SaulToPaul 2
Well-known member
I'll take a guess, Rob. #4 but substitute "normal" for "nice" 
Am, I right, Nang?
Am, I right, Nang?
Of course and re-written.Well, I would say the cross destroys the natural man, the sinful nature, but yes.Rob said:We discover that sin which is meant as evil, becomes the conduit for the destruction of the natural men in the world and the rebirth of spiritual men in Christ.
And an entirely logical and just answer. The problem, in my humble opinion, is that God dispenses the only hope of salvation to select men according to this idea.
The responsibility to believe is then removed from those who don't receive that hope. How then is God able to judge and condemn those same men for unbelief?
Matthew 26:20 When evening had come, He sat down with the twelve. 21 Now as they were eating, He said, “Assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.”
22 And they were exceedingly sorrowful, and each of them began to say to Him, “Lord, is it I?”
23 He answered and said, “He who dipped his hand with Me in the dish will betray Me. 24 The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born.”
25 Then Judas, who was betraying Him, answered and said, “Rabbi, is it I?”
He said to him, “You have said it.”
Would it be fair to say that God in His goodness decreed the birth of Judas when Christ says that 'It would have been good....'?
2 Kings 17:15 , 1 Kings 19:14 , 1 Samuel 15:26 , Hebrews 12:25 , Revelation 16:9
2 Thessalonians 2:10 and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
Refusal and rebellion are an act of the will, are they not?
1. Not Another Nice Grandma
2. Nanna ANd Grandpa
3. Never Ask Nanna or Grandpa
4. Not A Nice Grandma
How about the first word?![]()
I'll take a guess, Rob. #4 but substitute "normal" for "nice"
Am, I right, Nang?
Alrighty, I misunderstood what you meant by "natural men," I've read too much Watchman Nee...We discover that sin which is meant as evil, becomes the conduit for the destruction of the natural men in the world; and the Cross, which overcomes that natural outcome, the conduit for the rebirth of spiritual men in Christ.
Correct. All Covenant (promise of salvation) is worked according to Unconditional Election.
Through the federal headship of Adam. Adam was created, accountable and responsible to God, under the Law, as federal head and representative of the human race. When Adam failed, and he was separated from the spiritual life and presence of God, he corrupted in his nature, and all his progeny corrupted also.
The opposite to this, is the federal headship of the second Adam, Jesus Christ. Who as a Man, represented all the souls the Father gave Him to save. All believers are His spiritual offspring, and inherit His victory over sin, death, and the devil.
So, when Adam sinned, all human kind died. (Romans Chapter 5) And deservedly so, because not a one of Adam's offspring have proven to be faithful to God, either.
When Jesus Christ achieved perfect righteousness (Romans Chapter 5), this was imputed (undeservedly so) to His spiritual offspring, and this is called the grace of God.
We are not in the position to judge God. We must not fall prey to that tendency. We must remind ourselves of the Scripture, that warns:
"You will say to me then, 'Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?' But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to Him who formed it, 'Why have You made me like this?'" Romans 9:19, 20
Heh . . .well, you have the correct first word in two of your guesses.
Ah, but this would be punishment for another's sin. Each man is accountable for his own acts and not the acts of his brother at judgement. Aquinas answered this saying that original sin is not of the same condemning nature as direct rebellion. Therefore, the innocents, aren't accountable in the same way we are. This isn't an acceptable solution. The matters of Divine government certainly point to this having some validity, but responsibility isn't transferrable.....Wait a minute. This would explain how Christ took the sins of the world upon Himself. The sins of Adam's progeny were 'transferred', but only the sins of those who were given Him by the Father. If all the sins of all Adam's progeny were 'transferred' then all would be saved. I understand the underlying logic of Calvinism better now. This is why you vehemently reject Clete's idea that Christ's act was sufficient for ALL to be saved. You do understand that my idea of Christ's act is different than this. I will have to study it and get back to you. Always a student, never a teacher.
Well, my preliminary search is over. I would have to tell you that your position is very compelling and I now understand why you hold it a little better. I would have to say that until now, I've never truly considered the ramifications of Christ truly bearing our sins in a real and literal way. I guess I've always considered the act of overcoming death as Christ's method of salvation. I've never thought about sin being transferrable in this manner.
My position, as I have now examined it, has been that as the body of Christ we participated in His death and will participate in His victory over it. The vine and branches again. But then again, I could say that the sins on the cross weren't His, but were mine since I participated. This seems a little far fetched on the surface, but I'll continue to study.
For now I can't continue the discussion until I discover if sin is transferrable or if this is just a way to describe events. It would appear that if sin is transferrable that your argument of Adam transferring sin to us is valid. I'll get back to you.
'Not A' would seem to be the first two words.
G = Grandma seems obvious since your grandchild came up with it.
I'm stuck.
Federal Headship is an Augustinian construct, not explicitly biblical.
Confusing moral vs physical depravity is also part of Nang's problem?
The former is not genetic/inherited; the latter is passed on to all men because of Adam.
The federal headship THEORY of Adam was taught at my Pentecostal, Arminian Bible College. Augustine formulated it, not the earlier Fathers or Scripture.
Physical depravity includes disease, death, and a propensity to sin.
Moral depravity is based on choice and volition, not genetics or seeing sin as a substance.
It cannot be passed on to man.
We are culpable for our sins, not Adam's sin.
\Thank you for taking me of ignore. Iron sharpens iron. Let us assume we both have good hearts, love Jesus, and are not stupid or senile.
You are loved and appreciated. I have grey hair too (what little is left)![]()
Yes, please consider this. Federal headship is taught in Romans Chapter 5 and I Cor. 15:45-49.
Jesus Christ came as a literal "sin-bearer" for His people. (Isaiah 53:4-12) It was a literal and physical sacrifice, for which a Lamb without blemish or spot was required. And His cross work was a forensic necessity under the Law to remove the curse of the Law. He not only bore God's wrath against our specific sins (past, present, and future), but He paid the death sentence imposed upon us, due to Adam's first representation.
The sins were our sins; transferred unto Christ.
There is a strong type of this transferral of sin in the O.T. and in the tabernacle ordinances. When an Israelite brought their animal sacrifices to the tabernacle to make burnt offering for sin, they brought the animal before the priest, and either they or the priest would lay hands on the head of the animal, to signify transference of personal sins and guilt onto their innocent sacrifice. Then the animal, bearing the tranference of sins, was killed and its blood was sprinkled on the alter, to atone for all those sins (at least for a year).
And of course, we see the very first example of God allowing transference of sentence for sin, in the garden, where He did not immediately slay A&E when they partook of the forbidden tree, but instead imposed their death upon innocent animals, whose bloody skins God used to clothe A&E's nakedness. God Himself transferred the sentence and worked the atonement . . .to teach us that Jesus Christ willingly took the sins of those the Father gave Him, upon His own body, and shed His own blood to justify us before God.
Actually, STP spilled the beans.
NANG = Not A Normal Grandma
Please don't hurt me . . .
I love Jesus Christ with all my heart.
I am not stupid.
I am not senile.
I have no grey hair.
(I am not a normal grandma!)
You are loved and appreciated, too, even though you have grey hair.
Are you a grandpa, yet?
Do you dye your hair?
How much do you weigh?
My goatee is grey and my sides, but it is mostly brown, receding, not bald.
My kids are not married, so no grandpa. I am 47, not 67.
This thread is full of 'doctrinal' passages that over emphasize proof-texts while ignoring the narrative. Its the primary knee-jerk reaction to Open Theism. Your summery of Bob Hill's post is a prime example of tossing out narrative while claiming to see the 'whole' by reading only 'biblical doctrine' to refute the teachings of narrative. At its worst a purely doctrinal reading of scripture reduces God to an 'unmoved mover' in the midst of the sweep of creation's history where God is portrayed as the 'most moved mover' in a dynamic, interactive story.
One doesn't have to attend a seminary to know what their focus is. One can read. The press is overrun and the internet makes the availability of scholarly research papers an easy reach, especially if one subscribes through his own university library. And just which of those tribal 'doctrines/systematic theologies' being so closely guarded is biblical? "Yours," no doubt? Even if it rips the narrative to shreds? I don't think so. Mine? Not necessarily! Open Theism is a relatively new discipline (as far as 'systematic theology' goes) and has a lot of work ahead of it. I'm constantly reminded of this when I read how easily Open Theists toss around terms that are forced on it by preconceived theologies read as 'biblical' doctrine and try to fit them into the mix. We all suffer from residual thinking.
I've been arguing points of Open Theism since high school though I never heard it called such until I got to TOL. The likes of Boyd, Sanders and Pinnock have only served to bring it to the forefront of evangelical circles and in my case helped me to be more disciplined in my reading of scripture. I'm sure you are aware of the fallout they have endured from the guardians of their traditions.
BTW, Since you seem to find the personal data so necessary, I've done biblical and theological work at three very diverse schools. I just keep coming home where there is at least moderate tolerance for thinking outside the boxes. You will probably find it amusing that my own school hasn't quite found a category for me yet. That's fine with me. I think Open Theism hasn't much more than scratched the surface of the need to rethink and un-reform the classical strongholds. The discussion has only begun and the views expressed here on TOL are but preliminary discussion about a few major but most important issues. Just MHO.
I think that is true. It is being addressed, but we are initial stages as I see it too.
I went to Multnomah, so I'm biased. Inductive Bible study throughout my tenure. Very thorough.
As to the doctrinal passages. I've not seen it other than narrative. You are right, there are a lot of passages mentioned, but none doctrinal that I could see. All narrative.
At the time of Jesus' words, Judas' heart had shifted. It was present knowledge and apparent what Judas was purposing to do. God can read minds and see circumstances, you know. Jesus did not prophecy this until Judas went bad. He did not predict it when He was 12 in the Temple, right?
And I believe I still have a question pending, how can God know only a remnant will be saved, if this involves individuals' free human choices over hundreds and thousands of years?
Lee <- May have to resume my eulogy for the Open View?
Which verse about remnant are you proof texting?
Even insurance companies can predict death rates and stats accurately. If it was prophesied that only 456,989 people would be saved and it came to pass to the number, then you would have a point (unless Calvinism is true, then God would only elect and save that number so He could state it in advance).