Bernie Sanders Is About to Become President

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Greatest poster ever
You little miss Nancy! :baby::baby::baby:
:rotfl:You cannot answer because you are afraid of getting smacked all over by a good ole gal from the South!

I don't know how old you are, but you seem to have the mind of a very immature child. Do your parents know that you are playing on the internet?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I don't know how old you are, but you seem to have the mind of a very immature child. Do your parents know that you are playing on the internet?

All you can do is be presumptuous? You are one obtuse little fella, unable to win against Trump gurl. I am Bernie's age, so I know when an old man who had a heart attack campaigning for a job, he is over the hill, not fit to attend; it means he is wasting voters time.:dizzy:
I see you deleted that ridiculous avatar, which might be a start, but for showed your rear here.:wave2:

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Basically, Bernie Sanders Is a Communist
(CUT) - When a Vermont Screwball Advocates Communism, It Is Fair to Call Him a Communist — Even If He Prefers to be Called “Socialist.”
In a world now sullied and tarred by vicious name-calling in politics, a responsible conservative is duty-bound to pause before calling a Left-extremist a “Communist.” That term has been abused and misapplied, often in terrible ways, so should be employed but gingerly. Nevertheless, the time has come. Basically, Bernie Sanders is a Communist.

The fact that Sanders has not shot people at midnight nor put people in a Gulag prison chain nor forced normative Orthodox Jews like me to be concentrated in a Reeducation Camp means nothing. He never has had the power to do so. But what does he really stand for? What would he do if he had the power that he realistically never will have?

We know he would give the Boston Marathon bomber the right to vote, that he would extend that franchise to all American terrorists. Thus, if John Hinckley misses Reagan the first time, he still gets to vote against Reagan. Or those two crazy women in northern California — Squeaky Fromme and Sarah Jane Moore — who made history by each trying to be the first female American Presidential assassin, each trying to assassinate the same President, seventeen days apart, and each missing. Sanders would let them each vote against Ford afterward, assuming they did not miss the ballot chad hole. But that alone does not make him a Communist, just a lunatic. Or, as they say in Democrat Presidential Clown Car: “Yes, that is a conversation we should be having.”

How to know whether Sanders merely is a Vermont socialist, a redistributionist from the state of Ben & Jerry’s and maple syrup, who wants to seize other people’s hard-earned assets and then redistribute them to the socially favored — or a true dyed-in-the-red Communist?

A first indicator has got to come from his having opted to honeymoon in the most repressive, criminally evil empire of its time: the former Soviet Union. What kind of American would honeymoon in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Of all the places to choose — Hawaii, the Caribbean, Costa Rica, London, Paris (of yore), Rome, Athens… heck, even the Dominican Republic — he goes to Communist Russia? To the place and government system that gave the world the Ukrainian Golodomor Holocaust, Babi Yar, the Stalin show trials, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, the Gulag Archipelago? A Purgatory in which Christians were begging the world to take note of their plight, and from which Jews throughout the world were fleeing by the hundreds of thousands to Israel and America, this Communist went to the Soviet Union and partied?

Nor was he jolted or stunned into reality by what he saw. Rather, he stood by his praises of Communist bread lines: “That’s a good thing!” Praised the beautiful train stations. Yes, and Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Likewise he praised Castro’s Communist Cuba. He attended the Communist Sandinista celebrations in Nicaragua and praised them. He described the Sandinistas as heroic, encouraging them to keep fighting to victory.

In 1974, running unsuccessfully in Vermont for the Senate, Sanders advocated the “public takeover of all privately owned electric companies in Vermont.” That is how it works in Communism. The Government takes over private sectors, one at a time, for the “common good.” Then, for the common good, the Government assures that everything will be free. Higher education — college tuition — will be free; it is a basic human right, like breathing. Medical care will be free. All people, regardless of whether they work, will be guaranteed a weekly or monthly paycheck from the Government to assure a good living wage. As Mark Levin has noted, the entire Bernie Sanders agenda is a page taken straight out of Josef Stalin’s Bill of Rights. Truly — The Bernie Sanders “Bill of Rights” nearly identically parallels Articles 118-122 from Stalin’s 1936 Constitution.

Where will the money come from to support Bernie’s Stalinism? He answers: “The People will be delighted to pay higher taxes for it.” It is good for the social weal, so it is called “Socialism.” That sounds nice. “Socialism,” as in “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” Or another nice lyric: Adolf Hitler’s “National Socialism” - (CUT)​

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I'll say this much for Bernie Sanders. Whether you agree with his politics or not, there is one thing you have to admit. Bernie is the sanest and most intelligent politician among all of the candidates, whether Democrat or Republican.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'll say this much for Bernie Sanders. Whether you agree with his politics or not, there is one thing you have to admit. Bernie is the sanest and most intelligent politician among all of the candidates, whether Democrat or Republican.

He is nothing more than an grumpy old man who appeals to young people who feel they have nothing to lose and are looking for a better deal now and willing to give up all hope of being well off financially in the future. It is really too bad they have so little self-confidence.

Read Barry Goldwater, " the conscience of a conservative."

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
He is nothing more than an grumpy old man who appeals to young people who feel they have nothing to lose and are looking for a better deal now and willing to give up all hope of being well off financially in the future. It is really too bad they have so little self-confidence.

Read Barry Goldwater, " the conscience of a conservative."

He's a communist and a liar. It is as simple as that. The good news is that there is no way he could ever beat Trump. He sure would never win the senior vote. They remember the cold war pretty good.


I wasn't asking Bernie, I was asking Traditio. I was curious whether he has changed his stance on illegal immigration. Apparently he has due to pragmatic reasons.

As Ok Dozer has pointed out, I don't think it's fair to describe Bernie's actual position on immigration to be quite what you describe it as "unchecked illegal immigration." I don't agree with Bernie Sanders' immigration plan, but even in this election cycle, Bernie Sanders has said that he's not in favor of open borders.

Also, I believe that you are mischaracterizing my position at the time. My contention at the time was that I didn't think that it was right that someone was fired because he wrote a dissertation advancing the thesis that Hispanic immigrants have low IQs. I wasn't arguing that Hispanic immigrants have low IQs. They may or may not. I don't know.

No, the reason I'm against immigration (especially the immigration of low skilled workers) is twofold: 1. it increases the supply of labor, creates competition for jobs with workers who are already here, and drives down wages, and 2. because of cultural differences. Those illegal immigrants, for example, generally don't speak English. I don't think that you should have to be fluent in Spanish to work at McDonalds or Walmart. Call me crazy.

The problem, however, is that we already have millions of illegal immigrants who are already here and they already have jobs, often below the minimum wage and with poor working conditions. And they certainly aren't going to alert the authorities that they are being exploited, because if they do, they're getting deported. This isn't good for the illegal immigrants. It's not good for workers who are US citizens.

What Bernie Sanders is essentially proposing is to give them a legal status, but then account for the increased competition for labor by raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour and doing a federal jobs guarantee.

I don't necessarily agree with this, but I don't think anyone can deny the economic sense of doing this.


He's a communist and a liar. It is as simple as that. The good news is that there is no way he could ever beat Trump. He sure would never win the senior vote. They remember the cold war pretty good.

Bernie Sanders wants a classless, moneyless, stateless society? Source?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Bernie Sanders wants a classless, moneyless, stateless society? Source?

A curse on you for spitting on the memory of Saint John Paul II who fought the socialist Nazis and the socialist communists.

He fought to free us from them and he suffered under them. You support his oppressors.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Can you be a Christian and a Socialist? The Popes Say No
Popes have taught clearly that "Christian" and "Socialist" are mutually exclusive
[h=2]Pope John Paul II as Reaffirming Leo XIII’s original condemnation of Socialism:[/h]
On the 100th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s condemnation of Socialism, Pope John Paul II issued the document Centesimus Annus reiterating the Catholic condemnation of Socialism:

It may seem surprising that Socialism appeared at the beginning of the Pope’s critique of solutions to the ‘question of the working class’ at a time when ‘socialism’ was not yet in the form of a strong and powerful State, with all the resources which that implies, as was later to happen. However, he correctly judged the danger posed to the masses by the attractive presentation of this simple and radical solution to the ‘question of the working class.’” (John Paul II, Centesimus Annus, May 1, 1991, n. 12)​
John Paul II lived under Socialism and understood its corruption of the working class. He perceived Leo XIII as a prophetic voice at the turn of the century.

The Popes of the 20th century explicitly teach that whether we modify Socialism in the shape of “Moderate Socialism,” or “Christian Socialism,” or “Theistic Socialism,” it still doesn’t fit into Catholic teaching. Socialism is not Christian and never will be Christian.

Dr Taylor Marshall


If you read the Catechism, the Catechism basically says the following:

1. Property ownership is a human right.
2. Centralized State planning of the economy must be rejected.
3. The State can and should intervene in the economy for the common good.

I don't disagree with any of those propositions.

All of those propositions are consistent with market socialism.