling is an indication of that demographic difference.


If you believe it is wrong to post a :loser: icon at someone why would you do it? Do two wrongs make a right? Mocking is not always bad if the mocking justified.
I have read the thread in its entirety, and found the most rude person in the thread to have been you. I have pointed it out to you, and will pray God will soften your heart towards your homeschooling Christian brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you think we have been tough on you, you are wrong. Most of us have a deep respect for you.

...and I will pray that the homeschoolers here will stop being so judgmental and vicious towards those who choose to be involved in Public Schools.


Proverbs 31:10
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...and I will pray that the homeschoolers here will stop being so judgmental and vicious towards those who choose to be involved in Public Schools.
I know that two wrongs don't make a right, ParsonJefferson. But, homeschoolers have been facing judgementalism and visciousness from public school teachers, college professors, and (Yes. Believe it or not!) parents who put their kids in public schools for years, even decades! :gasp: The shock! The horror!

I haven't seen anyone attack you, outright, until after you kept accusing them of doing so when they would attack public school. Just because we attack the method you chose, as a parent, to use to educate your children doesn't mean that we're attacking you. We believe that public schools are nothing more than cesspools. That says absolutely nothing about you.


New member
...and I will pray that the homeschoolers here will stop being so judgmental and vicious towards those who choose to be involved in Public Schools.

Can you tell me how Shadowmaid was judgmental and vicious to you when you popped off at her? She is a young lady, barely older than a child, and a grown man should not pop off unprovoked to a young Christian lady in such a manner. No excuse for it. None. Zero. Understand? She was only attempting to discuss the issue with you.


New member

THIS was your first post in this thread. It was completely unprovoked and in it contains many things that would upset or anger a lot of homeschoolers. Again. You need to consider how your own attitude towards this subject has contributed to the responses you have received, and quit acting like an innocent victim. From the beginning you have been condescending and rude about homeschooling, and it doesn't take long to go back and pull up many examples of this.


New member
Can you tell me how Shadowmaid was judgmental and vicious to you when you popped off at her? She is a young lady, barely older than a child, and a grown man should not pop off unprovoked to a young Christian lady in such a manner. No excuse for it. None. Zero. Understand? She was only attempting to discuss the issue with you.

But it's ok to abuse the heathen young ladies among us? :squint:

Don't mean to be rude, but I don't recall anyone ever telling people to stop being rude to little old me. Can't say I'd want them to, particularly, I can hold my own, but why isn't the same true of shadowmaid? She doesn't seem childish or stupid to me, remotely, I don't see how/why she needs people sticking up for her because of her age.


New member
parsonjefferson said:
By the way, I have extended FAMILY who home-schooled their kids. And the kids are weirdos.

I think this is at the heart of PJ's derision towards homeschoolers. Maybe he will elaborate more for us, so we can understand why his preconceived notion against homeschooling is so negative.


TOL Subscriber
Tell ya what... Care to put 3 of your kids up - academically - against my 3 "public school educated" kids? I'm talking about my 3 kids that did NOT learn to roll joints and put on condoms in public school.

Let me give you a hint... You would find yourself, and your kids, terribly humiliated. Let me throw in a little :loser: for your home-schooled education!

That is easy to say but much harder if not almost impossible to carry out and no my children would not be humiliated. I am tempted to put one of my homeschooled kids up against your 3 kids. Unworkable bragging though.:juggle: