Ask Knight (Archived)

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Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
AMR, you are misreading what Bob Hill wrote:
Bob Hill said:
Jesus Christ could die for our sins only as a perfect man. God the Son could not die. That’s why He had to become a man and live for 30 years without sinning.
You latch onto the sentence, "God the Son could not die," as a proof text that Bob Hill agrees with you and disagrees with us. But in the context of the rest of the paragraph, Hill is clearly saying that God the Son could not die prior to His incarnation. Bob is saying that God the Son became a Man (Jesus Christ) so that He (God the Son, now a.k.a. Jesus Christ) could die for our sins.

Nathon Detroit

It is clear that Mystery and anyone who agrees with him are at odds with Bob and actually all of Christendom. I would be curious to know what Enyart believes on this topic. I have been unable to find anything he has written that discusses the Incarnation.
Bob and I discussed this issue the other day at church. He thinks it's tragic that people have let theology force them into saying wacky, unbiblical things.


TOL Subscriber
Bob and I discussed this issue the other day at church. He thinks it's tragic that people have let theology force them into saying wacky, unbiblical things.

Did Bob have an opinion about who died on the cross? Or does he consider the entire subject to be wacky?

If he gave you an opinion, would that not constitute expressing his "theology?"

(Please don't ban me for asking!!!)


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Did Bob have an opinion about who died on the cross? Or does he consider the entire subject to be wacky?

If he gave you an opinion, would that not constitute expressing his "theology?"

(Please don't ban me for asking!!!)

Who said that expressing "theology" is bad? Do you think that's what Knight was saying? :rotfl: Did you notice what site you're on?


TOL Subscriber
Who said that expressing "theology" is bad? Do you think that's what Knight was saying? :rotfl: Did you notice what site you're on?

Yes, I am aware of the site I am on, and thus my questioning.

This is a theology board, but Knight has said before he is not very interested in theology. And now inference is made that attempts to clarify the deeper aspects of theology, somehow produces wackiness.

So I am sorry if I have misunderstood.

Perhaps you can tell me? Are we welcome and encouraged to delve into theology (historical and/or personal) here or not?

Or will those who desire to search out the deeper things of God, just be considered absurd?


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
AMR, you are misreading what Bob Hill wrote:
You latch onto the sentence, "God the Son could not die," as a proof text that Bob Hill agrees with you and disagrees with us. But in the context of the rest of the paragraph, Hill is clearly saying that God the Son could not die prior to His incarnation. Bob is saying that God the Son became a Man (Jesus Christ) so that He (God the Son, now a.k.a. Jesus Christ) could die for our sins.
It is not the point. The real point is Mystery's view that Christ possessed no human soul, but was merely God the Son in a suit of flesh, that Christ had but one nature, and did not possess a fully human and a fully divine nature. This is the issue, and Bob's posts are clear that he disagrees with Mystery and affirms the orthodox two nature position. Keep focused on this point for it is the heart of the matter with respect to what Mystery has been espousing.

Christ was one Person, with a fully human and a fully divine nature existing in an indissoluble hypostatic union that could not be mixed, divided, confused, or separated. I believe Bob clearly affirms this. If Mr. Hill disagrees, he is welcome to clarify anything I have misread from his posts on TOL and at his bible answers web site that I reviewed.


Bob and I discussed this issue the other day at church. He thinks it's tragic that people have let theology force them into saying wacky, unbiblical things.
It's ideal if people actually read their bibles, instead of just going along with whatever wind of doctrine that may come along.

Nathon Detroit

Did Bob have an opinion about who died on the cross? Or does he consider the entire subject to be wacky?
Well... if he was agreeing with me what do you think his position was? :duh:

Furthermore... if you really want to know what Bob thinks call his show. Call any weekday 3 to 3:30PM (MDT) 1-800-8ENYART. You don't need to debate him, just ask him what he thinks, it would make for an interesting show.


New member
How long does a ban last? What's a "permaban?" Why is there a commandment about not discussing the reasons someone was banned? Are there warnings preceding a ban?

Thanks from a newbie

Nathon Detroit

How long does a ban last?
It depends.

Some bans last just a day, others are permanent and there is a rainbow of fruit flavors in the middle.
What's a "permaban?"
I don't know but it sounds bad.

Why is there a commandment about not discussing the reasons someone was banned?
We don't enforce that anymore.

Are there warnings preceding a ban?
Usually yes, you might get an infraction or two prior to a ban. Yet other times folks get banned without warning, it really depends on the infraction.

Thanks from a newbie


New member
Hi Knight! Am I allowed to post a video from Is it considered SPAM, since it really advocates the site? It's a pretty cool video about when life begins.

Also, more importantly, what do you think of Peter Forsberg's return to the Avs?

Nathon Detroit

Hi Knight! Am I allowed to post a video from Is it considered SPAM, since it really advocates the site? It's a pretty cool video about when life begins.
No that's fine.

SPAM applies more to new members who pop on to TOL and start posting links to other websites. Existing TOL'ers who post relevant links to other sources is a welcomed practice.

Also, more importantly, what do you think of Peter Forsberg's return to the Avs?
He looked fantastic in his first night back.

Watching him play is a treat, he really is an amazing athlete.


New member
I have two more questions:

1 - Can I post graphic pictures of aborted babies as an attachment to my post on an abortion thread? :D Sometimes they are absolutely necessary.

2 - Is the "Autosmite" feature being used by admins even now? I kind of want to see someone be...smote? smited? In any case, I didn't see much past the original announcement by Turbo. Just curious.


Death2impiety's Wife
Gold Subscriber
I have two more questions:

1 - Can I post graphic pictures of aborted babies as an attachment to my post on an abortion thread? :D Sometimes they are absolutely necessary.

2 - Is the "Autosmite" feature being used by admins even now? I kind of want to see someone be...smote? smited? In any case, I didn't see much past the original announcement by Turbo. Just curious.

Ohhh! I know the answers!

1 - Yes you may post pics of aborted babies!

2 - Yeah it's being used. It's the infraction points people get.

PS. Sorry Knight for answering :chuckle: It's your thread, I know.. But err.. The corn was really good! (Will this get me outta trouble :noid: )
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