Biden: To hell with God and the Church. I'm taking communion.

Right Divider

Body part
1st Corinthians 10:17 "For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread."
"that one bread" does NOT refer to a loaf of bread.

The "one bread" in that context is the COMMUNION itself... i.e., the COMMON UNION (that is what communion means).
1Co 10:16 KJV The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The Roman Catholic "church" HID those child rapists within the SYSTEM to make sure that the RCC and the child rapists did not face the consequences of their evil actions.
Rather, the non-child-rapists were deceived by violent criminals whose particular ability was to find situations where they could take advantage of innocent people through deception in order to rape children with impunity.

The level of dishonesty with child rapists rivals only the level of dishonesty in serial killers, and both types of violent criminals stop at nothing to attempt to continue committing their violent crimes, including murder.

Right Divider

Body part
Rather, the non-child-rapists were deceived by violent criminals whose particular ability was to find situations where they could take advantage of innocent people through deception in order to rape children with impunity.
Apparently, you are very unfamiliar with the facts in this case.
The CHURCH (i.e., the RCC) moved these child rapists AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN to HIDE their existence within the corrupt organization called the RCC.
The level of dishonesty with child rapists rivals only the level of dishonesty in serial killers, and both types of violent criminals stop at nothing to attempt to continue committing their violent crimes, including murder.
These CATHOLIC PRIESTS (your child rapists) could NEVER have gotten away with their continued perversion if the management of the RCC had not HID THEM by moving them AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.

You need to learn more about what really happened, as you do not seem to have clue.


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That's your interpretation. There's really no such thing as a 'really good Catholic', there are just those who maintain full communion and those who don't.

Sorry, I should have said "obedient Catholic."

Obedient to the religion called "Roman Catholicism," and not the Creator God.

If we examined his personal life, if he weren't a politician, I doubt that anybody would doubt his Christian faith.

I would.
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Rather, the non-child-rapists were deceived by violent criminals whose particular ability was to find situations where they could take advantage of innocent people through deception in order to rape children with impunity.

What RD said is true:

As far as I'm aware, there has been no change or apology issued.

The level of dishonesty with child rapists rivals only the level of dishonesty in serial killers, and both types of violent criminals stop at nothing to attempt to continue committing their violent crimes, including murder.

BOTH should be put to death, not moved around by the CC.


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False dichotomy,

No, it's not.

as Catholicism is the Creator God's religion.

Because you say so?

Sorry, but RC has devolved into a common religion.

By the design of the child rapists, the Church's pastors did not know they were dealing with violent criminals.

It is extremely likely that they knew, and to this day they have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to resolve what happened with Neil Hewitt.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
And you think that I don't think that it applies to pro-choice republicans too?

Get real.
Perhaps you should try reminding Doser of that sometime.

The abortion issue is easily the greatest scam Republican politicians have going for them. Add a couple of lines against late-term abortion in your speech, get a huge applause from your audience, and rake in the votes of single-issue "pro-life" voters who get to feel sanctimonious about themselves while absolutely nothing gets done about abortion in the meantime. It's a win-win!


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Perhaps you should try reminding Doser of that sometime.

The topic of THIS thread is Biden. not republicans in general.

Stop trying to derail.

The abortion issue is easily the greatest scam Republican politicians have going for them. Add a couple of lines against late-term abortion in your speech, get a huge applause from your audience, and rake in the votes of single-issue "pro-life" voters who get to feel sanctimonious about themselves while absolutely nothing gets done about abortion in the meantime. It's a win-win!

Start a new thread.


like marbles on glass
Rather, the non-child-rapists were deceived by violent criminals whose particular ability was to find situations where they could take advantage of innocent people through deception in order to rape children with impunity.

The level of dishonesty with child rapists rivals only the level of dishonesty in serial killers, and both types of violent criminals stop at nothing to attempt to continue committing their violent crimes, including murder.

No, the pastors and bishops knew. They failed the children. They failed us.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
No, the pastors and bishops knew. They failed the children. They failed us.
They did not know who they were dealing with. Nobody really knew how awful these violent criminals are, nobody could believe it. Now, as a result of this scandal, we can believe it, they are in the same league as serial killers, nobody knew then how awful they are. Of course nobody wanted to believe what they are, what they were doing, and they took advantage of this cognitive error, because that's how meticulous liars operate, they pull out all the stops.