

Well-known member
He did not post blasphemy. He wonders if his God is the same as ours. What is wrong with that?
Anyone who calls the false god of the Quran the same God as The One in The Holy Bible: portrays The Lord God as a liar. That is blasphemy. Mohammad, Joseph Smith, the author(s) of the UB and the JW bible are also blasphemers. Your lack of grasping this Truth has you out on a limb of heresy. You've bought into false religion which is dead.

The Barbarian

Anyone who calls the false god of the Quran the same God as The One in The Holy Bible: portrays The Lord God as a liar.

Why do fundamentalists always try to settle every argument by claiming Christians are saying that God is a liar?

That is blasphemy.

No, it's just a dishonest argument. The God of Abraham is worshiped by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. It is dishonest to deny this fact.


Well-known member
Why do fundamentalists always try to settle every argument by claiming Christians are saying that God is a liar?
God said that Jesus was His Son. The Quran claims God has no Son. That would make God a liar. :duh:
No, it's just a dishonest argument.
Putting words in God's Mouth or claiming that the Quran is from God is blasphemy.
The God of Abraham is worshiped by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. It is dishonest to deny this fact.
It is dishonest to lump a cult (Islam) in with legitimate religions. Satanists also believe they worship the one true god: Satan. Does that make them right, too? Your theology is twisted. You have to be a Muslim.

The Barbarian

Originally Posted by The Barbarian View Post
Barbarian asks:
Why do fundamentalists always try to settle every argument by claiming Christians are saying that God is a liar?

God said that Jesus was His Son. The Quran claims God has no Son. That would make God a liar.

So Jews are calling God a liar? Or is is that Jews and Muslims don't think the NT is part of His word? You are veering very close to blasphemy yourself.

Barbarian observes:
No, it's just a dishonest argument. The God of Abraham is worshiped by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. It is dishonest to deny this fact.

Putting words in God's Mouth or claiming that the Quran is from God is blasphemy.

Whereas putting words in my mouth is merely ethically wrong. C'mon.

It is dishonest to lump a cult (Islam) in with legitimate religions.

Calling Jews and Muslims names won't help, either. The fact remains that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the God of Abraham, and freely admit the fact.

Satanists also believe they worship the one true god: Satan. Does that make them right, too?

I hope you realize that the God of Abraham is not Satan. But you seem to be suggesting that He is. Would you like to clarify that? Why would you lump Satanists in with Christians, Jews, and Muslims?

Your theology is twisted.

You misspelled "orthodox." Christians have always admitted that Jews and Muslims worship the God of Abraham. It's just a fact. No point in trying to deny it.

You have to be a Muslim.

I don't think you're stupid enough to believe that. So you get the troll treatment; you're on "ignore" for a while.


New member
The Bible spends a lot of time making sure we know that Jesus is the Son of God.
The Bible doesn't say anything about God being His own Son, so that is an extra-Biblical teaching.
If Jesus is God, then the Bible does nothing to make that clear but does a whole lot to obscure it.

I am always amazed when people that claim to believe in Sola Scriptura or an inerrant English translation of the Bible find reasons to support dogmas that are not clearly stated in the Bible.

The Bible calls Jesus Christ:

"The Everlasting Father" Isaiah 9:6
"The Mighty God" Isaiah 9:6
"The Almighty" Revelation 1:8
"God" John 1:1
"God" 1 John 5:7
The Creator of everything John 1:3
"Our God and Savior" Titus 2:13
"Our Lord and our God." John 20:28

Saying that Jesus Christ is not God is an antibiblical teaching and blasphemy.
"The Beginning and the Ending"


Well-known member
Would you call Judaism a peaceful religion?
As a religion or as a people group? I believe you are asking the wrong question. Christians don't convert people at knife-point or kill them if they will not convert. We don't even kill Muslims or Jews, or Atheists. Some of us might talk about it, but we don't do it.


Well-known member
Why do fundamentalists always try to settle every argument by claiming Christians are saying that God is a liar?
They don't. You need to 'read' your dusty book.
Isaiah 29:13 The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.

No, it's just a dishonest argument. The God of Abraham is worshiped by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. It is dishonest to deny this fact.
Again, read your Bible! John 16:1-4 1“All this I have told you so that you will not fall away. 2They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God. 3They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. 4I have told you this, so that when their time comes you will remember that I warned you about them.

Quit making it up as you go.


Well-known member
I gotta side with the OP in this. The mods are demonstrating their ignorance and bigotry by giving such an infraction. This is a matter of language. Allah = God in Arabic. And in the Islamic faith they worship the God of Abraham, who is also called Yahweh by the scriptures.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I gotta side with the OP in this. The mods are demonstrating their ignorance and bigotry by giving such an infraction. This is a matter of language. Allah = God in Arabic. And in the Islamic faith they worship the God of Abraham, who is also called Yahweh by the scriptures.

You're disrespecting the Moderators! Uncalled for pal!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well said brother. This kind of practice has been hidden under the rug in mainstream churches.

Their faith is so violent from the beginning of their history, starting with RCC.

Trinitarians and Muslims worship the same violent god.

It's a shame there's NO brain below that, fashionable hat!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Bible spends a lot of time making sure we know that Jesus is the Son of God.
The Bible doesn't say anything about God being His own Son, so that is an extra-Biblical teaching.
If Jesus is God, then the Bible does nothing to make that clear but does a whole lot to obscure it.

I am always amazed when people that claim to believe in Sola Scriptura or an inerrant English translation of the Bible find reasons to support dogmas that are not clearly stated in the Bible.
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Well-known member
You're disrespecting the Moderators! Uncalled for pal!

The moderator in question brings dishonor upon himself for giving out such an infraction, and the rest of the moderators bring dishonor upon themselves for letting the infraction stand. This is an injustice and they should correct it.

Of course, the infraction will expire, so its not a huge deal - but it nevertheless is a manifestation of the darkness here at TOL.

Lazy afternoon

:doh: Wake up!

Here you are hoping you and the other ten arians on the planet will be spared but ""to hell with the rest of us." He told you point blank the Quran nor he has any problem with killing Christians. What did you do? Sold out. Your grandkids are on that hit list :doh:

I was thinking about deleting the "All Arians Perverted" thread. This just reminds me that it needs to stay put on TOL.

(Still quite on my ignore list, but I'm glad I looked for once. You've lost your mind and sold your soul for fear or brain-damage or both - God cannot be mocked)

Neither all Arians or Trintarians are perverted Lon.

Your thread is aimed to make all Unitarians look perverted and you know it.


The use of the word Allah in todays language denotes the god of Islam which in no way represents the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.

However the roman catholic religion and their doctrines which have infiltrated the worshippers of the true God, also in no way represents the true God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


patrick jane

Well said brother. This kind of practice has been hidden under the rug in mainstream churches.

Their faith is so violent from the beginning of their history, starting with RCC.

Trinitarians and Muslims worship the same violent god.

oh my."MAINSTREAM" - MEshuks favorite word - lol:shut:

patrick jane

God said that Jesus was His Son. The Quran claims God has no Son. That would make God a liar. :duh:putting words in God's Mouth or claiming that the Quran is from God is blasphemy.It is dishonest to lump a cult (Islam) in with legitimate religions. Satanists also believe they worship the one true god: Satan. Does that make them right, too? Your theology is twisted. You have to be a Muslim.

he's a highly educated muslim/christian/buddhist/satanic/atheist/creationist/evolutionist/realist and highly logical (Spock-like) monk. very barbaric - :Clete::AoO::jeffrson::whip::maxi::listen:


Well-known member
Why do fundamentalists always try to settle every argument by claiming Christians are saying that God is a liar?
Well, you are. God has nothing to do with Islam. He'll rescue anyone, but no Muslim is doing His Will.
So Jews are calling God a liar?
Yes. They say God has no Son, too. They have the correct God, though. Muslims worship a demon. They like to pretend he is God, but the Quran is NOT from God.
You are veering very close to blasphemy yourself.
The God of Abraham is worshiped by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. It is dishonest to deny this fact.
No, it's a fool who doesn't know The Word of God who thinks Muslims have the same God as Jews or Christians. :duh:
Calling Jews and Muslims names won't help, either. The fact remains that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the God of Abraham, and freely admit the fact.
Where have I called Jews a name?
I hope you realize that the God of Abraham is not Satan. But you seem to be suggesting that He is. Would you like to clarify that? Why would you lump Satanists in with Christians, Jews, and Muslims?
Not Jews or Christians, but with Muslims, yes. The God of Abraham is NOT the god of Islam. They make that claim, but it is un-true. How thick is your skull?
You misspelled "orthodox."
Now who's putting words into whose mouth?
Christians have always admitted that Jews and Muslims worship the God of Abraham. It's just a fact. No point in trying to deny it.
No. Simply un-true.
I don't think you're stupid enough to believe that. So you get the troll treatment; you're on "ignore" for a while.
Please make it permanent! I don't see any wisdom in your writings. Proclaiming your own ignorance is very telling.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Just be glad you only got an infraction not shot in the head.

I received an infraction for this post of mine...

Original Post:

This was the reason apparently:

I think the reason is dumb ( even if we assume that TO is a Christian forum and only that) for these reasons of mine:

1. Blasphemy? This is a religious forum and posters have the right to post up their beliefs. If someone has a problem with that he or she should engage the particular poster and discuss his or her views.

2. Coptic Christians are Christians. They will fully agree with me that Allah = Yahweh.

3. Where will the line be drawn? What if I declare that Jesus is not the Son of God. Would you just warn me without discussing/debating/engaging with me?

What are your thoughts? Is this just a mistake?