ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 2

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New member
I am a child Christ died for, and He will hold you accountable for your hatred shown towards my person.
You just condemned yourself. Hatred is being expressed by you for lying. I only rebuked you for doing it.

Meanwhile, you are added to my ignore list with other infidels who oppose the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Tell it to the hand"



New member
He does not permit any evil so that good may come.

"You thought evil against me: but God turned it into good, that he might exalt me, as at present you see, and might save many people." Genesis 50:20​

"What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath, fitted for destruction, That he might shew the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he hath prepared unto glory?" Romans 9:22-23​

He permits all because we are creatures left to our will. We have the will to glorify God or do otherwise.

We may be creatures with free will but that doesn't means that God is not involved with humans and that things do not work towards his divine purpose. Your idea here would have God as some neutral observer, without any purpose in mind.

All good work we do comes from God, but all the evil we do is of our own doing. God brings about good out of the evil he permits. A good example we find in the story of Job, God tells Satan the amount of evil he can do and what he cannot do:

"Then the Lord said to Satan: Behold, all that he hath is in thy hand: only put not forth thy hand upon his person." Job 1:12​

After this we read that Job was blessed "more than his beginning" (Job 42:12). Thus, out of the evil done by Satan to Job, which he permitted, God brought about a greater good.



TOL Subscriber
How about hypocrite? You quote Romans 8:33 to Mystery, but you say this to me:

Heya, hero wannabe but fake "Rambo", (that never shed any blood or suffered any true misery in Viet Nam ). . .what does my conversation with Mystery have to do with you, softie?

You have yet to answer my points, except to call them "inanities".

Because your "points" were unscriptural "inanities." I cannot be bothered answering to fiction. It is enough to offer polemic argument against abuse of Scripture to receive response, but made up stuff does not qualify. (I assume you know what "polemics" means?)

I challenged you several times to show me where I was wrong in what I posted, and you did not respond. Then you quote Romans 8:33 to Mystery because he is being harsh with you. That makes you a hypocrite.

Gee. I am sorry. Next time I will make sure I apply Romans 8:33 to all who bear false witness against my person.

I'm sorry but I have been preaching and teaching God's Word in various ministries for over 10 years, so for you to say I have "No clue what is decent and sound theology" you should have some substance to back up that claim. I know Calvinist and Armenian doctrine inside out, so if I have no clue what is decent and sound theology then that tosses Calvinist and Armenian out the window too!

You do not know Calvinist doctrine "inside out." You do not come close to having a grasp on the doctrines of grace. I can know so and say so, because I have been studying the word of God, at the feet of wonderful Reformed pastors, teachers, and a mate who was an ordained Elder in the Reformed faith, for over 35 years.

(Gotcha on the timely experience issue!! I am very old and have been around a whole lot longer than you! :banana:)



New member
Nang said:
Heya, hero wannabe but fake "Rambo", (that never shed any blood or suffered any true misery in Viet Nam ).

Do you realize Rambo was not a Viet Nam vet in real life. He is a character. The actor in my avatar is Sylvester Stallone. Guess what? Didn't fight in Vietnam either. How stupid of you and AMR to continue making an issue over an avatar. :ha:
(It shows the true lack of substance to your arguments).

. .what does my conversation with Mystery have to do with you, softie?

Actually I was referring to your hypocrisy, that was all. I think it was explained quite well for all to see.

Nang said:
Because your "points" were unscriptural "inanities."

I bet you never read a thing I said in either post. I directly quoted John 9 and discussed the passage as it relates to the man born blind in clear details. You offered no rebuttal, no response, nothing. There was nothing unScriptural about it.

I cannot be bothered answering to fiction.

It was simply an illustration you bonehead. You didn't have to read it, but if you're going to dismiss it and my posts without reading them, then you have no place to say they are unScriptural unless you can say HOW it is unScriptural. Is that hard to understand?

It is enough to offer polemic argument against abuse of Scripture to receive response, but made up stuff does not qualify. (I assume you know what "polemics" means?)

It was an illustration, and one that rightly shows how Calvinism views God. Yet you steadfastly ignored the post in which I discussed the Scriptures at length. (Or at least you didn't bother responding).

Gee. I am sorry. Next time I will make sure I apply Romans 8:33 to all who bear false witness against my person.

You are bearing false witness against me. That makes you a hypocrite again.

You do not know Calvinist doctrine "inside out."

Considering that I attended Baptist churches for years, and I pastored a Baptist church for 3 1/2 years, (where many of the folk were Calvinist or Armenian), considering that most of my early mentors came from Calvinist/Armenian views, I disagree.

How do you know? Because you think you know more than everyone obviously. You are one of the most rude and arrogant people I have ever conversed with. Seriously.

You do not come close to having a grasp on the doctrines of grace.

Really? Salvation is by the grace of God through faith plus nothing of our own merit. That is how a person is saved. Do you teach something different?

I can know so and say so, because I have been studying the word of God, at the feet of wonderful Reformed pastors, teachers, and a mate who was an ordained Elder in the Reformed faith, for over 35 years.

And that is your problem. You have never considered or listened to any other views. So your mind is closed. You could care less if your views are unScriptural or not. You just want to be right. Good luck with that.
Gotcha on the timely experience issue!!I am very old and have been around a whole lot longer than you! :banana:

There's that pride again. I respect you for being an elder and for being a lady, but you do NOT act like a mature believer in the least.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I am definitely not one who counts Wikipedia as any really great source of wisdom, especially in the area of Biblical theology, but every once in a while they do have something worth reading on that website. I don't know who the author of this article is but he does an excellent job of establishing that "Righteousness means "right doing".", as he puts it.

Of course I know that there will be at least one if not several of you who blow this article off based solely on the fact that someone posted the information on Wikipedia, in fact many of you won't even bother to click the link, but I'm posting it anyway because it brings a fresh perspective to the discussion and I am not responsible for the irrational reasons someone might choose to ignore good arguments.

Righteousness - Link removed because someone edited the article significantly within hours of my having posted this link in the first place. I wish now that I had simply posted the whole article rather than simply the link but c'est la vie!
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New member
I am definitely not one who counts Wikipedia as any really great source of wisdom, especially in the area of Biblical theology, but every once in a while they do have something worth reading on that website. I don't know who the author of this article is but he does an excellent job of establishing that "Righteousness means "right doing".", as he puts it.

Of course I know that there will be at least one if not several of you who blow this article off based solely on the fact that someone posted the information on Wikipedia, in fact many of you won't even bother to click the link, but I'm posting it anyway because it brings a fresh perspective to the discussion and I am not responsible for the irrational reasons someone might choose to ignore good arguments.

I'll read it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You do not have a clue as to what is decent and sound theology, nor do you seem to be aware that God is recording all your inanities in a book, from which you will be judged in the end.

Is God recording them as they happen...or have they already been recorded since eternity past?

Why would God need to record that which He planned to happen?


New member
I am definitely not one who counts Wikipedia as any really great source of wisdom, especially in the area of Biblical theology, but every once in a while they do have something worth reading on that website. I don't know who the author of this article is but he does an excellent job of establishing that "Righteousness means "right doing".", as he puts it.

Of course I know that there will be at least one if not several of you who blow this article off based solely on the fact that someone posted the information on Wikipedia, in fact many of you won't even bother to click the link, but I'm posting it anyway because it brings a fresh perspective to the discussion and I am not responsible for the irrational reasons someone might choose to ignore good arguments.


If righteousness is only "right doing" then what does that say about it being a gift for those who do nothing right? Since a believer is made the righteousness of God in Christ by faith alone, how can they be called righteous and holy unless it is because they have the indwelling Spirit?


Well-known member
You're mixing things up. Sin is against God. The question you should be asking is: 'Have you ever caused your kids to do something against what you've already stated is the right way?' I will answer yes. After repeatedly telling my daughter not to do something, I decided to tell her to go ahead and do it her way so she would then know by first hand experience why I had been telling her not to do it that way. Now she understands by experience what I was saying.

So, you caused her to sin. That's not being a very good dad.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
If righteousness is only "right doing" then what does that say about it being a gift for those who do nothing right? Since a believer is made the righteousness of God in Christ by faith alone, how can they be called righteous and holy unless it is because they have the indwelling Spirit?

It is because we have the indwelling Spirit. The righteousness which is imputed to us is that of the "one Man's righteous act" of Romans 5:8. God doesn't simply pretend like our sin doesn't exist and call us righteous by fiat. The righteous is based on the righteous action of God the Son at Calvary.

Resting in Him,
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Well-known member
How did I cause her to sin against God?

If you forbade her to do something, it was probably because it was wrong. Then you turned around and told her to do what you forbade her to do, thus she is doing wrong. It's not that hard to see.

Even if I did. If the end result is to teach how God's ways are superior, that sounds like a caring dad to me.

The ends justify the means? I think not.

If I rape a woman who walks in a bad neighborhood to teach her not to walk in bad neighborhoods, and she doesn't anymore, am I justified in having done that, because she learned from it?

And from God's perspective, He causes everyone to sin, but only reconciles a few to Himself. How is God just in condemning the rest?

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