cheap salvation

Ben Masada

New member
Well, you're Jewish so we'll probably not have a meeting of the minds?
However, I totally respect the Jewish people and don't argue with them,
out of that respect.

However, it seems to me that in spite of all your respects for the Jewish People, you are trying to prevent my contribution in the TOL forum. Where is the problem, with me or with you?


New member
Of course, you mean those who follow the gospel of Paul. I prefer to follow the gospel of Jesus as I have done it from birth.

You can't.

Where is the Temple in Jerusalem?

Who is the High Priest?

When was the last time you tithed: The Levitical, or sacred tithe (Num. 18: 21, 24); The tithe of the feasts (Deut. 14:22-27); The tithe for the poor (Deut. 14:28, 29)?

Last year, did you go to the Temple, three times? What are your plans for this year? (Deut. 16:16)

When was the last time you made the Five Levitical offerings?

There are others, however, these are the ones that come to mind.


So stop it right there. You add your own opinion to Jesus' salvation. That's what makes simple salvation complicated meaninglessly.

You are playing game.
Each of us are to obey Jesus. This is for believers and unbelievers. I don't understand what is difficult to you about that.

Ben Masada

New member
Read the context of the following verse. The words of the first verse here are the words of Peter.

Acts 10:42 NASB - 42 "And He ordered us to preach to the people, and solemnly to testify that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead.

Acts 17:31 NASB - 31 because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead."

No, the words are the words of Luke the Hellenist who wrote the book of Acts. Peter, as a Jew, never wrote and never dictate a word to any scribe. He was a loyal Jew and not a Hellenist Jew. For instance, he would never charge the Jews of having crucified as the author accuses them of in Acts 2:36. Peter knew that the Romans had killed Jesus and not the Jews.


No, the words are the words of Luke the Hellenist who wrote the book of Acts. Peter, as a Jew, never wrote and never dictate a word to any scribe. He was a loyal Jew and not a Hellenist Jew. For instance, he would never charge the Jews of having crucified as the author accuses them of in Acts 2:36. Peter knew that the Romans had killed Jesus and not the Jews.
Luke wrote Acts, but the first verse of the chapter of the first verse I have mentioned here, the context, attributes these words to Peter.

Ben Masada

New member
If it were possible that we by our works or obedience could be saved then God would not have sent His Son to the cross.

You cain't be saved until you admit your disobedience [sin] if you claim obedience you are saying you have not sinned, making God a liar.

I can guarantee to you that it is from our obedience to the Law of Yahweh that we can achieve salvation or keep ourselves free of all troubles. Test me and I will give you the Logic of what I mean. Spiritual Logic. True that I don't live a perfect life as no man that has been born of this world does if you read Eccles. 7:20. But the Lord has granted us with allowances in the case of our defaults. In case of a fail, one of the allowances is the chance to get things right with the Lord so that our sins, from scarlet red may become as white as snow if we take the chance to repent and reconcile ourselves so with the Lord through the return to the obedience of God's Law. Hence, Jesus said that to achieve salvation, we must listen to "Moses" aka to the Law" if you believe in the words of Jesus. (Luke 16:29-31)

Ben Masada

New member
I don't take your opinion seriously because you don't accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

good day.

Good day to you too Madam but, first and foremost, I can't serve two masters aka two Lords. Jesus was a Jew and he also as a Jew said that a Jew can't serve two masters. (Mat. 6:24) As you can see, I respect what he said; you don't. Now as the savior is concern, Isaiah said the Lord Almighty, our Redeemer is our only Savior. (Isaiah 43:3)

Ben Masada

New member
Luke wrote Acts, but the first verse of the chapter of the first verse I have mentioned here, the context, attributes these words to Peter.

The Hellenist who wrote the book of Acts and attributed it to Peter with the intent to achieve apostolic credibility but, none of the Apostles wrote any thing of the gospel of Paul. Please, don't expect me to change my mind which has served me only good all my life, and all for the glory of the Most High.


The Hellenist who wrote the book of Acts with the intent to achieve apostolic credibility but, none of the Apostles never wrote any thing of the gospel of Paul. Please, don't expect me to change my mind which has served me only good all my life, and all for the glory of the Most High.
Luke was not an apostle as far as I know and I don't believe he was trying to be an apostle either. Is that what you mean?

Ben Masada

New member
1 - You can't.

2 - Where is the Temple in Jerusalem?

Who is the High Priest?

When was the last time you tithed: The Levitical, or sacred tithe (Num. 18: 21, 24); The tithe of the feasts (Deut. 14:22-27); The tithe for the poor (Deut. 14:28, 29)?

Last year, did you go to the Temple, three times? What are your plans for this year? (Deut. 16:16)

When was the last time you made the Five Levitical offerings?

There are others, however, these are the ones that come to mind.

1 - You're right, I can't because no human can do only good and never sin. (Eccles. 7:20) But I have told you already why no body can. But for the defaults, the Lord in His grace has shown us ways to amend the short-falls.

2 - It has been destroyed but it has not destroyed our relationship with the Lord. Then, the sacrifices were limited to the existence of the Temple and permitted only on a temporal basis. Anyway, they were never commanded by Yahweh, that the sacrifices became known as a commandment by the Lord Himself. (Jeremiah 7:22) After this understanding of life in Judaism without the sacrifices, the non-existence of the Temple bothers us no more.

Ben Masada

New member
Luke was not an apostle as far as I know and I don't believe he was trying to be an apostle either. Is that what you mean?

No sir, but to tell you in a more clear way, you are right to say that Luke was not one of the Apostles of Jesus and, in fact, he never saw Jesus. He was a daily follower of Paul whom he himself never even saw Jesus.
When Paul was born, Jesus had been gone for about 15 years already.


If you truly grateful to Jesus and what He has done, stop spreading cheap gospel by saying, 'I, meshak, must work because without my, meshak's work, Jesus cannot save meshak.'

You are twiding my word and putting into my mouth.

I am only emphasizing to be being faithful to Jesus is the core of salvation, which many churches changing into cheap salvation by adding "your works cannot save you" doctrine.

You don't even realize how absurd that is since Jesus is Lord and He says to be faithful to Him until the end. It is not about me, It is about His word.

He sure approves of His followers striving to be faithful to Him.


To obey Jesus is to acknowledge Him as Lord. Do you believe Jesus is Lord and do you obey Him?

You are going in circle. We have already been there many times. I don't have that much patience, repeating the same thing over and over with the same people.

good day.


No sir, but to tell you in a more clear way, you are right to say that Luke was not one of the Apostles of Jesus and, in fact, he never saw Jesus. He was a daily follower of Paul whom he himself never even saw Jesus.
When Paul was born, Jesus had been gone for about 15 years already.
I don't know about what you are saying, not believing it to be correct. As for Luke he was a physician, as Paul wrote about here.

Colossians 4:14 NASB - 14 Luke, the beloved physician, sends you his greetings, and also Demas.

Luke wrote the gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles (Acts).