Biden: To hell with God and the Church. I'm taking communion.


Well-known member
I have an unhealthy obsession with Trump? I'm not the one who thinks Trump won the election but had it stolen from him by the Dems. Now THAT is an unhealthy obsession.
Were laws broken in 2020 by democrat elections and government officials? Clearly. Were records lost in violation of voting laws? Clearly. Were observers kept by democrat guards from observing the vote-counting process as required by law? Without any doubt. Did computers flip votes from Biden to Trump? Absolutely! Were voting machines mismanaged and votes miscalculated? Of course.

Demcorat assessment of the facts: "The 2020 election was the cleanest, most accurate and uncorrupted election in US history."

What can be said about all of this? Democrats and their supporters are either ignorant or lying or both. No other logical assessment can be made.


Well-known member
So who here hashing over whether or not President Biden should go to Communion other than Idolator and myself is Catholic? Who here believes in the true presence in Communion? Who would choose Catholic doctrine over other Christian doctrine? Anyone? Would anyone care so much if the president going to Communion was Trump instead of Biden?
My point is not so much communion as it is the hypocrisy of those who claim to serve God while simultaneously supporting and promoting the bloody brutal murder of millions of innocent babies in open defiance against the will of God.


Well-known member
The situation is even worse than I thought. According to the son of Donald Trump's spiritual advisor, Paula White, "we may be facing the pressure of eating our own dung and drinking our own urine" because of Biden:

You could find some good preachers to listen to if you don't want to have to wade through a mixture of good and bad of all sorts.


Well-known member

In trying to pressure Biden, the Catholic bishops forget the lessons of JFK

In September 1960, Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kennedy, against the advice of his political consultants, confronted anti-Catholic bigotry head-on in an extraordinary speech before a hostile audience of several hundred Protestant ministers in Houston.

This was days after another group of Protestant clergy, representing 37 denominations and presided over by Norman Vincent Peale, had declared that a Roman Catholic president would be “under extreme pressure by the hierarchy of his church.”

Kennedy vowed that, if elected, the oath that he would follow was the one he took upon his inauguration to defend the U.S. Constitution.

At a time when some equated Catholic teachings to socialism, the Massachusetts senator said: “I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish; where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other ecclesiastical source; where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials.”

Kennedy’s strong stance on the separation of church and state helped secure the narrow victory that made him the first Catholic president in U.S. history.

A little more than 60 years later, a second Catholic president sits in the White House, and the church’s American bishops appear to have forgotten what it took for one of their own to get there. On Friday, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops — defying a warning from the Vatican — voted to create guidelines for receiving the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Unbelievers exalt the devil's policy of separating God from civilization and everything and everyone in it. Obedient Christians have never supported the devil's stupid separation of Christianity and state nonsense.


Well-known member
I have an unhealthy obsession with Trump? I'm not the one who thinks Trump won the election but had it stolen from him by the Dems. Now THAT is an unhealthy obsession.
You have an unhealthy blindness when it comes to understanding and recognizing the serious infractions of the law that occurred in the 2020 election.


Hall of Fame
So who here hashing over whether or not President Biden should go to Communion other than Idolator and myself is Catholic? Who here believes in the true presence in Communion? Who would choose Catholic doctrine over other Christian doctrine? Anyone? Would anyone care so much if the president going to Communion was Trump instead of Biden?
Those matters are what is referred to as selective nitpicking…

Joe is a Christian. trump is the great divider. Like trump, Jim Jones had his own cult of followers.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Religion without God is worse than useless.
OK. I don't know that I agree, but mainly I don't see how this pertains to the thread, unless you're implying something, but not stating it?
If people want to be considered Christians then they should show themselves to be ion subjection to what the Bible teaches.
Faithful Catholics are in subjection to what the Bible teaches.
Isaiah 29

13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

14 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.
That's in the Bible.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ


Well-known member
Those matters are what is referred to as selective nitpicking…
Clear down to the press that outed the article? I'm open to such, so asked what other than Catholic interests were involved. In among that is the publicized drafting of communion rules. If it is only gossip, I'd have to agree with you and opt out of thread. This one isn't as cut and dry as other news items, though: If it comes to abortion, perhaps the whole nation is interested in the topic and as the office of President is involved, even for a matter so inhouse as communion, the ramifications for us is more than just nitpicking (unsure which/what specifically you mean)?
Joe is a Christian.

trump is the great divider.
Both are great dividers and I'm unsure about their Christian allegiances. It is part of politics to divide between Democrats and Republicans. I liked Reagan specifically because he really did see and foster a nation united. In among that was a tragic compromise to allow abortion, giving in to Democrat pressure to attain that bipartisan cooperation.
Like trump, Jim Jones had his own cult of followers.
And detractors, especially before the Kool-Aid.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Both are great dividers and I'm unsure about their Christian allegiances.
Joe is and always has been a mean-spirited, venal man. He's been on my radar since the late seventies when my best friend was in the same school and the same program that Joe had been in 10 years prior and had almost flunked out of.

I've never seen any reason, in his public persona, to believe that he was in the Body.


Well-known member
Joe is and always has been a mean-spirited, venal man. He's been on my radar since the late seventies when my best friend was in the same school and the same program that Joe had been in 10 years prior and had almost flunked out of.

I've never seen any reason, in his public persona, to believe that he was in the Body.
The very desire for communion, with Christ, is an important consideration. Many churches, caught in flesh, leave men in their flesh. Jesus transcends all of those and reached Martin Luther, for one. All who are saved, are saved by grace and are changed. A man following or attempting to follow Christ in the flesh, will either be reached by God to transcend becoming new creations, or will be futile in the attempt.

I do appreciate the evaluation of those in Christ. Most of us had to leave liberal churches behind but some remain to bring their friends and families to saving Grace. You are likely right about Biden, but I have not heard much of anything about Biden's faith (nor Trump's). -Lon