Yes, I saw the other one too. Sweden is so lame, maybe exposure to Muslims will force them to change their soft ways. I had to laugh, China has all those empty houses, somehow I doubt it, yet what I do not doubt is the reality, no one is going to push the Chinese around.Sweden especially is having some serious issues with the large immigration recently. They are importing large numbers of refugees even though Sweden has a job and housing shortage. Most of the refugees are being herded into "ghettos" and live apart from native Swedes. In essence Sweden is creating a new a poor underclass with slim hopes for finding quality housing or jobs. This guy living in Sweden makes lots of good points about this.
Muslims talk tough to those in the West, however, they hold their tongues when it comes to what Asians do and value. Funny, they dislike the West for its secular, yet China is the most secular country, as far as I know?