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On the cross with Jesus were two men. Both had similar backgrounds. Both were thieves. Yet one repented, and the other mocked. Why?
Because both were free and called. Just as Peter repented and Judas did not.
I admit, there are times we are victims of our environment.... but I use the word victim loosely, because with God, we can overcome causality. Even with a strong will, or a strong desire to do good, causality is nothing.
I'm not sure why you insist that causality causes victimization. We are products of our environment. Our society, parents, friends, church, and even God cause us to be who we are. These causes which our conscious is based on become us, depending on which causes we adopt as our own. Our decisions are based upon our knowledge of appropriate response to stimilus.
It's true, that God, through application of Grace is able to free us from our own natures which drives us towards damnation and seperation from Him. Only, however, if we choose His cause in our life(faith).
But causality can be used against us. Scam artists use our tendencies and our environments to make us believe things that aren't true. With enough knowledge, someone can predict another's actions. God can predict too... I think he uses causality to do it at times.
This is true. The devil caused Eve to eat the fruit by strengthening her own desire to do so. This is the method of deception. God caused Pharoah's heart to harden by allowing his own natural proclivity to continue. See, God 'causes' evil events through allowance; whereas, Satan 'causes' evil events through positive participation. That's why God is not responsible for sin as Satan is.
But as I said, it is not perfect. Because we have freewill, our actions are not totally predictable.
We aren't as complex as you present. Allstate is able through incomplete knowledge. You are able through incomplete knowledge. God is completely able through complete knowledge. That's why we are wrong at times, but He is never wrong.
What makes a man change? His free choice, and that choice is unknowable until it happens. God can foresee events when they involve choices we have already made. But not in great detail because even in the details are decisions that are unknowable.
I know you probably don't know this, but by the time you become consiously aware of a decision, it's already been made. Listen closely --- Your conscious awareness comes AFTER the decision not before. Your choices are merely you rationalizing what you want to do. They aren't you deciding through two courses of action. Your freely chosen nature compels you to act in a specified way.
Adam's decision to leave God was unseeable.
Then why didn't God put a guard on the tree of life to begin with. Adam could have eaten there first.
But if you are right, that God "just knows" the future, suddenly causality is key to making things go the way you want. Then, as creator, every little thing you did is a push for things to go a certain way, a way you determine is good. But God again and again shows that he is not pleased with this world.
This is an assertion on your part. Let's not forget that God desires for ALL to be saved. It's His sincere desire, from my perspective. Traditional Christianity requires that ALL scripture is true, not just the part which makes me happy. Causality is the key to understanding the way things will go, despite how happy those things make God. It doesn't make God happy for any to be lost, but foreknowledge of causes means that God knows some will be lost despite His desires.
See causality isn't the key to make things go the way God wants as you suggest above. It is simply a method of informative knowledge. With that knowledge God is able to influence the outcome as He did with Jonah, Hezekiah, Tyre, etc....; or to allow evil to bring about His good purposes as He did with Pharoah, Joseph, Jesus, Judas, etc.
It is good you think God is good. But you try to reconcile that this world, with evil lurking around every corner, as a necessity to the good God intends. When pressed, you try to come up with excuses.
I'm not coming up with excuses. The world was created good and remains so. 'For God so loved the world' is not a lie. God loves His creation and man His created because God recognizes that His act was righteous from the beginning. Creation wasn't a mistake.
How can we claim God made a mistake in creating us, His own sons, despite what happens to the sons of His enemy?
When I tried to show you why foreknowledge is the same as foreordination for a creator God, you gave an answer that side stepped the problem without facing it. Now we are debating about causality again.... where else are we going to go?
It didn't side step the problem. Foreknowledge acted upon is foreordination, but not in the sense you're using it. God foreordained the good outcomes, despite the bad outcomes which would accompany them. God foreknew both good and bad, but his desire was for the good. Responsibility only occurs with intent. God's intent was for good and not evil. In the end God will remove the evil and keep His intended product.
God foreknew----->God decreed ---->Man decreed----->God foreknew
God foreknew He would create sons who loved Him------> God decreed man would exist -----> Man decreed to do good and evil -------> God foreknew man would do both good and evil through his own self determination.
Decrees are a use of power. Foreknowledge is a use of intelligence. God's intent was for good, despite man's intent to do both good and evil.
God made creatures capable of doing evil. Does that mean that God did evil? So my reply, is that God foreknew good and evil, but what God brought about through His own power was only good . For man, through his power, did evil.
God foreknew(knowledge, not action) good and evil.
God decreed(action) good.
Man decreed(action) evil, and not just good, in opposition to God's desire.
God foreknew(knowledge, not action) man's decrees, both the desired good and undesired evil.
I'm not sure how to explain the difference between intelligence and action to you, if elementary school was unable to achieve this in 12 years. Your opinions matter to me.