Are black on white attacks justified?

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
That's a good material illustration of what I'm talking about. Sincere question: even with your optimism, how likely do you think it will be that will change in your lifetime?
Well, the land isn't likely to change much, but it's more a reminder than evidence of anything else. The changes I see in kids and their parents is encouraging. I know Jack's first kid crush was on a black girl in his class and he doesn't think about race much, though he has been upset and confused by snippets of things he sees on the news relating to it. How different is it now? I had a crush on Maggie A in high school. Beautiful, smart. We sat next to each other in a couple of classes. By the mid-point of the year we spent most of our time smiling at each other, finding moments and time to talk, but we never went out. She was black and I was white and we understood what that meant among our peers and the outlying world. Her parents had a store. It would have been disastrous for them, both in terms of white response and within the black community.

Jack's first crush caused not so much as a ripple. Just smiles from both sets of parents and gratitude on my part to see it.

Hope? I have hope by the bucket.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Didn't you know? Anything young black men do is okay, and they should never be questioned, detained, arrested, or charged with any crimes.

I've spent years volunteering in the local jails and the state and federal prisons. I know better. I've spent a huge part of my life ministering to the families of incarcerated men of all races and ages. I know what the statistics and attitudes are. They don't lie.

OBLM = Only Black Lives Matter

They want special rights, cowering acquiescence, and a huge reparations payday. The rest is smoke and mirrors.

for all too many of them, yes

good post pneumo! :first:


like marbles on glass
Well, the land isn't likely to change much, but it's more a reminder than evidence of anything else. The changes I see in kids and their parents is encouraging. I know Jack's first kid crush was on a black girl in his class and he doesn't think about race much, though he has been upset and confused by snippets of things he sees on the news relating to it. How different is it now? I had a crush on Maggie A in high school. Beautiful, smart. We sat next to each other in a couple of classes. By the mid-point of the year we spent most of our time smiling at each other, finding moments and time to talk, but we never went out. She was black and I was white and we understood what that meant among our peers and the outlying world. Her parents had a store. It would have been disastrous for them, both in terms of white response and within the black community.

Jack's first crush caused not so much as a ripple. Just smiles from both sets of parents and gratitude on my part to see it.

Hope? I have hope by the bucket.

First, and I mean this in the kindest possible way - do you think it's easier to have hope by the bucket when one is white? I don't intend that as a stab at good intentions, nor do I (as some would claim here) mean that buckets of hope aren't possible if you're not white. It's a sincere question, which relates to the burden of history.

Your juxtaposed stories are sweet, but still have an element of sadness in that your high school crush was seen by both of you as an impossibility due to societal forces that were greater than the two of you. Those societal forces may be lessened now, but how much of the credit for that goes to the efforts of progressives, which the alt right will never acknowledge?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
First, and I mean this in the kindest possible way - do you think it's easier to have hope by the bucket when one is white?........
Those who see color are the ones who already lessen their own chances. If a black person sees himself as black and not just an American, he sets himself up for failure.

THIS is the racism of Democrats, the racism of low expectations. When you tell blacks, or Hispanics or whoever, the stuff you are saying, then that is how they will approach life. But if any kid of any race studies hard, gets good grades, is a good person, and most importantly, presents himself to others as a decent person (and a very professional person when it comes to employment) that person will succeed.

But when horrible race-hustling black leaders like Al Sharpton scream and drool racism everyday, and when black celebrities rap about pimpin' and ho's, then it is those people who destroy their own communities and the kids growing up in them.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
First, and I mean this in the kindest possible way - do you think it's easier to have hope by the bucket when one is white?
Probably, but the illustration I set out speaks to why. Things have changed fairly dramatically, socially, here. What we need is economic opportunity in the poor community. About half the people who live in our county seat are under the poverty line.

Your juxtaposed stories are sweet, but still have an element of sadness in that your high school crush was seen by both of you as an impossibility due to societal forces that were greater than the two of you.
Just a fact of life, one that Jack will hardly believe when I tell him about it someday.

Those societal forces may be lessened now, but how much of the credit for that goes to the efforts of progressives, which the alt right will never acknowledge?
I think progressive agendas confront and that's a necessary and often good thing, but that what changes people is how they respond to the confrontation. So it's a partnership that moves the margin. As whites in the South were forced into closer quarters and prolonged exposure as human beings, much of the mindless distinctions began to lose their power. So the next generation rolled its eyes, keeping less of that. And the next. And the next, until you have Jack and his generation.

Now there's still a lot of bigotry to go around. There's a lot of work to do and bridges to be built and crossed together, but I think we see the impact in our children and their children. From where I'm standing, with a fairly wide perspective on the chronological shift, you'd have to be blind or the worst sort of cynic to not find realistic hope.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh. So getting to heaven without the cookie and other required sacraments should be a neat trick. Good luck with it.

Yet you're still here, talking at me. Feel free to stop at any time, I won't miss you, promise. Desperation is a turnoff.

Tell your cats how mean I've been, between shovels full of ice cream.


Just how old are you again?

Is that what you consider edifying behaviour? Acting like a complete tool? Is Galatians just an inconvenient chapter in the bible for you or do you consider that you're displaying the 'fruits of the spirit' right about now?

You're the one who supposedly put anna on perm ignore so either you don't know what that means or you're the one who's looking for attention. And 'hitting on you'? Why the hell would you even say that?

Stop acting like stuff that floats on a pond and grow up Musty. You're a joke and a piece of work.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Just how old are you again?

Is that what you consider edifying behaviour? Acting like a complete tool? Is Galatians just an inconvenient chapter in the bible for you or do you consider that you're displaying the 'fruits of the spirit' right about now?

You're the one who supposedly put anna on perm ignore so either you don't know what that means or you're the one who's looking for attention. And 'hitting on you'? Why the hell would you even say that?

Stop acting like stuff that floats on a pond and grow up Musty. You're a joke and a piece of work.
Too many on the hard right acting peculiarly these days. Rocket used to be someone I'd note as reasonable and capable of talking like an adult. No idea what's going on with Must here, but all of it is discouraging.

Maybe that's the impact of a no-character candidate for high office on the public square's quality of conversation and methodology.

Anyway, I've been having a productive conversation with anna on race relations. Maybe you could give us a window into your neck of the woods and race.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Too many on the hard right acting peculiarly these days. Rocket used to be someone I'd note as reasonable and capable of talking like an adult. No idea what's going on with Must here, but all of it is discouraging.

Maybe that's the impact of a no-character candidate for high office on the public square's quality of conversation and methodology.

Anyway, I've been having a productive conversation with anna on race relations. Maybe you could give us a window into your neck of the woods and race.

Frankly I think a lot of the 'hard right' here show nothing but bile and a rabid zealotry that is at odds with the faith they supposedly profess.

Anyway, to answer your latter then the UK has had its own history with racism/segregation in its past. Possibly not so much as what you've described from personal experience but in a similar way it's taken time to get past generations of bigotry. I live in a town where my house is about two hundred yards away from a mosque. I've lived in one of the most multicultural cities in England where people of all creeds and stripes intermingled with little in the way of noticeable prejudice whatsoever. Barring extremist groups like the BNP over here I don't see much in the way of racism prevalent over here at all. Sure, there's the odd nut I've run into but that happens anywhere on any given day.

Still, wind the clock back and it certainly wasn't always the case. As a bit of a retro geek thing I watched one of the better 'old school' Dr Who stories the other week: "Remembrance Of The Daleks". As a kid I didn't pick up on the social element but the story is essentially a metaphor for racism. It's set in the 50's where the metal rust buckets have some heinous plans going on as usual etc. But the striking part was how rival dalek factions are prejudiced against each other because they don't consider the other "pure" simply because of a slightly different internal appendage - then cut to a hotel where there's a sign in the window saying 'no coloreds'...


like marbles on glass
I think progressive agendas confront and that's a necessary and often good thing, but that what changes people is how they respond to the confrontation. So it's a partnership that moves the margin.

I'm thinking that over, and will keeping thinking about it while I get to some homework that I've been putting off.

I have this article here, which I've been holding onto because I keep meaning to go back and follow the embedded links in it. In the meantime, I'll go ahead and post it, and if you have the time and inclination maybe you can tell me what you think:

The Source of Black Poverty Isn't Black Culture, It's American Culture
Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm thinking that over, and will keeping thinking about it while I get to some homework that I've been putting off.

I have this article here, which I've been holding onto because I keep meaning to go back and follow the embedded links in it. In the meantime, I'll go ahead and post it, and if you have the time and inclination maybe you can tell me what you think:

The Source of Black Poverty Isn't Black Culture, It's American Culture
Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality.

Will do. I'm off to play with Jack and have lunch. Good conversation. To be continued then... :cheers:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm thinking that over, and will keeping thinking about it while I get to some homework that I've been putting off.

I have this article here, which I've been holding onto because I keep meaning to go back and follow the embedded links in it. In the meantime, I'll go ahead and post it, and if you have the time and inclination maybe you can tell me what you think:

The Source of Black Poverty Isn't Black Culture, It's American Culture
Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality.

worth a look:


like marbles on glass
Will do. I'm off to play with Jack and have lunch. Good conversation. To be continued then... :cheers:

Okay, hope you're having a nice afternoon. :)

Here's a good starting point from the article:

There exist three options for that persistence, if we assume that culture might play a role.

  1. There is something about black culture that prevents black Americans from escaping poverty. We'll call this the black culture option.
  2. There is something about the culture of being poor that prevents the poor, regardless of race, from escaping poverty. We'll call this the culture-of-poverty option.
  3. There are no internal cultural forces at play. We'll call this, partly for the sake of stirring the pot, the racism exists option.
This distinction isn't simply rhetorical. If there are cultural forces at play, one of those three things must be true. What's more, the political implications of each are different. If the black culture explanation is correct, it suggests that admonishments against the behavior of black Americans — the sort of thing that Coates has consistently objected to — are a proper response to entrenched poverty. If there's a culture of poverty, there needs to be a broader cultural realignment among all poor people, one that's not limited to the black community. If there are no internal cultural forces at play, then the "racism exists" explanation becomes more significant.
Put more simply, there are three options for why black people continue to experience higher levels of poverty: it's in part black people's fault, it's in part poor people's fault, and it's society's fault. The best answer, without question, is the latter.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
annabananahead said:
... it's society's fault. The best answer, without question, is the latter.

maybe not:

from the Brookings institute:

Following the success sequence? Success is more likely if you’re white.

Why are black Americans at greater risk of being poor? This is a complex and contested question, one that has exercised scholars and politicians for decades. One of the most sensitive issues is the relative importance of individual effort and responsibility, compared to the impact of historic and ongoing racial discrimination. (One of the best contributions to this field in recent years is Patrick Sharkey’s Stuck in Place
, suggesting that structural factors play the greater role.)

In a review of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me, Rich Lowry, the editor of the National Review, fires another volley in this long-running battle. He suggests that Coates puts too much weight on systemic racism in explaining the struggles of black Americans. What’s needed, Lowry argues, is more focus on individual responsibility, and to stop denying “the moral agency of blacks, who are often depicted as the products of forces beyond their control.”

much, much more:

one key point:

Lowry correctly reports that about three-quarters of Americans reach the middle class provided that they:

Graduate from high school;
Maintain a full-time job or have a partner who does; and
Have children while married and after age 21, should they choose to become parents.




Most American's aren't racist anymore, even in the South. But you can depend on the media to warp that truth, and so long as one racist exists everything will be blamed on racism.

That is why so many white people are frustrated with having 'racist' screamed in their face- liberals have somehow managed to warp that as well, making it appear as if they are indifferent about racism-
They are tired of being called something they are not, and if a white person goes off on a black person, it doesn't mean they are racist, it means that they respect their self enough not to remain silent while people run their mouth. I aptly applaud anyone who runs over a BLM protester on the highway. You won't be excused like they do, sniping out people, but bravo :rolleyes:

It's nothing but an agenda to trap white people into submission and be incapable of anything else. It's that simple. So while they rampage, you'll be called wicked for so much as speaking on it.


like marbles on glass
maybe not:

from the Brookings institute:

Looking at the second graph, what's more important: that the father is present in the household, or that the parents are married? If you say that the father is present, then what's torn in the social fabric, and how did it get that way?

Serious question, and if you don't want a serious conversation, keep with your usual crap and I'll ignore what you have to say.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Looking at the second graph, what's more important: that the father is present in the household, or that the parents are married?

open the article and read it :idunno:

anna said:
If you say that the father is present, then what's torn in the social fabric, and how did it get that way?

what's torn in the social fabric are the same factors mentioned by Chad Dion Lassiter, especially....

"They are morally and spiritually bankrupt"


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Looking at the second graph, what's more important: that the father is present in the household, or that the parents are married? If you say that the father is present, then what's torn in the social fabric, and how did it get that way?

Serious question, and if you don't want a serious conversation, keep with your usual crap and I'll ignore what you have to say.

But you support the gay marriage candidate, so fathers don't matter to you. Two lesbian pervert freaks are all you need to nicely screw up a kid for life.


like marbles on glass
But you support the gay marriage candidate, so fathers don't matter to you. Two lesbian pervert freaks are all you need to nicely screw up a kid for life.

There are good parents and bad parents, regardless of sexual orientation.

Bad heterosexual parents have been screwing up the lives of their kids for thousands of years. Should they get a pass just for being heterosexual?
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