Have any of you Open Theists spent much time thinking about nature and how nature may back-up either the settled or open view?
I went camping for a week with my family and church family last week. I just love the outdoors. Where we went camping was just absolutely beautiful. The gorge we were in was spectacular and with out a doubt showed the creation of God. It was obvious to me that where we were camping was once flooded with water. As I looked around, it was unmistakable that water slowly and deliberately carved out the beauty of this gorge. Now, not only did I observe deliberate creation for the purpose of showing God's existence, but I observed a practical purpose of this creation. That gorge has been used for trade, recreation, and sustenance by men. Did God plan this? Or Was He pleasantly surprised by His creation's (man) use of this natural creation?
Wondering how you Open Theist's see creation (nature) within your theology?