Being politically correct harms Transgenders?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
seriously anna, why not approach the dialogue here in the kind of manner that you used to be able to, instead of alienating the likes of stripe and lon?

in other words, how about you stop being such a weirdo?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
not even working up a sweat :chuckle:

(actually, that's not true - the thermostat's broken in the new library and it's about 80 degrees in here today - and the new windows don't open )


Well-known member
What a rant...:)
Soap-box or what?


Lesson for today....
Transgenders do not all cross-dress.
Transgenders are sometimes asexual.

Do you consider transgender, transsexuals and Gays to be ... 'mentally-defective'?

"mentally defective"? No, not at first. I'm sure they have the same range of intelligence as everybody else, at least to begin with. Maybe you mean morally defective? No, not at first, at least by comparison. I'm sure they have the same tendency to sin that the rest of us have, though perhaps are tempted in different areas.

So if they have the same mental and moral capacity as everybody else, then they are just as responsible to quit sinning as everybody, and just as unlikely to do so without help. Fortunately for all of us, while we were yet sinners (having the mental and moral capacity to sin), Christ died for the ungodly. So that when someone comes preaching repentance and salvation, they, just like everybody, can repent and be saved.

Unless the preacher neglects to tell them that they are sinners. If the preacher says, "It's ok to cross-dress, to be gay, to want to change your gender to something God didn't make you to be" he subverts God's desire for them and it would be better that a millstone be tied around his neck and be cast into the sea (at least he can't do as much damage to those sinners needing to be healed, if he's at the bottom of the sea).

The other thing that happens is that they refuse to repent, and God gives them over to a depraved mind. I think at that point one could call them morally deficient. And with moral deficiency can come mental deficiency.
[Rom 1:21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
[Rom 1:22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

Regarding the difference between transgender and transvestite, I appreciate the reminder, but it seems to me that if the person is not thankful for how God made them, whether they decide to rebel by changing their clothes or changing their body, there may not be much difference, except the consequences of body changes are not reversible in all cases.

Going back to your comment about Paul preaching something other than what Jesus taught, I think it's rather interesting that on one side are people that say Paul is too soft on sin, preaching grace too much, and on the other, he's not preaching grace enough (which sounds like where you are), because he actually calls sin "sin" (or evil "evil").

btw, what is TLDR?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You're still going on about this? I'm not retracting anything I said. You can can complain about it until the cows come home, but it won't change anything.

You're content being a troll then. :troll:

You make unsubstantiated accusations and when called on them freely admit you're only interested in watching reactions.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

So how then? Secular laws in the West would never sanction the execution of homosexuals and adulterers. It's only a theocratic state that would do that.

Which has nothing to do with the accusation that I am "forcing" my "religion." I am entitled to my opinion without liberal crybabies accusing me of oppression.

So if you could change the laws you wouldn't then? What you advocate is the oppression of people, regardless of whether you could bring it about. So stop crying yourself and acting like an idiot calling anna a troll.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Secular laws in the West would never sanction the execution of homosexuals and adulterers.
They sanction the execution of unborn babies.

It's only a theocratic state that would do that.

You make an accusation and then defend it by saying what "would" happen.

It's called being a troll. How about you quit making silly accusations and engage rationally? :up:

It's not OK to be gay.


like marbles on glass
You're content being a troll then. :troll:

I'm content watching you twist yourself into a pretzel. :)

You make unsubstantiated accusations and when called on them freely admit you're only interested in watching reactions.

It bothers you that I have the audacity to "freely admit" my fascination at your strangeness? I'm devastated.


like marbles on glass
So how then? Secular laws in the West would never sanction the execution of homosexuals and adulterers. It's only a theocratic state that would do that.

So if you could change the laws you wouldn't then? What you advocate is the oppression of people, regardless of whether you could bring it about. So stop crying yourself and acting like an idiot calling anna a troll.

He's deflecting from his vote that homosexuals should be executed. And from his post saying that gays didn't deserve equality unless they followed "the rules." (Hint: Christian rules.)

We shouldn't write laws based on the popularity of an idea. We should write laws based on what is right and what is wrong. It is wrong to force a business to serve when they do not wish to serve. It is the right of every business owner to refuse service as they see fit.

And if homosexuals want to be treated like normal people, they should not act abnormally. Equality comes by conforming to the rules. Those who do not conform should face consequences.
He should be out and proud about his past words, then he wouldn't look like such a hypocrite for being pretend-scandalized at my saying "It's not okay to force your religious beliefs on people who don't share them."

Seriously. He's gone a little nutty over it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
They sanction the execution of unborn babies.

The abortion debate is a separate issue although if only your concern for the sanctity of life extended towards adults...


You make an accusation and then defend it by saying what "would" happen.

It's called being a troll. How about you quit making silly accusations and engage rationally? :up:

It's the only rational conclusion to draw. You support the execution of people for either practicing a sexual orientation or marital infidelity. It stands to reason that were such a state implemented you'd be all in favour of it and forcing it on the population as a whole. It's in no way being a troll to point that out.

It's not OK to be gay.

So don't be then. It's not like people have a choice in it anyway...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
He's deflecting from his vote that homosexuals should be executed. And from his post saying that gays didn't deserve equality unless they followed "the rules." (Hint: Christian rules.)

He should be out and proud about his past words, then he wouldn't look like such a hypocrite for being pretend-scandalized at my saying "It's not okay to force your religious beliefs on people who don't share them."

Seriously. He's gone a little nutty over it.

Exactly. These are his own words so his attitude is just bemusing.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I'm content watching you twist yourself into a pretzel.
We know you're a troll. You've said.

You'll throw out accusations of oppression and then refuse to substantiate them, thinking your entertainment is justification enough for lies.

It's not okay to force your religious beliefs on people who don't share them."
Show us where I'm "forcing" my "religion" and you'll have the basis of an actual accusation.

As it is, you're just a liar and a troll.

Troll is worse.

The abortion debate is a separate issue.
Facts, remember?

The government you are happy to have endorses the murder of unborn children. Pretending you know what kind of government I would like does nothing to substantiate your claims that I am "forcing" my "religion."

It's especially ironic given the facts on the ground.

And by "ironic," I mean hypocritical.

It stands to reason that were such a state implemented you'd be all in favour of it and forcing it on the population as a whole.
"If" and "would" do not justify your accusations.

It's in no way being a troll to point that out.
Except that these were not your accusations.

It's not like people have a choice in it anyway.
People can't choose who they have sex with? :AMR:

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
My stock answer to a person asking about sex change surgery:

I believe you were born with the sexual gender God wanted and planned from eternity for you to possess.

The reason we do what we do even when it surprises or disappoints us is rooted in our beliefs. As a child, your experiences produced feelings in you that in turn triggered thoughts about those feelings. Your thoughts created an outgrowth of accurate or inaccurate beliefs. In this way, your feelings about your experiences communicated messages to you about yourself, others and God. The messages you received in early childhood, especially those regarding your value and your sexuality, formed your "belief system." Beliefs birth behaviors... that is, your beliefs determine your priorities, your choices, your habits and even your "relationship addiction." But as your beliefs change, over time your relationships will change.

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." (1 Corinthians 13:11)

Your sexual identity is determined, not by your desires, but by your body. The reason your sexual desires do not line up with your sexual anatomy is most often because of your emotional hurts from childhood. But you have a choice whether to allow your woundedness to dictate your sexuality or to seek emotional healing. This healing will allow you to live fulfilled within your heterosexual identity?your true identity, which God says is good:

"Male and female he created them.... God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." (Genesis 1:27, 31)

What you believe largely determines what you do. You may sincerely believe that your view that you are a male trapped in a female body (or the reverse) is an identity you are born with or is some twisted curse of fate permitting no choice. And because of that assumed identity, you may believe you have a God-given "birthright" that gives you license act as if you are a male (or female) or even alter your body towards maleness (or femininity).

However, your current gender thinking is not an identity, but is rather a behavior... and behaviors can be changed. Whatever you may believe, the truth is: Anyone can change because...

"With God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)

The confusion some experience, especially young persons, has not gone unnoticed by professionals:

ACPEDS - College Cautions Educators About Sexual Orientation in Youth

The consensus among medical professionals is that what you are experiencing is the result of socio-physiological-psychological issues that can be resolved with proper counseling, medications if needed, and, often from the passage of adolescence. I urge you to first seek out medical professionals for a thorough physical examination to determine if there are underlying hormonal imbalance issues. Secondly, I would advise you to speak to your Pastor about what you are experiencing.

Surgery to alter one's sex is a sin of rebellion against God's created order: male and female He made them. God’s creation is good, and he does not create generic persons but “male and female,” in his own image (Gen 1:27) to be fruitful and to multiply. In seeking to “become” a woman (or a man), you have established yourself as a god, determining the very structure of your createdness. A rejection of the goodness of these creational realities is a revolt against God’s lordship, and against the picture of the gospel that God had embedded in the creation.

This sort of surgery will mangle your male (or female) gender, and seeks to create a bizarre biological masquerade of a biological reality that isn’t there.

Lastly, I disagree with any view that transsexuality is not homosexuality, no matter your commitment to celibacy. Scripture clearly teaches us that it is an abomination in God's eyes to pursue or even to desire sexual relations with a person of one's own gender. Such a desire is in effect a desire to be a member of the opposite sex (who would, as such, properly qualify as a sex partner for one's own gender). Thus the condemnation of homosexuality would reasonably apply to transsexual desires and behavior as well (as they pertain, at least, to sexual conduct and interests).

A person who has undergone a sex-change operation but then later comes to Christian conversion needs to repent of this (as any other) sin and do the works appropriate to repentance. This would involve "getting back" to where they belong sexually (thus seeking a reversal operation), hating all desires to be other than what God has made them sexually, and seeking to live in a godly fashion as the male/female they were created to be. The church must counsel and support the converted transsexual in these things, as it helps all other kinds of sinners.

Scripture teaches us in Deuteronomy 22:5: "A woman shall not wear what pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever does these things is an abomination unto Jehovah your God."

If the mere wearing of garments of the opposite sex is sin, how much more is that sin when biological changes are made!


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Facts, remember?

The government you are happy to have endorses the murder of unborn children. Pretending you know what kind of government I would like does nothing to substantiate your claims that I am "forcing" my "religion."

It's especially ironic given the facts on the ground.

And by "ironic," I mean hypocritical.

Er, if you think I'm "happy" with the government over here then think again. Now when it comes to your "reasoning" as to why homosexuals and adulterers should be executed are you going to deny that it isn't because of your religious beliefs? Isn't that the template for how you think a society should be governed in general? If not then do explain why society should kill such people. The floor is yours.

"If" and "would" do not justify your accusations.

How so? You believe that society should execute practicing homosexuals and adulterers. You're not getting a chance to enforce those laws sure but you support a system of government that does, and by association imposed on the whole of society.

Except that these were not your accusations.

So? I fully agree with anna and your puerile attempts to label her a troll would only impress the likes of the forums biggest troll as it is, so 'well done' there. :plain:

People can't choose who they have sex with? :AMR:

Of course they can. Who said otherwise? :AMR:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame

Because moving the goalposts is a logical fallacy.

You accused me of "forcing" my "religion."

Changing the charge when called on your nonsense is just plain silly. Proper behavior would be to retract your accusation. :up: