yes, do tell me how though you believe that anyone who claims they are christian, mean they are part of the body, because they say so?
Right, so you consider those who
you believe to be part of 'the body' your brothers and sisters in Christ. That was the point of the 'brethren' bit.
I didnt say all, you did, i said those at TOL.
Okay, you either have severe reading comprehension difficulties, have a very short attention deficit or you are flat out lying now. I've pulled up direct quotes from you where you blatantly contradict yourself. You need to see them again?
Ok, here ya go:
"I showed what was stated by you above,
i never claimed you painted all right wingers - and this is the third 'change' to what you stated youve made when called on it."
"You just told one.
You also told one when you painted all right wing believers that post at TOL with your incorrect rant."
Those are direct quotes from you Angel. Now where did I bring 'all' into it? Quote me on it. I'll wait while you don't manage to do that.
Well, you said you wanted to be told if your witness was lacking or something akin so here's some advice. Get your facts straight before you accuse someone of saying something they haven't. If you've made a mistake as you have here then own it, we all do it so there's no shame in it. If you don't retract your accusation then you bear false witness against me and that's your call, but you'll only serve to reinforce my view of
many far right wingers on here if you do.
Well, yes as with the direct contradictions I've quoted from you above. Up to you if you want to be so arrogant as to not take ownership of your very own words though.