Being politically correct harms Transgenders?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
eider - despite his predictable denial, artie's well known here as an alcoholic poster who gets his kicks being abusive

Hmm, considering it's only you who invented that stuff up - along with the occasional troll who rides on your shirt tails - it's not well known at all as it isn't true, but a trolls gotta do what a trolls gotta do right? Abusive?

That's a new one...


like marbles on glass
Oh, you want to talk about cakes now?


No. I want to talk about your vote to execute homosexuals.

You're yet to justify your "forcing my religion" comment. I've not forced anything, nor would I seek to.

You've simply launched into a tirade to distract people from your false accusation.

How gauche. I don't do tirades.

You've yet to talk about your vote to execute homosexuals. Why are you dancing around it?

antics can be extremely important at times. You deal in vague, but inflammatory accusations.

Oh, I think I was pretty specific.

You do? Then perhaps you can explain why I say it is not OK to be gay.

You like rhymes?

By "forcing" my "religion," right? When I haven't forced a thing and haven't endorsed a religion.

Your "religious beliefs" (which are the words I used in my first post to you) are based in Christianity. I don't know why you keep getting stuck on that point. You plainly said homosexuals should be executed, you plainly said they didn't deserve equality unless they conformed to your version of the rules.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh, you want to talk about cakes now?

You're yet to justify your "forcing my religion" comment. I've not forced anything, nor would I seek to.

You've simply launched into a tirade to distract people from your false accusation.

Our disagreement. :duh:

Uh, nope.

Not necessarily. You've been pushing this line without bothering to justify your accusation.

Stripe, let's just cut to the crux here. You do believe that homosexuals (practicing at least) and adulterers should be executed correct? So by association you must also support the implementation of a theocratic state in order for those laws to come about and be enacted, correct? So you do in fact advocate for such to be enforced and imposed upon all of Western society, otherwise you're not particularly serious about any of this. The likelihood of such happening is irrelevant as to how you believe society should be governed.


Well-known member
Look...... Good old Saul was a Warrant holder in Jerusalem, detaining Christians. He then agreed to a contract to go North through the Decapolis, carrying out the same work. He chucked the warrant, broke the contract, cleared off, changed his name, and made lots of claims.

And the strange thing is, many Christians choose to quote this guy again and again in preference to what Jesus actually said and did. Some Christians couldn't pass a ten question test about Jesus, imo.


Look...... none of that quotes what Jesus said or did.

There yiou go again, linking people who commit violent sexual attacks upon minors to people who feel that they are in the wrong bodies.

But I like you........ you make me smile....... it's fun to read this stuff.
I show posts like yours to my wife and she just gapes at them in disbelief.
'Do they think they are Christians?' she asks...
'Yep' I answers.
...mindblowing..... :)
I like you.... :)

Of course you like me--that's because I'm acting like you! You pick some random thing and say it's deviant and some other random thing and say it's normal. I just happen to pick the opposite things from you. Only I didn't pick mine randomly.

Why is it more deviant to commit violent sexual attacks on minors than it is to feel like you're in the wrong body? Who decides what is normal and what is deviant? You? can I trust that you know so much about how we are made that you can decide for everyone else what is normal and what is deviant? Or should we look to the one that made us and provided ample instruction in what righteousness really is? You know, the one that told Moses, whom Jesus affirmed and quoted often:[Deuteronomy 22:5 ESV] A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.

And how does one ever determine what it feels like to be in the other body type and thereby determine he's in the wrong one? How does one express to someone else what they should feel like in their body? Think about it for a minute--you don't have any idea what it feels like to be the opposite sex until you try it, and even then you don't know for sure you got it right. I can imagine that is why transgendered people have a higher suicide rate--they get all done with the process and they find out they aren't any happier in this new gender than they were in the old one.

I have a question for your wife. What makes a Christian? Is it picking and choosing what parts of the bible you want to follow, as you apparently have done? "I'll just throw out the old testament and most of the new, because I don't like what they say, then I'll pick one particular passage of Jesus that shows He didn't condemn the woman caught in adultery, and I'll even ignore the last part of that one where He clearly called the activity sin and told her to stop doing it. And I'll call it "Christianity", because no one would ever follow it if I called it Eider-ianity."

And how in the world do you know what Jesus said or did? You think because you like the gospel accounts better than Paul's letters, that you get to tell everybody that Paul is lying about what Jesus said to him, but the other gospel writers are not lying about what Jesus said to them? You have the most amazing powers of hindsight to be able to look back in history with such accuracy that you can declare Peter to be incorrect when he claims Paul speaks with authority in his letters.

As long as we're talking about it, let's look at what Peter (remember him, the one Jesus set up as the leader of the disciples) said about Paul, and where he got his material:
[2Pe 3:15 KJV] And account [that] the longsuffering of our Lord [is] salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
[2Pe 3:16 KJV] As also in all [his] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
[2Pe 3:17 KJV] Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

Notice that last sentence (bolded)? Is it possible that you have been led away with the error of the wicked, such that you call evil good (such as transvestitism) and good evil (such as the Puritans who strove to do what the bible says to do, even if they weren't always successful)?

And I took the opportunity to mark in red the part that you have apparently decided to claim as your own description. The problem is that while you and your wife are so blithely working your way to your own destruction, you're willing to bring along with you those that otherwise might have a chance to be free from the bondage of their sin, but you won't allow them to be--as you aren't willing to call it sin.


Well-known member
Of course you like me--that's because I'm acting like you! You pick some random thing and say it's deviant and some other random thing and say it's normal. I just happen to pick the opposite things from you. Only I didn't pick mine randomly.

Why is it more deviant to commit violent sexual attacks on minors than it is to feel like you're in the wrong body? Who decides what is normal and what is deviant? You? can I trust that you know so much about how we are made that you can decide for everyone else what is normal and what is deviant? Or should we look to the one that made us and provided ample instruction in what righteousness really is? You know, the one that told Moses, whom Jesus affirmed and quoted often:[Deuteronomy 22:5 ESV] A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.

And how does one ever determine what it feels like to be in the other body type and thereby determine he's in the wrong one? How does one express to someone else what they should feel like in their body? Think about it for a minute--you don't have any idea what it feels like to be the opposite sex until you try it, and even then you don't know for sure you got it right. I can imagine that is why transgendered people have a higher suicide rate--they get all done with the process and they find out they aren't any happier in this new gender than they were in the old one.

I have a question for your wife. What makes a Christian? Is it picking and choosing what parts of the bible you want to follow, as you apparently have done? "I'll just throw out the old testament and most of the new, because I don't like what they say, then I'll pick one particular passage of Jesus that shows He didn't condemn the woman caught in adultery, and I'll even ignore the last part of that one where He clearly called the activity sin and told her to stop doing it. And I'll call it "Christianity", because no one would ever follow it if I called it Eider-ianity."

And how in the world do you know what Jesus said or did? You think because you like the gospel accounts better than Paul's letters, that you get to tell everybody that Paul is lying about what Jesus said to him, but the other gospel writers are not lying about what Jesus said to them? You have the most amazing powers of hindsight to be able to look back in history with such accuracy that you can declare Peter to be incorrect when he claims Paul speaks with authority in his letters.

As long as we're talking about it, let's look at what Peter (remember him, the one Jesus set up as the leader of the disciples) said about Paul, and where he got his material:
[2Pe 3:15 KJV] And account [that] the longsuffering of our Lord [is] salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
[2Pe 3:16 KJV] As also in all [his] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
[2Pe 3:17 KJV] Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

Notice that last sentence (bolded)? Is it possible that you have been led away with the error of the wicked, such that you call evil good (such as transvestitism) and good evil (such as the Puritans who strove to do what the bible says to do, even if they weren't always successful)?

And I took the opportunity to mark in red the part that you have apparently decided to claim as your own description. The problem is that while you and your wife are so blithely working your way to your own destruction, you're willing to bring along with you those that otherwise might have a chance to be free from the bondage of their sin, but you won't allow them to be--as you aren't willing to call it sin.

What a rant...:)
Soap-box or what?


Lesson for today....
Transgenders do not all cross-dress.
Transgenders are sometimes asexual.

Do you consider transgender, transsexuals and Gays to be ... 'mentally-defective'?


Well-known member
Of course you like me--that's because I'm acting like you! You pick some random thing and say it's deviant and some other random thing and say it's normal. I just happen to pick the opposite things from you. Only I didn't pick mine randomly.

Why is it more deviant to commit violent sexual attacks on minors than it is to feel like you're in the wrong body? Who decides what is normal and what is deviant? You? can I trust that you know so much about how we are made that you can decide for everyone else what is normal and what is deviant? Or should we look to the one that made us and provided ample instruction in what righteousness really is? You know, the one that told Moses, whom Jesus affirmed and quoted often:[Deuteronomy 22:5 ESV] A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.

And how does one ever determine what it feels like to be in the other body type and thereby determine he's in the wrong one? How does one express to someone else what they should feel like in their body? Think about it for a minute--you don't have any idea what it feels like to be the opposite sex until you try it, and even then you don't know for sure you got it right. I can imagine that is why transgendered people have a higher suicide rate--they get all done with the process and they find out they aren't any happier in this new gender than they were in the old one.

I have a question for your wife. What makes a Christian? Is it picking and choosing what parts of the bible you want to follow, as you apparently have done? "I'll just throw out the old testament and most of the new, because I don't like what they say, then I'll pick one particular passage of Jesus that shows He didn't condemn the woman caught in adultery, and I'll even ignore the last part of that one where He clearly called the activity sin and told her to stop doing it. And I'll call it "Christianity", because no one would ever follow it if I called it Eider-ianity."

And how in the world do you know what Jesus said or did? You think because you like the gospel accounts better than Paul's letters, that you get to tell everybody that Paul is lying about what Jesus said to him, but the other gospel writers are not lying about what Jesus said to them? You have the most amazing powers of hindsight to be able to look back in history with such accuracy that you can declare Peter to be incorrect when he claims Paul speaks with authority in his letters.

As long as we're talking about it, let's look at what Peter (remember him, the one Jesus set up as the leader of the disciples) said about Paul, and where he got his material:
[2Pe 3:15 KJV] And account [that] the longsuffering of our Lord [is] salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
[2Pe 3:16 KJV] As also in all [his] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
[2Pe 3:17 KJV] Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

Notice that last sentence (bolded)? Is it possible that you have been led away with the error of the wicked, such that you call evil good (such as transvestitism) and good evil (such as the Puritans who strove to do what the bible says to do, even if they weren't always successful)?

And I took the opportunity to mark in red the part that you have apparently decided to claim as your own description. The problem is that while you and your wife are so blithely working your way to your own destruction, you're willing to bring along with you those that otherwise might have a chance to be free from the bondage of their sin, but you won't allow them to be--as you aren't willing to call it sin.

What a rant...:)
Soap-box or what?


Lesson for today....
Transgenders do not all cross-dress.
Transgenders are sometimes asexual.

Do you consider transgender, transsexuals and Gays to be ... 'mentally-defective'?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I want to talk about your vote to execute homosexuals.
Of course you do. Anything to avoid justifying your accusation of me "forcing" my "religion."

Your "religious beliefs" are based in Christianity.

You ... said they didn't deserve equality unless they conformed to your version of the rules.

Didn't say that at all.

You must also support the implementation of a theocratic state in order for those laws to come about and be enacted, correct?

So you do in fact advocate for such to be enforced and imposed upon all of Western society, otherwise you're not particularly serious about any of this.
Which has nothing to do with the accusation that I am "forcing" my "religion." I am entitled to my opinion without liberal crybabies accusing me of oppression.


like marbles on glass
Of course you do. Anything to avoid justifying your accusation of me "forcing" my "religion."



Didn't say that at all.


Which has nothing to do with the accusation that I am "forcing" my "religion." I am entitled to my opinion without liberal crybabies accusing me of oppression.

You're still going on about this? I'm not retracting anything I said. You can can complain about it until the cows come home, but it won't change anything.