I take your phrase “of God” to mean those who have receive the gift of salvation by grace through faith. Was their future not open to choose to be no longer ‘of the world’ by repenting and receiving Jesus through the work of Holy Spirit? Your narrow definition is inconsistent. Is the person who is not ‘of God’ not also free to choose between rape and/or robbery or who to rape and what to steal? If so then that person’s future is also at least partially open even if he/she only makes mundane decisions like whether to steal the red car instead of the green one. That choice will affect the lives and the futures of both car owners whether they are 'of God' or not. One will be driving while the other will be taking the bus.
It is not the motivation to believe that is in question but the work of God accomplished in our lives as a result of believing. It is what we are as a result of God's accomplishment. I doubt that any of us had any knowledge of what would happen to us as a result of believing in Christ. Our knowledge of salvation evolves and not salvation itself. Salvation, the giving of life from the dead,. is a finished work and not a work in progress. We are saved, not being saved. We are the children of God , not becoming the children of God. Just as Jesus was the Son of God so have we become. We are in the world but not of the world.
I understand your position as "of God" or “in Christ” to mean our sins (past, present and future) are no longer counted against us. Jesus has purchased our salvation! Being of God/in Christ is who we are ... not what we do. But the way you try to make sin/not sinning a universal watershed issue for old and new natures, is (as others have pointed out) confusing as heck. You seem to buy into the ‘totally depravity/inability’ of the Calvinists, their ‘limited atonement’ and the 'open future'. I don’t think you will ever reconcile those three rationally. Simply dismissing the irreconcilable differences by saying God’s ways/thoughts are higher than ours won’t cut it. That's their cop out. We have to do better.
Actually my conclusions are the only rational conclusions if one is to believe the testimony of scripture. I do not believe God created sin.
I believe that the children of God are in this world and not of this world. That makes us different from the normal inhabitants of this word that are not born of man. Though our bodies are born of men the life that sustains it is not. If we continue to believe we are still of man then we will give place to sin because as a person thinks in his heart so is he. It will not matter in the least if the belief is true or not. Everyone will act according to who he believes he is. We have the mind of Christ, not the brain of Christ. The mind of Christ speaks to the thoughts of Christ and not the thoughts of man.
Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
On a side note: If we all had to be crystal clear we would all be apologizing in every post. I appreciate you admission that you lack ability to answer adequately. Don’t we all! (Well except for AMR, of course.

) It isn’t so much your ability as your constant use of terms that mean one thing to you and something different to everybody else. That’s the
Willy you need to let go of and set free or be prepared to be misunderstood and chided constantly.
I have this unction within to use the words with there proper definition and adjust my thinking to accommodate their original intent and not what men think the definitions ought to be. Such is the weakness of human language and its evolvement.