You ignore the other values that make up God. His jealousy, His wrath, His vengence. These are also part of God that cannot deny.
As for me, I have the Gospel of Christ. The Gospel that teaches there is an eternal hell whether I agree with it or not. The Gospel that teaches God has a plan to save you from that eternal fate. The Gospel of the Christ that assures me that when God pours out His wrath (read Revelations if you doubt God is wrathful and vengeful) I wil be covered by Christs blood.
It is the universalist that focuses on hell, not the believer of eternal torment. You cannot witness without talking the fear of God out of your message. We can witness that God has so much more for you in His kingdom, that God's love is about far more than avaoiding hell. Of course, we are not afraid to show people that their choices do have a consequence. Eternal hell may open their ears to what the Bible has to say. It did mine. And the moment it did, hell lost all its threat. I fear it no more.
I dont ignore the passages that speak of God's wrath, I dont deny there would be punishmen and accountability - but I do
not believe that they override God's main characteristic which is
love, God is love, the punishment will have a means to an end for this to be true, love does not torment with no purpose - no hope - no end to meaningless and unuterrable despair, if that were the case then god would not be love but
anger, there is no reason to ET, it accomplishes absolutely nothing...
i have read revelation - and despite being almost impossible to understand most of it - the wrath is poured out in all sorts of metaphors upon the earth, not in an endless hell or fiery lake unless you somehow believe all that to be literal and still ignore the original texts that dont even
have eternal as the original translations....
You believe in orthodox teaching of hell which even the ascribers to it have no end of difficulty in agreeing to what the conditions are, for something so important its shrouded in confusion,
If the believer in eternal torment doesnt focus on hell primarily then I'm surprised quite frankly, it would surely be the one main reason for preaching the message wouldnt it? Its all very well to talk about the benefits of God's kingdom but that fades into insignificance in comparison to eternal intolerable suffering.....which is sad because if you realised just how counter productive and alienating the doctrine actually is you may very well reach many many more people, noone can comprehend eternity in any form and not many would find it 'good news' that a God exists and that he's going to fry most of his creation, like i said in my earlier post, people have loved ones,families,wives/husbands/sposes, most people have lost someone close to them and this message wouldnt bring anyone any hope as has been evidenced in earlier discussions on other threads...
Its a message that goes beyond sickening and beyond any acts of barbarism that any man could inflict on another no matter how warped and evil that person could actually be, and yet this is God we're talking about, a God who is love.....go figure