Bernie Sanders Is About to Become President

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
That sounds like something from Communist Russia or even Red China...

A horror story.

Sorry, but even taxing all the richest people in the world wouldn't solve our money problems.

Also, I'd rather work for a billionaire than for someone who has very little money.

You make it sound like billionaires are the problem here, yet completely ignore places like Venezuela which are utterly socialist and NO billionaires and their nation is completely collapsing while ours is getting along well, if not thriving.

Billionaires are successful people. Like middle class people they come in all flavors, Left and Right, Christian or other.

Demonizing them is straight from the Communist talking points. The point of it is to cause hate and anger and cause people to revolt and rise up. That is why it is not only dumb but it is also dangerous.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
1. Donald Trump's tax cuts for his billionaire friends didn't create jobs

OMG. That is pure fake news. Unbelievable, and scary too. "Tax Cuts for Billionaires". lol lol

When corporate tax rates were brought back down to competitive rates with other countries THAT DID create jobs, so you lie. Just because some billionaires happen to benefit from those cuts does not mean that they are "Tax Cuts for Billionaires." You lie again.

Restructuring tax rates to make them competitive with other countries, and eliminating costly regulations, and the two simple things that Trump did to unleash American economic power and create jobs. It is sad that you are so deep in your fake news that you cannot see that.

Thank God it is all academic discussion because Sanders will not win. Trump will continue to make your life better even if you are too blind to know it.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
AND NOW COMES SANDERS who would be a catastrophic disaster with his borderline communism.

"Yes, democratic socialism is compatible with Catholic social teaching" --

From The Catechism of the Catholic Church:
A theory that makes profit the exclusive norm and ultimate end of economic activity is morally unacceptable. The disordered desire for money cannot but produce perverse effects. It is one of the causes of the many conflicts which disturb the social order...The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with "communism" or "socialism." She has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of "capitalism," individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor. Regulating the economy solely by centralized planning perverts the basis of social bonds; regulating it solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for "there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market." Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended. --
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The Berean

Well-known member
Trad is back! Welcome back Traditio.

I do find it a bit odd that you support Bernie Sanders since Sanders had publicly stated that he would grant illegal immigrants many rights. That means more Mexicans will come to America and we all know how you you feel about having Mexicans coming to the US.

Sanders’ plan sets out sprawling goals on an issue that has repeatedly proven intractable in Congress. Here are some of the key points of the senator’s immigration proposal:

Sanders said he would “negotiate trade deals that strengthen, not undermine, the rights of workers in the United States and abroad, and oppose any new agreement that do not meet adequate labor standards.” While the plan does not specifically say he would toss out Trump’s United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, he has opposed the deal as it currently stands, saying it will not go far enough to protect workers.

The senator would also start a program to accept at least 50,000 migrants displaced by climate change during his first year in office.

Sanders also says his signature universal health-care plan, “Medicare for All,” would “provide comprehensive care to everyone in America,” regardless of immigration status.
Sanders aims to set up what his campaign calls a “whistleblower visa” to encourage immigrant workers to speak out against exploitative behavior by employers without fear of blowback or deportation. He would also seek to end workplace raids targeting undocumented workers. In addition, the senator would push to boost protections and bargaining power for farm and domestic workers, including by requiring a $15 per hour minimum wage, regardless of immigration status.

He would use executive authority to push through several policies immediately after taking office. It would include a moratorium on deportations, ending construction of Trump’s border wall and the restriction on travel from several majority Muslim countries to the U.S., reuniting separated children and parents, and stopping the use of for-profit detention facilities.

Sanders wants to expand upon Obama-era programs to protect migrants from deportation. He would give legal status to the 1.8 million young migrants eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the Obama-era policy that Trump has pushed to end. DACA allows certain people brought to the U.S. illegally as children to be shielded from deportation for two years and allows them to work or get an education in the U.S. The Vermont senator would also aim to extend protections for parents of certain migrants.

The presidential candidate would push Congress to pass a law establishing a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Sanders would put unauthorized border crossings in the same category as overstaying a work visa, making it a civil rather than criminal violation.

He would aim to expand immigration courts and make temporary shelter for migrants more humane. Sanders would also create a $14 billion federal grant program for legal defense for the needy immigrants.

Seizing on a liberal priority, the presidential candidate would scrap ICE and CBP. Deportation and border enforcement functions would go to the Department of Justice, customs would fall to the Treasury Department and naturalization and citizenship would go to the State Department.


Trad is back! Welcome back Traditio.

I do find it a bit odd that you support Bernie Sanders since Sanders had publicly stated that he would grant illegal immigrants many rights.

We live in a representative democracy. That means that we don't vote for issues/policies. We vote for candidates. There's no such thing as a perfect candidate. At the end of the day, you have to make an evaluation of all of the likely good that the candidate is going to do and of all of the likely bad that the candidate is going to do, and figure out whether it's ultimately "worth it" to vote for the candidate, all things considered. Would I prefer that Bernie Sanders were against gay "marriage" and legalized abortion? Yes. Do I wish that Bernie Sanders were using the same rhetoric on immigration (e.g., "open borders is a Koch Brothers' proposal") today that he was 5 years ago? Yes. [Though, I can't help but notice that Bernie Sanders is getting roughly half of the Hispanic vote; Hispanics are overwhelmingly voting for "Tio Bernie;" so kudos to the Hispanic community on that.]

But again, we have to vote for candidates. I think that, on the whole, Bernie Sanders is the best candidate for the working class of this country. If giving the undocumented immigrants who are already here a path to citizenship means that we also get medicare for all, a federal job guarantee, a minimum wage of $15 per hour, a green new deal, etc., then, in my view, the benefits outweigh the cost.

I also think that immigration is a complicated thing. I think that Bernie Sanders is correctly making the evaluation that having an easily exploited underclass of undocumented immigrants in the workplace is worse for working people than just giving them a legal status and raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour.


I also want to point out that, even if Bernie Sanders did manage to abolish ICE and CBP, those agencies have only existed since 2003 under the Bush administration.

So it's really not that radical of an idea.

The Berean

Well-known member
We live in a representative democracy. That means that we don't vote for issues/policies. We vote for candidates. There's no such thing as a perfect candidate. At the end of the day, you have to make an evaluation of all of the likely good that the candidate is going to do and of all of the likely bad that the candidate is going to do, and figure out whether it's ultimately "worth it" to vote for the candidate, all things considered. Would I prefer that Bernie Sanders were against gay "marriage" and legalized abortion? Yes. Do I wish that Bernie Sanders were using the same rhetoric on immigration (e.g., "open borders is a Koch Brothers' proposal") today that he was 5 years ago? Yes. [Though, I can't help but notice that Bernie Sanders is getting roughly half of the Hispanic vote; Hispanics are overwhelmingly voting for "Tio Bernie;" so kudos to the Hispanic community on that.]

But again, we have to vote for candidates. I think that, on the whole, Bernie Sanders is the best candidate for the working class of this country. If giving the undocumented immigrants who are already here a path to citizenship means that we also get medicare for all, a federal job guarantee, a minimum wage of $15 per hour, a green new deal, etc., then, in my view, the benefits outweigh the cost.

I also think that immigration is a complicated thing. I think that Bernie Sanders is correctly making the evaluation that having an easily exploited underclass of undocumented immigrants in the workplace is worse for working people than just giving them a legal status and raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour.

Ok so it sounds like you are a pragmatist. It sounds like you are now ok with continued unchecked illegal immigration if it gets you the stuff YOU want. I am understanding you correctly? :think:


Ok so it sounds like you are a pragmatist. It sounds like you are now ok with continued unchecked illegal immigration if it gets you the stuff YOU want. I am understanding you correctly? :think:

I think that immigration (whether illegal or not), though bad for the working class of the US, is less bad for the working class than not getting Bernie Sanders' economic proposals signed into law.

The Berean

Well-known member
" are now ok with continued unchecked illegal immigration." -- Is that something anyone actually said, or did you just decide to make that up?

I'm speaking to Traditio specifically. I'm asking him if he's now ok with illegals continuing to come to the U.S. He created a thread a while back where he was concerned that all the poor uneducated Mexicans coming to the US would be bad because these people for the most part have low IQ's and they will produce children with low IQ's. He referenced a Ph.D thesis that made this argument against Mexican immigration.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I'm speaking to Traditio specifically. I'm asking him if he's now ok with illegals continuing to come to the U.S.

I'm just curious as to how support for Bernie equates to being "ok with continued unchecked illegal immigration." Is unchecked illegal immigration something Bernie supports?

The Berean

Well-known member
I'm just curious as to how support for Bernie equates to being "ok with continued unchecked illegal immigration." Is unchecked illegal immigration something Bernie supports?

I wasn't asking Bernie, I was asking Traditio. I was curious whether he has changed his stance on illegal immigration. Apparently he has due to pragmatic reasons.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The Democrats have not been able to put forth a viable candidate. Biden blew it; he is not a viable candidate because he is too old! So is Mike Bloomberg. So is Bernie. Mr and Mrs average American realise this; no one wants to put a corpse in the White House!

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The Democrats have not been able to put forth a viable candidate. Biden blew it; he is not a viable candidate because he is too old! So is Mike Bloomberg. So is Bernie. Mr and Mrs average American realise this; no one wants to put a corpse in the White House!

Bernie Sanders is 78 years old. Referring to a 78 year-old person as a "corpse" says a lot about you and nothing about Bernie Sanders.