Our view of time vs eternity does affect our conclusions on this topic. I agree that atemporality is not defensible logically or biblically. God experiences endless time, not incoherent timelessness. "Eternal now" simultaneity if Platonic and is used to explain simple foreknowledge. If the assumption is flawed, so will be the conclusion.
Time is not a created thing. It is unidirectional. The future is simply not there yet to know like the fixed past, by God's sovereign choice. By creating a non-deterministic, free creation in order to have reciprocal love relationships, God voluntarily, sovereingly chose to limit the extent and nature of His future knowledge. This is not a problem for an omnicompentent God.
If you must cling to EDF, then give up genuine free will in favor of determinism. Give up love, freedom, relationship, but at what price? In our view, God is still omniscient because He knows all that is possible to know. It is not possible to know where Yoda and Darth Vader are in the universe because they do not exist. This is not a limitation on omniscience. God actualized a creation that is partially open, so there is a difference between possible and certain/actual, between past/present/future.