Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


New member
Why did you reverse the order " IN Greek it is heteros sarx ? When you compare Jude to the actual event you see the men of Sodom saying"send the men out to us so we can have sex with them" !

The men of Sodom lusted after the two men (angels) who Lot had brought into his home.

Deu 23:17
There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.


Well-known member
Yes or no - are there people whose way of living you disapprove of?
Since that member cannot reply, I'll do my best to find an answer for you.
Yes..... there are many many people whose way-of-living I dissapprove of. I'll pick one, if that's OK......
Murder for money. Judah BarSimon had to have previously been a hired blade. That's how he got his nickname, which I'm never going to find out unless [MENTION=16948]kiwimacahau[/MENTION] knows (Eastern) Aramaic as well as he translates Greek. :)
Anyway, for Roman readers this nickname was translated into a Latin word with the same meaning..... Sicario. The Sicarii popped up ion the 60's along with the Zealots and these names were used for disciple Simon and Judah. Threre are no folks called Judas in the OT but many called Judah. If you say 'Judah Sicario' ten times quickly, you've got the murderous little traitor smack on........ Judas Iscariot.
Nasty people, blood-for-money killers.

You? Got any lifestyles you abhor? I've got hundreds!


Well-known member
Deu 23:17
There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.

Around here the locals have a blob of Belgae, mixed with a blob of Saxon, plus a dash of Dane, all mashed heavily into Norman.......... so our lot are clear of those commands. :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
You? Got any lifestyles you abhor? I've got hundreds!

Eh, I do ... adulterers, domestic abusers and predatory adults who prey on children and teenagers. Those topics are rarely discussed.
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Eh, I do ... adulterers, domestic abusers and predatory adults who prey on children and teenagers. Those topics are rarely discussed.

Good choices!

Robbers! Until a person has suffered the violence, or stared down the barrel of a shaking hoodie's gun, their bowels releasing in terror, trauma for ever, the true horror of robbery cannot really be known.... imo.

Oh.... rapists, of men as well as women.
..thelist is endless.......

....leave some for Glassjester! :)


Well-known member
Why do you think that should remain illegal?

Remember, "because it's illegal" does not explain why it should be illegal.

You're being naughty, imo.

You know that I am an outright supporter of and for equality for all. and therefore I personally would not support the idea that brothers could marry brothers whilst brothers could not marry sisters.

Glassjester, you're hanging your hat on a weak hook there! :chuckle: But it does show how tenuous the argument against ssm, when critics need to search into such corners in hopes of finding some wonderful argument against ssm

You can't win legally.
You can't win theologically.
You can't win philosophically.
You can't win logically.

Why not embrace the love connected with ssm?

Heh! I asked you for your reasons why folks marry.
Got yer list ready?


Well-known member
Equality of opportunity ....................

So you believe a brother should not be allowed to marry a brother, because a brother cannot marry a sister?
That makes no sense.

Why should the legal status of the one affect the other?

What if two brothers are consenting adults, love each other, and want to be married? On what basis would you deny those two particular people the right to marry?

Where's your 'reasons to marry' list?

One thing at a time, please.


New member
You can't win legally.

Men making laws to legalize sin does not make it OK with God.

You can't win theologically.

Theologically SSM is abomination even if some in churches and denominations that are corrupted give their seal of approval they do not trump God.

You can't win philosophically.

SSM folks cannot reproduce your argument fails.

You can't win logically.

Exactly whose logic YOURS ? What logic makes it OK to disobey God ?

Why not embrace the love connected with ssm?

You do understand that many are being drawn into a life style that will land them in eternal hell ?
Heh! I asked you for your reasons why folks marry.

I know why SSM folks marry it is to rebel against and sin against God.


Well-known member
So you believe a brother should not be allowed to marry a brother, because a brother cannot marry a sister?
That makes no sense.

Why should the legal status of the one affect the other?

What if two brothers are consenting adults, love each other, and want to be married? On what basis would you deny those two particular people the right to marry?
Looks like you don't know much about equality Glassjester.
But then a lot of Christians don't know much about equality. Why, I know of denominations where women are not allowed to speak in service, or to hold office. I've even heard that some Churches still require women to promise to obey their future husbands.
Of course you wouldn't understand why legal status of a brother would affect legal status of a sister, or vice versa.
In the UK we have 'level' marriages; we even have female priests and bishops..... No, I was silly to expect that you would understand why a male should only have the same rights as a female.
Sorry about that.

One thing at a time, please.
You can only handle one thing at a time? How do you manage in a class full of pupils?
I just don't think that you've ever really thought about the varying reasons why people marry, Glassjester.
It must have left you in a bit of a vacuum, that question.


Well-known member
Lon...... your last few posts have reminded me of a man who tramps around Canterbury, raging about everybody, their sin, their mammon, their ignorance of the Lord, and as he wanders into the distance, flinging his arms aboput and raging all the more..... I feel such sorrow for him.

All your insults, Lon...... Maybe I am a mirror, reflecting yourself back to you?
Er, no. Look from about page 18, 19. (whole thread really). You 'assert' over others you are right.
No, no as a matter of fact, you are wrong and the Lord listens to my prayers. It is one of the scriptural marks of being near to Him.
You are the one who goes against Him, doesn't know Him that well. And that's a fact. There is no 'pride' in saying rather: Know the Lord!
You don't, not nearly as well as fully knowing His scriptures would allow, and you are remiss in your relationship and studies with Him.

Another Saturday night rant!
None of it sinks in, however. You will go on along your own audacious self and simply 'think' I'm the one that is. :nono: Start reading yourself. I reread myself and pray a lot, that I've been clear, not overt, but not lacking forcefulness either. A walk with God matters. Your walk is arrogant yet not nearly as close or informed for that arrogance. It is arrogance in fluff and ignorance.
Look, Lon....... it's OK.
You're a very Holy person.
I get that.
You're cleverer, know more, of higher IQ, and more certain of Heaven...... than me.

Now...... relax. :)
You were bashing others in thread. Yeah, you have no 'reason' for thinking that you are better than others.
We'll see if you shove your trash further from here. You've been wrong about everything else.

I'm reasonably intelligent, reasonably well-educated. More importantly to me, are the years I've walked with the Savior and know His Word.
The point was, you assert one idea. You know the Apostle Paul's stance. It is even the Lord Jesus Christ's stance (one and the same). -Lon


Well-known member
2 Corinthians 6 doesn't mention marriage, specifically.
BUT it makes it clear it entails marriage as well. "...what fellowship has light with darkness?"
"Yoked" is very much about a union. The Lord Jesus Christ went so far as to say that father against sons in His kingdom.

There is no possible way to say it isn't also about marriage. It certainly is. -Lon


Well-known member
There is no place for hatred in a true Christian
JAMES 5:9 HEBREWS 3:8-15)

But Jesus had so much to say about love that there was no room to mention hatred .......
JOHN 15:9 1 JOHN 3:18 1 CORINTHIANS 14:1 1 TIMOTHY 6:11
2 TIMOTHY 2:22 1 PETER 4:8 ROMANS 12:9 1 CORINTHIANS 16:14
HEBREWS 10:24 1 JOHN 4:7-11 MATTHEW 5:43-44 LUKE 6:27-35)
MATTHEW 19:19 MATTHEW 22:39 MARK 12:31 LUKE 10:27

A Christian filled with hate......... is not a Christian

1 John 4:8 Yet Psalm 139:22 So, hate is fine, but 'what' you hate is important. I hate sin. You?

I had originally thought you'd produce verses such as 1 John 4:8 Was it because it said "brother" that you didn't? :think:


Well-known member
Why did you reverse the order " IN Greek it is heteros sarx ? When you compare Jude to the actual event you see the men of Sodom saying"send the men out to us so we can have sex with them" !

The men of Sodom lusted after the two men (angels) who Lot had brought into his home.
Angels are not men. Further the Jews are quite clear that it was inhospitality which destroyed Sodom et al which is why Jesus linked people being inhospitable to the seventy with judgement like Sodom's.

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Well-known member
Why did you reverse the order " IN Greek it is heteros sarx ? When you compare Jude to the actual event you see the men of Sodom saying"send the men out to us so we can have sex with them" !

The men of Sodom lusted after the two men (angels) who Lot had brought into his home.
Actually. Jude 7
ως σοδομα και γομορρα και αι περι αυτας πολεις τον ομοιον τροπον τουτοις εκπορνευσασαι και απελθουσαι οπισω σαρκος ετερας προκεινται δειγμα πυρος αιωνιου δικην υπεχουσαι

"sarkos heteras"

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Well-known member
Actually. Jude 7
ως σοδομα και γομορρα και αι περι αυτας πολεις τον ομοιον τροπον τουτοις εκπορνευσασαι και απελθουσαι οπισω σαρκος ετερας προκεινται δειγμα πυρος αιωνιου δικην υπεχουσαι

"sarkos heteras"

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Dang, doesn't do Greek.

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