That is reiteration of God's Law. God COMMANDS all humanity to repent and place their faith in Him.
Failure to do so is universal . . . no man has the heart or will to believe God and repent of their sins, according to the Law. Romans 3:9-20
This is the first part of the Gospel message. All men are sinners and all fall short of the glory of God.
Only those who are regenerated by the grace and power of God, and gifted with faith and repentance, will manifest these fruits of obedience in their new lives.
There are multitudes sitting in churches who have never been born again by the Spirit of God, and who continue in their sins; hiding them in gross hypocrisy. Many, many counterfeit Christians who talk the talk and fake the walk.
God knows who are His, and all of them will prove to truly believe in Jesus Christ unto everlasting life. John 3:16