Bernie Sanders Is About to Become President

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Not quite. I doubt that stat has changed massively since then: "Most cases of bankruptcy aren’t caused by reckless spending but by financial hardship, and many are lower-income individuals who simply can’t afford to deal with unexpected major expenses such as job loss or medical bills." --

pre-recession, pre-obamacare, pre-trump

from your link:

For example, if you look at the data presented by The United States Courts, you'll see that bankruptcy rates have dropped by 317,488 since 2006.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's still a major problem for many people.

undoubtedly, and in Canada as well

My mom got the word just the other day from her GP that she should be thinking about living where there's an aide available 24/7. Super expensive.


undoubtedly, and in Canada as well

My mom got the word just the other day from her GP that she should be thinking about living where there's an aide available 24/7. Super expensive.

Did you know that Bernie Sanders' medicare for all plan includes long term care and nursing homes?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Did you know that Bernie Sanders' medicare for all plan includes long term care and nursing homes?


they're covered by Medicare

and VA benefits

and Dad's pension plan


they're covered by Medicare

Medicare still has a 20% copayment.

Under medicare for all, your mother would pay 0 in copayments.

To which you'll likely respond that she has supplemental insurance.

Under medicare for all, she wouldn't need supplemental insurance.


Not to mention, under medicare for all, not only would her prescription drugs be much less expensive, but her out of pocket expenses for prescription drugs would be capped at $200 per year.

Help a mother out. ;)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Any candidate who is running against what is currently in office would be a 100% improvement ...
:chew: oh well,
I would have considered running, but alas, I am also too old:chuckle::wave2:

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The Dems could easily push that to well over 50%, if they quickly made an arrangement with Putin to dig up Vladimir Lenin's corpse, fly Vlad in and prop him up on the dais in Michigan. Of course, this would cause waves of protest from Uncle Joe, that only he can defeat Bush in 2020.

Well the Republicans already have the current dictator of Russia in their corner, so why not?