Bernie Sanders, Anti-American!


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Hall of Fame
For sanders to remain viable, he must win in Illinois, now with over 50% in, Clinton has a small lead. What is not apparent if if all Chicago is counted?

But it's worth focusing on Illinois, because that's where it looks like Sanders may actually have a real shot. One CBS poll put him up by 2 points this week, and Politico reports that he's been savvily turning the race into something of a referendum on Chicago Mayor (and Clinton ally) Rahm Emanuel.

A loss in Illinois would weaken Clinton's frontrunner status for other reasons as well. The state will likely have the most black voters of the five states voting today


like marbles on glass
I think the kids are just mostly tired of the sell-out, corporate shills and Bernie, as absurd as so much of his rhetoric and expectation may be, is genuine and comes without a price tag. . . If anyone remotely close to the middle could find that note they'd run away with the White House. As it stands we're likely to be looking at two enormously compromised people asking America to believe in them. Too bad for everyone.

I think they see him as honest and authentic.

As for absurd, I don't believe that.. I didn't know much about him prior to his candidacy, but from what I know about him now I don't think he'd have a Benghazi or email scandal in his portfolio. I happen to like a lot of what I hear from him. I also think it's refreshing that the younger demographic isn't exhibiting the ageism I see coming from older adults who ought to know better.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think they see him as honest and authentic.
Yep. He is who he says he is...which makes you wonder how he's even walking around.

As for absurd, I don't believe that.. I didn't know much about him prior to his candidacy, but from what I know about him now I don't think he'd have a Benghazi or email scandal in his portfolio. I happen to like a lot of what I hear from him. I also think it's refreshing that the younger demographic isn't exhibiting the ageism I see coming from older adults who ought to know better.
Naive then, but he's been around the block and should know there's no way the power structure will let him off the margins. The Clinton machine is oiled by the same folks who work the tracks taking you to any point of power on the Hill.

patrick jane

Yep. He is who he says he is...which makes you wonder how he's even walking around.

Naive then, but he's been around the block and should know there's no way the power structure will let him off the margins. The Clinton machine is oiled by the same folks who work the tracks taking you to any point of power on the Hill.

I like Bernie much better than Clinton but as you say, it's hopeless for Bernie. He may, however, take my home state of Missouri.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Looks like Illinois goes to Clinton and Sanders will get Missouri. This was a good day for Hillary.

Sanders now would have to win big in California, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington and Wisconsin to have any hope.

Trump still made goods gains, took all states except Ohio.


New member
I don't think Sanders is truly a socialist though. Does he want to get rid of private ownership? I'll copy doc's signature:

Bernie Is Not a Socialist. Not even a democratic one, since he does not advocate state ownership of the means of production. He is an unapologetic Keynesian redistributionist and state expander, no different in substance from FDR, LBJ, Nixon, George W. Bush, Obama, and the rest of that evil crew. He’s as American as apple pie.

Sweden has private ownership and you cannot get more socialist than them without the police state of Cuba.


New member
I don't think he'd have a Benghazi or email scandal in his portfolio.

In fairness to Clinton, Sanders hasn't been in a position to have a Benghazi, and I don't think there's a lot she could have done to avoid it. What worries me most is that Clinton is the kind of paint-by-numbers candidate that Trump eats for breakfast.

The email thing really is just so Clinton, though.


Well-known member
Sweden has private ownership and you cannot get more socialist than them without the police state of Cuba.
Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are not socialist nations because their governments own one or two major industries of the thousands of large businesses that operate within their borders. They are socialist nations because they have setup forms of democratic government that enable the whole society to determine their economic policies. They have little need for labor unions because they have labor parties that are guaranteed a place in government, and a vote on the actions of government policy. They don't need corporate lobbyists to promote business interests because they have pro-business parties that are likewise guaranteed the ability to represent business issues in government policy-making. And because their democratic processes are so much less corrupt than ours, their people are being more truly and satisfactorily represented than we are.

The result is that their society as a whole; laborers, businessmen, professionals, and dependents (children and the elderly and infirm) are being properly and equally represented, and therefor properly and equally looked out for. Because their "democratic socialist" governments are controlled by their people, and therefor their governmental policies reflect the needs and desires of the people.

They pay high taxes because they want everyone in their country to be guaranteed their survival, free from the fear of economic predation, destitution, and avoidable illness. They want everyone in their country to have access to higher education so that they will have a very high quality work force, and so that anyone among them with the aptitude for intellectual excellence in any fields of endeavor will get an opportunity to discover their talents, and excel. How many geniuses in this country go completely undiscovered, and to waste, simply because they are never given an opportunity to discover their own gifts, and to excel at them?

No one is forcing socialism on the people living in those democratic socialist countries, because "socialism" means that the society, itself, is in control of the policies by which they are being governed. And when those people are asked if they are happy with their government's policies, and their "socialist" system, they are overwhelmingly approving.

Ask Americans if they are happy with their representation, and governmental policies, and see what you get!

Those democratic socialist scandinavian countries are nothing like Cuba, Or Russia, or China. Because Cuba, Russia and China were not democratic. And were not controlled by their own people. They were never actually "socialist" at all.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Purex - google means you don't ever have to be stupid again:

In some ways, Sweden is now less progressive than the United States. Harvard professor Gregory Mankiw writes that the wealthiest decile of Swedes carries 26.7 percent of the tax burden. In The United States, the figure is a whopping 45.1 percent.

Despite their rates of wealth inequality, it is true that the citizens of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland devote more of their income to taxes than American citizens do. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the average American spends 9.8 percent of his income on taxes; Swedes spend 12.3 percent, Danes 26.4 percent, Norwegians 10 percent, and Finns 12.9 percent. Perhaps because of these measures, government debt is less of a problem in Scandinavia than it is in the United States.
Scandinavia’s progressive tax systems fail to protect their citizens from staggering personal debt.

However, Scandinavian rates of household debt are astronomically high. OECD figures also show the average Dane has a household debt equal to 310 percent of his disposable income; the number is 173 percent for Swedes. In America, the average is 114 percent. While America’s economic problems cannot be ignored, it is noteworthy that Scandinavia’s progressive tax systems fail to protect their citizens from staggering personal debt.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
They pay high taxes because they want everyone in their country to be guaranteed their survival, free from the fear of economic predation, destitution, and avoidable illness. They want everyone in their country to have access to higher education so that they will have a very high quality work force, and so that anyone among them with the aptitude for intellectual excellence in any fields of endeavor will get an opportunity to discover their talents, and excel. How many geniuses in this country go completely undiscovered, and to waste, simply because they are never given an opportunity to discover their own gifts, and to excel at them?

We will see how happy Sweden is when they have more and more Muslims, and more Muslims beating the heck out of them, turning the little utopia in a garbage dump.


Well-known member
We will see how happy Sweden is when they have more and more Muslims, and more Muslims beating the heck out of them, turning the little utopia in a garbage dump.
This, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with their being a democratic socialist country.

They are in the process of determining what to do about this refugee problem, as are all the other countries in eastern Europe. Because these refugees are a problem for all of them.

And I hope you're not expressing pleasure at the fact that they're being caught up in this unfortunate refugee business because you resent their success as a socialist nation! Because that would be very petty of you.


According to liberals, nothing is socialist unless they say so :rolleyes:

Just because the economy doesn't necessarily reflect socialism doesn't mean socialism does not exist within. Libs like to make semantics out of everything- socialism does not specifically have to be a literal state because it is also an abstract.