ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 2

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New member
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to say here but I don't believe this is so...

Jeremiah 31:29 In those days they shall say no more:

‘ The fathers have eaten sour grapes,
And the children’s teeth are set on edge.’

30 But every one shall die for his own iniquity; every man who eats the sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge.

Ezekiel 18:1 The word of the LORD came to me again, saying, 2 “What do you mean when you use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying:

‘ The fathers have eaten sour grapes,
And the children’s teeth are set on edge’?

3 “As I live,” says the Lord GOD, “you shall no longer use this proverb in Israel.

Romans 7:9 I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died.​

The Biblical teaching is clear, we are held responsible for our own sin and not that of Adam's or anyone else's.
I've already gone thorugh this with you, and Romans 5 "clearly" teaches to the contrary of your poor exegesis. In fact, that teaching is far worse than anything Calvinism can manufacture.

You are making an error of category here Mystery. No one has suggested that God can do that which He cannot do. That would be a contradiction. That however has nothing to do with the issue of God's righteousness. If God does not choose His actions then there is no righteous merit in them. If God is not volitional by nature, then He cannot be righteous by nature because righteousness is volitional by definition.
Already addressed and defeated. That theory of yours is foolishness.


New member
Were you raped by a priest?
No, I was never raped. However, there are many young children who were/are, and I certainly would not send them to someone like you who will tell them about a pervert of a god.

And frankly, I think you really didn't make that comment about contacting you for any other reason than to make light of a serious offense, but I wouldn't expect anything less from a Calvinist.


New member
Where and how did you address and defeat this?

Can you copy and paste it? Or give me a link?
In nearly every post in my conversations with Clete.

God does what you define as right because He is right. Just as God's light is not comprehended by darkness because He is light. He does not choose to be light, and He does not choose to be right.

I gave you the things that God cannot do. There is no where that says that He chooses not to lie, or chooses not to deny Himself, or chooses not to be tempted by evil. It says He "cannot". Cannot removes the possibilty of the event.

God's righteousness does not need to be merited. He does not need your approval or praise, but you should be thankful that God is who He is, because that is why He does what He does.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I've already gone thorugh this with you, and Romans 5 "clearly" teaches to the contrary of your poor exegesis. In fact, that teaching is far worse than anything Calvinism can manufacture.

Already addressed and defeated. That theory of yours is foolishness.

Alrighty then! :thumb:

Nathon Detroit

In nearly every post in my conversations with Clete.

God does what you define as right because He is right. Just as God's light is not comprehended by darkness because He is light. He does not choose to be light, and He does not choose to be right.

I gave you the things that God cannot do. There is no where that says that He chooses not to lie, or chooses not to deny Himself, or chooses not to be tempted by evil. It says He "cannot". Cannot removes the possibilty of the event.

God's righteousness does not need to be merited. He does not need your approval or praise, but you should be thankful that God is who He is, because that is why He does what He does.
So, what you are saying is that God is the embodiment of goodness, the essence of all that is good. He and all that is good, are unified as one and He can therefore do nothing outside of that nature?

Something like that?


New member
So, what you are saying is that God is the embodiment of goodness, the essence of all that is good. He and all that is good, are unified as one and He can therefore do nothing outside of that nature?

Something like that?
I'm not sure I understand your wording exactly, but whatever good is, it is defined by the nature of God.


TOL Subscriber
Are you messin' with me?

God does what He is.

But according to your own unorthodox testimony, Jesus Christ is not both God and Man, right?

Jesus has only one nature in your view.

So, what Jesus Christ did, according to what He is by single nature . . .is what exactly?


New member
But according to your own unorthodox testimony, Jesus Christ is not both God and Man, right?
Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh.

Jesus has only one nature in your view.
Yes, that is how I currently understand it.

So, what Jesus Christ did, according to what He is by single nature . . .is what exactly?
Nothing by His own initiative, but only what the Father told Him to do. His behavior was consistent with His nature.


Maximeee's Husband
God does not wills moral evil per se, he simply permits it for the sake of some greater good.



He does not permit any evil so that good may come. He permits all because we are creatures left to our will. We have the will to glorify God or do otherwise. Love cannot be forced, it must be freely given.

You aren't a robot, be grateful.
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TOL Subscriber
Nothing by His own initiative, but only what the Father told Him to do. His behavior was consistent with His nature.

Need anyone, let alone myself, remind you that Jesus Christ is attributed in the Word of God, as being Creator of all things and Judge of all men?

I refuse to accept your subtle dismissal of His Divinity.



New member
Need anyone, let alone myself, remind you that Jesus Christ is attributed in the Word of God, as being Creator of all things and Judge of all men?

I refuse to accept your subtle dismissal of His Divinity.

You are more than a jerk, you're also a liar.

Jesus is God, you moron. I do not dimiss anything. You must really suffer from some horrible insecurity issues that you have to lie about what others believe.


TOL Subscriber
You are more than a jerk, you're also a liar.

Jesus is God, you moron. I do not dimiss anything. You must really suffer from some horrible insecurity issues that you have to lie about what others believe.

You have confessed to your own beliefs and dismissal of the orthodox Christian view . . .I have made nothing up or lied.

And don't you ever dare to call me a moron or jerk or a liar again.

"Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth." Romans 8:33



New member
You have confessed to your own beliefs and dismissal of the orthodox Christian view . . .I have made nothing up or lied.
Sorry, but God is not subject to the RCC or any "orthodox" church.

You are a moron, and a jerk, and a liar.

Not only does everyone here recognize it, but God is a witness to it as well.


TOL Subscriber
Sorry, but God is not subject to the RCC or any "orthodox" church.

You are a moron, and a jerk, and a liar.

Not only does everyone here recognize it, but God is a witness to it as well.

I am a child Christ died for, and He will hold you accountable for your hatred shown towards my person.

Meanwhile, you are added to my ignore list with other infidels who oppose the true gospel of Jesus Christ.



New member
You have confessed to your own beliefs and dismissal of the orthodox Christian view . . .I have made nothing up or lied.

And don't you ever dare to call me a moron or jerk or a liar again.

"Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth." Romans 8:33


How about hypocrite? You quote Romans 8:33 to Mystery, but you say this to me:

Nang said:
You do not have a clue as to what is decent and sound theology, nor do you seem to be aware that God is recording all your inanities in a book, from which you will be judged in the end.

You have yet to answer my points, except to call them "inanities". I challenged you several times to show me where I was wrong in what I posted, and you did not respond. Then you quote Romans 8:33 to Mystery because he is being harsh with you. That makes you a hypocrite.

Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth

I'm sorry but I have been preaching and teaching God's Word in various ministries for over 10 years, so for you to say I have "No clue what is decent and sound theology" you should have some substance to back up that claim. I know Calvinist and Armenian doctrine inside out, so if I have no clue what is decent and sound theology then that tosses Calvinist and Armenian out the window too!


New member
Nang said:
infidels who oppose the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

Judging by your actions here, you should include yourself in that category. You teach people that child rape was ordained by God. How dispicable is that!
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