Both "combatants" are arguing from a mistaken premise.
The church long mistakenly has supposed that the same person or persons must
continue suffering in Hell eternally, in order for Hell to
continue existing eternally. Not so.
Recall that God's gathering of those who are saved unto Himself at the end of the age is likened unto a "wedding banquet," with Christ as the Bridegroom and the Church as His bride. Continue the analogy. After the wedding banquet, comes "consummation" of the marriage, and the result of that consummation is and shall be production of new life: the beginning of a new age of life, in a new "garden" in the midst of that "paradise" on earth into which the "bride" and "wedding guests" shall have been reborn in new bodies. Not until beyond those events shall souls, who continue faithful among those thus reborn, be further raised up as pure spirit with God in Heaven -- leaving the newly created souls of the new age to continue on upon the new earth. Among those new souls of that new age on that renewed earth, the old earth shall no longer be remembered.
Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. Isaiah 65:17
There were ages before this age, and there shall be ages beyond this age.
Each age of souls is like a separate class-year of students in a school. Some among us souls newly born within this age will progress and be drawn into a higher "grade" or "classroom" nearer to God at the end of this age; the more rebellious among us will be put down into Hell at the end of this age. Some students progress and advance; others regress and are put back.
When Satan briefly is released from Hell at the end of
this age (Rev. 20:7), so also shall other souls imprisoned in Hell since
prior ages, and briefly those preexisting souls shall have opportunity to repent and be drawn nearer to God. Likewise, at the end of the next age to come, those souls who shall have been put down into Hell at the end of this present age shall briefly be given a corresponding opportunity to repent and be drawn back nearer to God.
God is eternally loving and eternally patient; God equips those in Heaven to minister even to those in Hell; and the gates of Hell cannot bar or otherwise prevent Christ's and the Church Triumphant's ministry to souls in Hell (Matthew 16:18). Eventually -- I assert this as a matter of faith in God's love, rather than in denial of our free will -- all souls who are put down into Hell at the end of this present age shall be drawn back to God, but
other souls from
subsequent ages will still be there, because: God's creation of new life continues eternally, and among the new souls of each new age there inevitably will be some whose rebellion warrants their suffering the consequences of their sins in Hell, until eventually they at last repent and turn back to God. Hell is indeed eternal, but no one soul's presence there need also be eternal.
Thus saith the Lord!
Stephen Z. Surridge