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Because you would know that it is not eternal. You would know that at somepoint in the future you would get out. In short, you would have hope.
As long as that (false) hope exists it sets up a condition where people can live their life anyway they want to if they are willing to do their time hell. They figure they will end up in heaven anyway so they can spend their life hating God by doing what is evil.
God says no. God says that if you choose to spend your life hating Him you will spend eternity seperated from Him. He wants us to know that there is a point where there is no hope. We should fear that.
I'm uncomfortable about visiting the dentist, in fact I'm having a
crown done in a couple weeks, so this is a relevant illustration.
I've been brushing my teeth for some 45 years, partially because
the thought of a dental procedure makes me uncomfortable.
Even the motivation of potential discomfort is effective, much lest
"firey purgation," even for a short period. In fact, I'm talking myself
back towards the annihilist view, because even temporary torture in a
Universalistic sense seems contrary to the nature of God presented
by Christ.
And who are "they" anyway, these God haters? I know a bunch of
God avoiders, because the concept of ET is so horrifying they've
left the faith, but God haters? I know self haters who harm themselves
because life is empty, some because they left the faith, because of
ET is a harmful doctrine, not a healing doctrine, it is patently false.