TOL Subscriber
It really doesn't matter if you care what assessment I made, it has no effect on your lack of credibility.
You don't get to determine that, except for your own self via your mental disorders.
It really doesn't matter if you care what assessment I made, it has no effect on your lack of credibility.
Why not, if you want that to apply to others shouldnt it also apply to you?
You just told one. You also told one when you painted all right wing believers that post at TOL with your incorrect rant.
Afraid to tell me the truth? I doubt you would get banned for that, its how something is said, not what is said from my view.
I told you, if you see me supporting something contrary to my faith, i need to know it, i sincerely care about my witness before God.
Didn't you know? Anything young black men do is okay, and they should never be questioned, detained, arrested, or charged with any crimes.
I've spent years volunteering in the local jails and the state and federal prisons. I know better. I've spent a huge part of my life ministering to the families of incarcerated men of all races and ages. I know what the statistics and attitudes are. They don't lie.
OBLM = Only Black Lives Matter
They want special rights, cowering acquiescence, and a huge reparations payday. The rest is smoke and mirrors.
And their cries of oppression and institutionalized racism, regardless how valid to whatever degree, are an exponential exaggeration that is, at best, a parody of actual reality.
It really doesn't matter if you care what assessment I made, it has no effect on your lack of credibility.
You don't get to determine that, except for your own self via your mental disorders.
Oh, I do get to assess your credibility. You volunteer in a community you obviously despise and consider yourself superior to. You're dripping with condescension towards them, so I really hope you're not volunteering in a religious capacity, particularly a religion which teaches that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
Your antichrist neo-liberal mental disorders make your false assessments invalid.
(And actually, much of what I've said comes directly from those in that black community who are fed up with both the failures in their community, and the indulgences and excuses of neo-liberal white know-nothings pretending to be Christians or just plain caring humans, like you.)
You are dismissed. Preferably to self-commit for mental help or to an altar for actual repentance from sin, or both.
God opposes you, so heed your own unrighteous judgment of others.
You despise the people you volunteer with. You show from your own words that you think you're better than they are. (You don't even know if the earth is flat or round, so I'm almost tempted to cut you some slack... :think: Nah....)
The social fabric of African American families was torn by slavery...
I need nothing from you. Keep your "slack", along with your apostasy and reprobation, neo-liberal heretic. Now tend to your mental disorders.
Tend to your own dude.
And now the asylum's sub-basement dweller speaks. Go slip into a coma, cretinous neo-liberal.
Not really. Look at the history of oppressed peoples and the cultural response to it. You get a stronger group identity among them, and a stronger, unifying religious foundation is also common, both as a coping mechanism and for the promise of social justice that tends to be integral to that faith. The damage of slavery was a profound dehumanization and the shattering psychological impact of it is still reverberating through the black community. Both of those truths are part of the reason why you see a quick and ready unification in the Black Lives Matter movement, across economic and educational distinctions within the black community and why there is a much less cohesive response to the greater problem of violence within the community, aimed inwardly.if true, one would expect the consequences of that torn fabric to be most pronounced as one approaches slavery, not as one recedes from it
Not really.
The funny and sad thing is that the only way he can try to equate weight and thought is by pretending mine has his limitations (any sense).yes, really
The funny and sad thing is that the only way he can try to equate weight and thought is by pretending mine has his limitations (any sense).
Not really. Look at the history of oppressed peoples and the cultural response to it. You get a stronger group identity among them, and a stronger, unifying religious foundation is also common, both as a coping mechanism and for the promise of social justice that tends to be integral to that faith. The damage of slavery was a profound dehumanization and the shattering psychological impact of it is still reverberating through the black community. Both of those truths are part of the reason why you see a quick and ready unification in the Black Lives Matter movement, across economic and educational distinctions within the black community and why there is a much less cohesive response to the greater problem of violence within element of the community aimed inwardly.
Not really. Look at the history of oppressed peoples and the cultural response to it. You get a stronger group identity among them, and a stronger, unifying religious foundation is also common, both as a coping mechanism and for the promise of social justice that tends to be integral to that faith. The damage of slavery was a profound dehumanization and the shattering psychological impact of it is still reverberating through the black community. Both of those truths are part of the reason why you see a quick and ready unification in the Black Lives Matter movement, across economic and educational distinctions within the black community and why there is a much less cohesive response to the greater problem of violence within element of the community aimed inwardly.
Frankly I think a lot of the 'hard right' here show nothing but bile and a rabid zealotry that is at odds with the faith they supposedly profess.
No. If you want to make my comment personal to you then you start a thread for the very same. Otherwise I was directing this towards the likes of those who act like a bunch of clowns. I disagree with you on most matters but this wasn't pointed at every 'conservative' A4T.
I see, then thanks for letting me know you see no issue in what i express conflicting with the faith in Jesus Christ that I profess, i wanted to make sure that my witness is right before God.
Also you didnt say conservative, you said those on the right, and i am included in that group.
Yes, the far right and I stand by that. I think the way you come across and your opinions can be as callous as it can get A4T, but at least you don't invent up lurid innuendo, sleaze, lies and bonkers tripe that many of your 'brethren' seem to have no problem in doing.
yes, do tell me how though you believe that anyone who claims they are christian, mean they are part of the body, because they say so?Well, don't you consider people who are part of 'the body' to be your brothers and sisters?
How? Furthermore you're wrong on the latter else quote me where I've painted all right wingers with the same brush.
Well, I'd recommend getting your facts straight before falsely accusing people of saying something they haven't (like the above) else how you witness et al is up to you.
yes, do tell me how though you believe that anyone who claims they are christian, mean they are part of the body, because they say so?
I showed what was stated by you above, i never claimed you painted all right wingers - and this is the third 'change' to what you stated youve made when called on it.
You just told one. You also told one when you painted all right wing believers that post at TOL with your incorrect rant.
I just proved you kept changing what YOU said, not me. Perhaps you should rethink your own advice.
I can't control your bias filters, but all you've responded with is the brief declaration of your subjective valuation, sans argument or rebuttal on any part.Sounds like bitterness and resentment.
I touched on what I suspect is the root in the last of that post. It's easier to fall back on the remnants of what unified you, against the perception (rooted in observable truth) of an abuse of authority by the former oppressor than it is to turn a unified examination of self into a reality. The moment that happens the numerous subgroups within the community, divided by economic circumstance, education, and even generations, make the end game difficult to achieve and impossible to achieve with anything like the same unity. So it's easy to unite as blacks against a real threat from without and much more problematic to deal with a greater threat that will immediately divide the community across those noted lines.BLM - if they matter so much, why do they kill each other at such alarming rates and why arent their men standing up and protesting that?