Biden: To hell with God and the Church. I'm taking communion.


like marbles on glass
They did not know who they were dealing with. Nobody really knew how awful these violent criminals are, nobody could believe it. Now, as a result of this scandal, we can believe it, they are in the same league as serial killers, nobody knew then how awful they are. Of course nobody wanted to believe what they are, what they were doing, and they took advantage of this cognitive error, because that's how meticulous liars operate, they pull out all the stops.

"Nobody knew" is one of those overstatements that just can't be supported by the facts. Enough pastors and bishops did know, even if not every pastor or bishop knew. It's important to look clearly at it and acknowledge it. There are power brokers who move through all the halls of the Church from parish to inside the Vatican walls. I know there are good priests, but I also acknowledge there were bad ones, and bishops who tried to hide them from law enforcement consequences, for many reasons... embarrassment, fear of losing parishioners and their tithes, machinations to protect their hierarchical ambitions, a naive belief that they should in therapy instead of incarceration...


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"Nobody knew" is one of those overstatements that just can't be supported by the facts. Enough pastors and bishops did know, even if not every pastor or bishop knew. It's important to look clearly at it and acknowledge it. There are power brokers who move through all the halls of the Church from parish to inside the Vatican walls. I know there are good priests, but I also acknowledge there were bad ones, and bishops who tried to hide them from law enforcement consequences, for many reasons... embarrassment, fear of losing parishioners and their tithes, machinations to protect their hierarchical ambitions,
In all of this which I don't necessarily deny, there was and still is a failure to acknowledge that child rapists are in the same league as serial killers, wrt the harm that they deliberately cause and the deception that they practice, all without a second thought.

Never are these words of Christ more sharply applied than to child rapists and serial killers: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
a naive belief
The naivete was part of what the child rapists needed in order to achieve their goal, to rape children and avoid detection. They found this among not only Catholics but also Protestants, right in their churches.
that they should in therapy instead of incarceration...
That's what I'm talking about. Whatever else, there was this basic underestimation of how evil child rapists are and were. This whole problem has done more to expose these violent criminals for what they are than all events preceding it. They had 'a good thing going' in the Catholic Church, but also in many other ecclesial assemblies /communities, where this particular type of violent criminal found conducive habitats, where they could through treachery and deception rape children while avoiding detection. These havens that many of them found has been now revealed, they can no longer hide out there, raping children.

The child raping violent criminals are the bad guys here. All those who did not put the pieces together are culpable for what they did or did not do, but that is categorically different from the child rape.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
They did not know who they were dealing with. Nobody really knew how awful these violent criminals are, nobody could believe it. Now, as a result of this scandal, we can believe it, they are in the same league as serial killers, nobody knew then how awful they are. Of course nobody wanted to believe what they are, what they were doing, and they took advantage of this cognitive error, because that's how meticulous liars operate, they pull out all the stops.
If you really want to be horrified, research the abuse meted out to aboriginal children in the Canadian residential school system. By nuns.


Well-known member
He values coming to Mass, and that, barring some convincing evidence that it's just for 'optics', comes from faith.
It is a good sign, but even Catholics know there are unbelieving in their own church walls. Biden has to make some statements like "what Jesus thinks about abortion is very important to me."
His position has been what a lot of Republicans have also offered---something like, I'm personally opposed to it, but I'm not going to try to impose my religion upon the public.
I'd love to see the new breed of Democrat that is opposed to abortion all the time, even if he/she feels hands tied over the political sector. I haven't met that one in a very long time. Carter was/is one of those. Someone can be confused politically, but I'd ask Biden: What have you done to undergird morals and values of fellow Catholics and other Christians in this country?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It is a good sign, but even Catholics know there are unbelieving in their own church walls.
Yeah, but what do those Catholics think about an unbelieving Catholic who nonetheless dutifully comes to Mass every week? At worst it's someone who wants to believe, and who thinks the best chance they have at that, is to come to Mass.
Biden has to make some statements like "what Jesus thinks about abortion is very important to me."
He's already said that he's personally opposed to abortion, and that is consistent with Catholicism. Is there another reason to be opposed to abortion, besides religious faith, in this day and age?
I'd love to see the new breed of Democrat that is opposed to abortion all the time, even if he/she feels hands tied over the political sector.
In order to do anything, they have to get elected. Being opposed to abortion might mean that they lose. You might say, "That's the way the cookie crumbles," but there is a very hard line between someone being in or out of public office. Out, and you can't do a darn thing.
I haven't met that one in a very long time. Carter was/is one of those. Someone can be confused politically, but I'd ask Biden: What have you done to undergird morals and values of fellow Catholics and other Christians in this country?
Like what?

I think that what we're dealing with here in President Biden, is a Christian. A Christian president. I have my doubts about President Trump and Obama, even maybe about President Bush the junior, about President Clinton---I think President Bush the senior was bona fide, but you would have to go all the way back to President Carter before we could all probably confidently say that he was a true Christian president.

Of course we don't know anyone's heart.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Is there another reason to be opposed to abortion, besides religious faith, in this day and age?
Science, reason and logic?

Science tells us that, at conception, a new, unique, human life is created.
Reason tells us that human life has value and should be protected, especially those human lives that are the most innocent and vulnerable.
Logic tells us that it is wrong to murder an innocent human.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Science, reason and logic?

Science tells us that, at conception, a new, unique, human life is created.
Reason tells us that human life has value and should be protected, especially those human lives that are the most innocent and vulnerable.
Logic tells us that it is wrong to murder an innocent human.
I agree with that, but "this day and age" does not.

Are you suggesting that President Biden is personally opposed to abortion for your reasons, instead of because of his Catholic faith? I haven't seen anything like that come from him, but certainly I'll look into it if you've heard otherwise.


like marbles on glass
The child raping violent criminals are the bad guys here. All those who did not put the pieces together are culpable for what they did or did not do, but that is categorically different from the child rape.

The bishops who knew they were placing a child-molesting priest in an unsuspecting parish enabled by their action the crimes that priest committed against the children molested in the new parish.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The bishops who knew they were placing a child-molesting priest in an unsuspecting parish enabled by their action the crimes that priest committed against the children molested in the new parish.
My post stands. They were all duped---by the child rapists---into believing falsehoods.

Any men who knew what a real child rapist was, knew one of them, and didn't call the police, is just as bad as the violent criminal child rapist, and probably was a child rapist himself.

I suspect that child rapists infiltrated the bishop's office itself, but I can't be sure, certainly they dwelt among the ranks of priests and deacons, but I do not believe that child rapists being consecrated bishops was the norm or a trend. iow I believe that basically all our bishops through all this were not themselves violent criminals.

And deception's what child rapists (and serial killers) do, to evade detection and continue committing violent crimes. That's how they operate, and how they are able to operate; through very developed deception, combined with careful targeting /grooming.

My diocese requires anybody volunteering for any service to undergo a background check, I think it's called Cori or something, I don't know what it stands for.

Let me put it another way. A grave sin becomes mortal, when committed with deliberate consent and with full knowledge. In the case of moving around the child rapists, I believe the bishops did not have full knowledge of what they were dealing with.

Right Divider

Body part
My post stands. They were all duped---by the child rapists---into believing falsehoods.
You could not be more wrong. The bishops that moved these PEDOPHOLE PRIESTS, moved them AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. Sometimes more than a DOZEN TIMES.

There is NO WAY that they could not have known what was going on.

They were HIDING them from everyone but themselves.
Any men who knew what a real child rapist was, knew one of them, and didn't call the police, is just as bad as the violent criminal child rapist, and probably was a child rapist himself.
Roman Catholic leadership... ALL of them!
My diocese requires anybody volunteering for any service to undergo a background check, I think it's called Cori or something, I don't know what it stands for.
Clearly not working.
Let me put it another way. A grave sin becomes mortal, when committed with deliberate consent and with full knowledge.
The Roman Catholic leadership that moved these PEDOPHILE PRIEST again and again and again.... clearly had full knowledge of their perverted and sinful activities.
In the case of moving around the child rapists, I believe the bishops did not have full knowledge of what they were dealing with.
You are quite deceived in your own mind.

Time after time after time these PEDOPHILE PRIESTS raped and sexually abused children. How many times does it take for any normal person to determine that these PEDOPHILE PRIESTS should not be left alone with children? But instead they were MOVED time after time after time.... to abuse MORE CHILDREN!


like marbles on glass
My post stands. They were all duped---by the child rapists---into believing falsehoods.

Any men who knew what a real child rapist was, knew one of them, and didn't call the police, is just as bad as the violent criminal child rapist, and probably was a child rapist himself.

Like Cardinal McCarrick, first Cardinal in the history of the Church to be laicized because of his sexual misdeeds and crimes (adults and minors were involved). You know who was told about McCarrick and didn't believe the reports? Pope John Paul II.

You're going too far when you say any bishop who didn't call the police on a molesting priest was "probably a child rapist himself." Their crimes of culpability are bad enough and should be/should have been punished as such, but let's stick to the facts as we know them.

I suspect that child rapists infiltrated the bishop's office itself, but I can't be sure, certainly they dwelt among the ranks of priests and deacons, but I do not believe that child rapists being consecrated bishops was the norm or a trend. iow I believe that basically all our bishops through all this were not themselves violent criminals.

You're kind of contradicting your previous statement here.

And deception's what child rapists (and serial killers) do, to evade detection and continue committing violent crimes. That's how they operate, and how they are able to operate; through very developed deception, combined with careful targeting /grooming.

My diocese requires anybody volunteering for any service to undergo a background check, I think it's called Cori or something, I don't know what it stands for.

Let me put it another way. A grave sin becomes mortal, when committed with deliberate consent and with full knowledge. In the case of moving around the child rapists, I believe the bishops did not have full knowledge of what they were dealing with.

I think the bishops knew. No doubt. If they didn't, I can only think they were intentionally ignorant for their own purposes as I've outlined previously. This (a priest's perspective vie Rod Dreher) may shed some light how priests think differently and why that mattered when it came to dealing with fellow priests. Not agreeing, I think clericalism is a continuing factor and unfixable problem, but it's another facet of the picture.
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