You see what a half truth will get you. A false accusation by a non believer that can't stand the truth. What I said was that Jesus is not the father That Jesus is the only begotten of the Father in the Flesh and that the trinity as presently taught by trinitarians is a myth. As a mater of fact my position is for more Biblical and logical than Godrulz. That is unless you wont to believe that Jesus is a schitsofrantic and goes around talking to himself. You see clete, he is like you. He only believes the part that suits him. The rest he makes up.
You did not just say that Jesus is not the Father. This is a rejection of modalism/oneness/Sabellianism, which I also reject. The Trinity does NOT teach that Jesus is the person of the Father (straw man).
What you did say was that Jesus is NOT GOD. This is a denial of biblical Christianity, makes Christ a creature or subordinate, and puts one in the Arian heresy camp.
The Trinity teaches that Jesus IS GOD, but not the person of the Father.
I gave opportunity for you to clarify, but you back peddle and try to avoid stating it again as a denial of His Deity. This is serious error and puts you with the JWs and guys like keypurr here.