Are you personally culpable for your government's actions?

Saxon Hammer

New member


1. It's not enough to just declare again your idea.

Systems don't create leaders. That there is a system and there are leaders does not mean one caused the other.

2. Are you agreeing with me?

3. We did not inherit Adam's action; we inherited his nature.

4. Ah. Here's the disconnect. You think politicians are automatically leaders.

5. I think politicians are almost always not very good leaders.

6. 1. I'm not dependent on the government.
7. 2. There's no necessary connection between dependency and culpability.

Like what?

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See numbers above

1. The whole of the post is rationalisation of the opening statement (again)
2. If you think so or if you don't.
3. His nature was 'sinful' so we 'inherited his nature' as you say.
4. The top leader of society IS a politician.
5. You show YOUR disconnect and explanation for it.
6. This you will have to provide evidence of why you are NOT dependent on the government after all it protects you from invasion.
7. There is if you know that you are dependant on an 'evil government/system' as you would not kill yourself trying to change it. (like Jesus did)

Saxon Hammer

New member
the government provides that? :freak:

where do you live - russia?

not a factor where i live :idunno:

clean water falls from the sky all the time

Yes the government does indeed provide that - try opening a shop without consent from the system.

I live in the United Kingdom (not that we are united in much these days). This is no land for free in the U.K. nor from what I know is there in the U.S.A. - You need to purchase land which requires engagement with Government again.

Yes clean water does indeed fall from the sky (plenty in the UK). Are you collecting and drinking that and that rain water alone? Have you managed to go off grid? If so how did you get the device that you use to talk online?

Money - The system's blood.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
See numbers above

1. The whole of the post is rationalisation of the opening statement (again)
2. If you think so or if you don't.
3. His nature was 'sinful' so we 'inherited his nature' as you say.
4. The top leader of society IS a politician.
5. You show YOUR disconnect and explanation for it.
6. This you will have to provide evidence of why you are NOT dependent on the government after all it protects you from invasion.
7. There is if you know that you are dependant on an 'evil government/system' as you would not kill yourself trying to change it. (like Jesus did)
I think maybe you're not quite explaining yourself completely.

I find no necessary connection between dependency and culpability.

Is a child dependent on his parents culpable for their misdeeds?

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Saxon Hammer

New member
I think maybe you're not quite explaining yourself completely.

I find no necessary connection between dependency and culpability.

Is a child dependent on his parents culpable for their misdeeds?

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Well you have brought a child into the discussion and children are not mature so they cannot be culpable due to their dependency.

However, chosen dependency of an adult (mature) on a, known to themselves, corrupt/evil system is culpability. There is no freedom in this country to be anything other.

So I can now see what we are discussing and why we both think the other is 'disconnected'.

Being dependent as a baby is one thing but we take the pacifier (dummy) away to remove the 'dependency' on this childish 'crutch'.

Choosing to be dependant is very different - this is where the adult picks up pacifier (dummy). Or you might say follows the easy route, the safe path and this then leads to culpability.

Try living without any money at all. Never having had any money at all. Possession of money is almost enough to state 'culpability' for the systems wrong doings.

Remember Jesus and the money lenders.

Saxon Hammer

New member
I think you're trying to explain a concept using words that cannot mean what you're trying to say.

"Chosen dependency" is a contradiction in terms. If it was chosen, it is not necessary. If it is not necessary, it is not dependency.

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So what word should I use?

1. Guilty by association
2. Responsible
3. Gullible
4. Collaboration (as in Nazi collaborator)
5. Willfully blind
6. Wilfully deaf
7. Lazy
8. Coward

What fits the bill? All these people making a system that does so much harm to the people we love because everyone else just goes along with the system. There is no end of website sites that you can write your angry words on but where is the action that should follow - lost because the enemy is too big, it is the very way we live our lives protecting those we love and neglecting those we do not.

Right now 'money' is a worldwide connected system that all have access too provided of course you pay the charges and you have some 'money' in the first place.

State systems do not have enough 'money' to do a good job, let alone the job you would like to do for your loved one. This is because the taxes are not high enough, because nobody wants to work and give up their money, so there is no will in the Government to raise taxes. This ensures that the police are not able to catch criminals, medical aid is not available for the sick, schools are mediocre but most of all ensures other people suffer.

Look at the massive amounts of money the Governments armed forces consume ESPECIALLY during war time. The slowdown (recession) in the west is due to 'money' moving to China and the East as this is where the BIG BUCKS can be made. 'Money' has no love nor loyalty and will move people to do great harm just to get more or hold on to what they have. Your Government has gone into debt to fight its wars since 'money' became THE force of control (many hundreds/thousands of years ago).

When your country goes to war, your own countrymen WILL die, your country intends to KILL other people and innocents will be HARMED.

Saxon Hammer

New member
I think you're trying to explain a concept using words that cannot mean what you're trying to say.

"Chosen dependency" is a contradiction in terms. If it was chosen, it is not necessary. If it is not necessary, it is not dependency.

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This is in fact a legitimate phrase 'chosen dependency' but not normally used outside of medical journals.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
All these people making a system that does so much harm to the people we love because everyone else just goes along with the system. There is no end of website sites that you can write your angry words on but where is the action that should follow - lost because the enemy is too big, it is the very way we live our lives protecting those we love and neglecting those we do not.

This expresses a very different idea; that the actions of governments demand that we oppose them.

We are obliged to oppose evil, but even if we do not, that does not make us culpable for state actions.