ARCHIVE: The Apostle Pauls affirms that a Christian can sin.


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Poly said:

e4e, here's what it's like talking to you.

Poly: They chopped down that tree.

e4e: No, they cut threw a trunck and the tree fell down.

Poly: That's what I said.

e4e: No, you sayed they choped down that tree. They actualy cut threw a trunck cawsing which is the reeson why tree fell.

Poly: Ok, they cut through a trunk which caused a tree to fall. That's the same thing as saying it was chopped down.

e4e: Why do you keep focising on the tree being choped down why can't you not see that it fell becuse to the trunck being cut.

Poly: We are saying the same thing.

e4e: Is the tree still alive?

Poly: Uh, no. If it's been chopped down it can't be alive.

e4e: How can you say its not alive but won't can't beleeve that the trunck has been cut?

Poly: :freak:


New member
Sozo said:
Go to hell, you liar.


Sozo, everything you said in that post got lost in this as far as I am concerned. I cannot believe that you would say that. I wouldn't say that to anyone. And before you think I am attacking you I am not, I am attacking what you said there because it was wrong. If you disagree with someone this is not how to show it. Refute them from the Scriptures and just be done with it. I hope you will at least consider this and pray about it and ask yourself if this is the best approach to getting a point across.

God bless.


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PastorKevin said:
Sozo, everything you said in that post got lost in this as far as I am concerned. I cannot believe that you would say that. I wouldn't say that to anyone. And before you think I am attacking you I am not, I am attacking what you said there because it was wrong. If you disagree with someone this is not how to show it. Refute them from the Scriptures and just be done with it. I hope you will at least consider this and pray about it and ask yourself if this is the best approach to getting a point across.

God bless.

Pastor Kevin, can you imagine trying to pastor and lead the wild west of TOL adherents? :shocked:


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DEVO said:
Are you trying to comment on Knight's height impairment???

That's just not right. :nono:


I don't think I can take much more. I'm gonna pass out!!

:rotfl::rotfl: :rotfl:


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Poly said:

I don't think I can take much more. I'm gonna pass out!!

:rotfl::rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh, its just nice to know that Christ's sacrifice for "all" sin is so hilarious to you and those of you who wish to retain it.


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godrulz said:
No credibility, no character, no critical thinking ability. Why do people blindly follow this guy without censure and rebuke?

Godruz, with all due respect brother, I must say that with responses like this you are just egging him on. If Sozo's response was wrong, this kind of stuff is just fueling the fire. You are both really treating each other wrong at this point. There comes a point in a debate if two professing believers can't agree to just say we agree that we disagree and move on. I have Christian friends that I love and respect that are Calvinist and this is where we are at on the subject. But then again, we can discuss our positions Biblically without calling each other names and telling each other to "go to hell". I think that the medium of the internet is part of the culprit here.


New member
PastorKevin said:
Godruz, with all due respect brother, I must say that with responses like this you are just egging him on. If Sozo's response was wrong, this kind of stuff is just fueling the fire. You are both really treating each other wrong at this point. There comes a point in a debate if two professing believers can't agree to just say we agree that we disagree and move on. I have Christian friends that I love and respect that are Calvinist and this is where we are at on the subject. But then again, we can discuss our positions Biblically without calling each other names and telling each other to "go to hell". I think that the medium of the internet is part of the culprit here.

Kevin, if godrulz was a believer, then I would never say those things to him. That would be an egregious error on my part, and you would be totally just in rebuking me.


New member
PastorKevin said:
Godruz, with all due respect brother, I must say that with responses like this you are just egging him on. If Sozo's response was wrong, this kind of stuff is just fueling the fire. You are both really treating each other wrong at this point. There comes a point in a debate if two professing believers can't agree to just say we agree that we disagree and move on. I have Christian friends that I love and respect that are Calvinist and this is where we are at on the subject. But then again, we can discuss our positions Biblically without calling each other names and telling each other to "go to hell". I think that the medium of the internet is part of the culprit here.
One professing believer, sozo and one Antichrist, Godrulz. Don't associate me with that tripe godrulz calls christian doctrine.


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elected4ever said:
One professing believer, sozo and one Antichrist, Godrulz. Don't associate me with that tripe godrulz calls christian doctrine.

You wonder why I get defensive when the grace of God in my life is mocked. I was bought with a price and these clowns attribute it to the devil.


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I read a lot of this, not all of it, not even most of it. My brain cells started dropping away on the floor. There's one right now. It's dead. I need to go take some vitamins. And 'no' please don't invite me into this conversation, I cannot afford any more cells right now. I'm one of the 'weaker' ones btw, and I'm pretty Calvinistic.


New member
godrulz said:
You wonder why I get defensive when the grace of God in my life is mocked.
In order to have the grace of God, you have to have Jesus, not simply say you do. Lots of cults do that.


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Sozo said:
In order to have the grace of God, you have to have Jesus, not simply say you do. Lots of cults do that.

Thankfully, I have Jesus who is full of grace and truth.