Bernie Sanders, Anti-American!


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Sweden especially is having some serious issues with the large immigration recently. They are importing large numbers of refugees even though Sweden has a job and housing shortage. Most of the refugees are being herded into "ghettos" and live apart from native Swedes. In essence Sweden is creating a new a poor underclass with slim hopes for finding quality housing or jobs. This guy living in Sweden makes lots of good points about this.
Yes, I saw the other one too. Sweden is so lame, maybe exposure to Muslims will force them to change their soft ways. I had to laugh, China has all those empty houses, somehow I doubt it, yet what I do not doubt is the reality, no one is going to push the Chinese around.

Muslims talk tough to those in the West, however, they hold their tongues when it comes to what Asians do and value. Funny, they dislike the West for its secular, yet China is the most secular country, as far as I know?

The Berean

Well-known member
Yes, I saw the other one too. Sweden is so lame, maybe exposure to Muslims will force them to change their soft ways. I had to laugh, China has all those empty houses, somehow I doubt it, yet what I do not doubt is the reality, no one is going to push the Chinese around.

Muslims talk tough to those in the West, however, they hold their tongues when it comes to what Asians do and value. Funny, they dislike the West for its secular, yet China is the most secular country, as far as I know?

I think it's admirable that Sweden wants to help the refugees but it seems they didn't really think it through with a cogent plan as to how to integrate all the refugees into Swedish society.


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From another thread.
Originally Posted by Krsto View Post
If you were to say blacks are a threat to your safety and didn't want any to come to the US you would be considered a black hater. The fact is, statistically blacks are more dangerous than Muslims, but you have been "trained" to realize you shouldn't broad brush blacks but treat each one individually and figure each one is innocent until proven guilty. As long as you are not willing to do the same for Muslims you are a racist, except that Muslim isn't a race. Nevertheless, your bigotry works the same way.

I disagree very strong on this. Black people in the USA have put up with much hatred, yet I think most African Americans are good people. Same with Latin peoples across the border.

They do not want to harm women because they like dressing up and wearing perfume. These Muslims are an extreme religious group, and that would be fine if they were like the Amish, who want to keep their ways; however, they wish to force their views on everyone and harm all those who are not willing to accept their religion.

Imagine a fundamentalist Christian wanted to harm all those who are not following God's plan, this is part of their religion, kill the enemy!

I do disagree there is any truth to race, other than we are all the human race.


Well-known member
From another thread.

I disagree very strong on this. Black people in the USA have put up with much hatred, yet I think most African Americans are good people. Same with Latin peoples across the border.

They do not want to harm women because they like dressing up and wearing perfume. These Muslims are an extreme religious group, and that would be fine if they were like the Amish, who want to keep their ways; however, they wish to force their views on everyone and harm all those who are not willing to accept their religion.

Imagine a fundamentalist Christian wanted to harm all those who are not following God's plan, this is part of their religion, kill the enemy!

I do disagree there is any truth to race, other than we are all the human race.

Muslims are no more a danger than blacks. If you don't believe me, do some research on it. Take a look at Hamtramck, Michigan, a Muslim majority city with a Muslim majority city council that is surrounded by black Detroit. Hamtramck has a marked decrease in crime rate compared to Detroit and most of what it does experience comes from blacks coming into the community, not by the resident Muslims.


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The world market depends in the American economy. We have the best and strongest economy, and the global market depends on us. China and Japan have come to develop a market economy based on ours, and as consequence, are doing much better than in past times. Russia wants to make similar changes, as they are the most undeveloped of all European power nations the problem is change has its impasses. Germany is also doing well, the UK may follow, while Sweden and Norway are helpless welfare states; their economy is nearly irrelevant.

You are confusing Socialism with Social Democracy. Sanders has no interest in anything other than a market economy, and a strong one at that.


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The US has one of the worst upward mobility records of any of the world's modern democracies.

Its all well and good to talk about improving one's position in life, but the statistics show that Europeans are far more likely to experience the "The Scandinavian Dream" in a socialist country than US citizens have of experiencing "The American Dream" in a capitalist one!

I'd be interested in seeing the stats on that if you can dig them up.


Well-known member
You are a moron!
It is GNP that measures world market performance. Sweden is down with Turkey and Norway is with Indonesia.

Another difference is Turkey will rise, as well Indonesia, and where Indonesia, a so-called 'third-word' country, is going to pass both these lame ducks in the next ten years.

Read the chart, think before you make senseless statements. The USA is way ahead, and Japan follows. Why not Sweden and Norway, because they have policies which will drain their wealth until they are like 'third-world' countries, then see where the GDP will be. Cannot live off your own fat forever!

Per capita GDP is what determines the wealth of the people, which is what Selaphiel was quoting. Before you call someone a moron you should think about what you are saying.


Well-known member
It should be obvious:

1 - You can't keep spending more than you take in,

2 - You can't keep borrowing more money to spend on things you can't pay for.

What makes you think Sanders is for deficit spending? Did you know the presidents with the best history regarding deficit spending have been Democrats and the worst have been Republican, with Bush Jr. the 2nd worst in history, only to be outdone by Obama.


Well-known member
Have some more kool-aid...:chuckle: The man is an old hippie commie nut job, a leftover from the sixties. I can say as someone on the Right that I hope he gets the nomination, and it is not confusing why support for him has risen, Hillary is a naked felon just awaiting an indictment, her exploits as SOS are trashing what little bit of credibility she has, which aint much. Bernie is the best thing that could happen for the republicans in this cycle, the lunacy on the left assures that the only people voting for a Bernie or Hillary are hardcore leftists but, the independents (a 45% voting block) will leave the left hanging this go around, they can't sell it to them again. :thumb:

I wouldn't be so sure. Recent polls put Bernie beating Trump. I've also heard 25% of his support comes from R's. Makes sense considering he won his Senate seat with a whopping 71%!!


Well-known member
You are a moron!
It is GNP that measures world market performance. Sweden is down with Turkey and Norway is with Indonesia.

Another difference is Turkey will rise, as well Indonesia, and where Indonesia, a so-called 'third-word' country, is going to pass both these lame ducks in the next ten years.

Read the chart, think before you make senseless statements. The USA is way ahead, and Japan follows. Why not Sweden and Norway, because they have policies which will drain their wealth until they are like 'third-world' countries, then see where the GDP will be. Cannot live off your own fat forever!

I live there. You are so far off it is not even funny. Scandinavian countries are consistently ranked as the best places to live in the world.

Maybe you are the one that should think before calling me a moron and yell out the same old right wing propaganda that does not even understand the difference between communism, socialism or a social democratic society. Your guesses at the economic future of the world is about as interesting as my hairdressers take on string theory.

Here is the ranking of purchasing power (GNI per capita):
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New member
You are a moron!
It is GNP that measures world market performance. Sweden is down with Turkey and Norway is with Indonesia.

You do realize that GNP doesn't take into account the population in any way, right? Sure, Sweden is down with Turkey in those terms, but Sweden has a population of 9.5 million while Turkey has a population of 73 million. And Norway vs. Indonesia? 5 million versus almost 250 million, respectively. Indonesia (the fourth most populous country in the world) has literally 50 times the population of Norway, and they live on similar-size economies. These stats show Sweden and Norway to be among the richest countries.


Well-known member
You do realize that GNP doesn't take into account the population in any way, right? Sure, Sweden is down with Turkey in those terms, but Sweden has a population of 9.5 million while Turkey has a population of 73 million. And Norway vs. Indonesia? 5 million versus almost 250 million, respectively. Indonesia (the fourth most populous country in the world) has literally 50 times the population of Norway, and they live on similar-size economies. These stats show Sweden and Norway to be among the richest countries.

Norway, which has nationalized its oil industry (meaning the government owns the means of production) is actually a great argument for Socialism. Makes me think the USA should do the same. Instead of oil profits going to stockholders they would go toward government revenue. Problem is, in the US it would go toward the war machine rather than helping people who need it, like parents of college kids. I doubt Norway spends much on its military.


Well-known member
Norway, which has nationalized its oil industry (meaning the government owns the means of production) is actually a great argument for Socialism. Makes me think the USA should do the same. Instead of oil profits going to stockholders they would go toward government revenue. Problem is, in the US it would go toward the war machine rather than helping people who need it, like parents of college kids. I doubt Norway spends much on its military.
We can't fix anything in the United States until we stop the legalized bribery of the state and federal legislatures by wealthy corporate conglomerates. And we have no mechanism for doing that except the voting booth, and that's being hamstrung, now, as well.
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New member
Norway, which has nationalized its oil industry (meaning the government owns the means of production) is actually a great argument for Socialism. Makes me think the USA should do the same. Instead of oil profits going to stockholders they would go toward government revenue. Problem is, in the US it would go toward the war machine rather than helping people who need it, like parents of college kids. I doubt Norway spends much on its military.

It goes toward the war machine regardless. It's just less direct when the rich take it first.