You ask a good question Philetus. I as you believe in open theism but it is only open to who a person is and not to who a person is not. The scripture testifies that we are of God if we are saved. We cannot be of God and be a sinner. That is an absolute not a choice. Wouldn't you agree that it is the will of every child of God to do the will of God? We are at liberty to do the will of God and God does not dictate to us our choices in doing so. We are to seek the best gifts, so how can we seek if our gifts are already assigned to us unilaterally? Like a wise man once said, "Opportunity calls on those who are prepared to receive it." I don't give a shotgun to a 2 year old even if he wants one. Our mistakes are not sins. Do they miss the mark? Well of course but it does no good to the believer if he loses his confidence in his ability to serve. He only turns inward and secretive for fear of offending God or his brother. I hope this answers your question. Your question is very good but my ability to answer is licking for this i apologize.
I take your phrase “of God” to mean those who have receive the gift of salvation by grace through faith. Was their future not open to choose to be no longer ‘of the world’ by repenting and receiving Jesus through the work of Holy Spirit? Your narrow definition is inconsistent. Is the person who is not ‘of God’ not also free to choose between rape and/or robbery or who to rape and what to steal? If so then that person’s future is also at least partially open even if he/she only makes mundane decisions like whether to steal the red car instead of the green one. That choice will affect the lives and the futures of both car owners whether they are 'of God' or not. One will be driving while the other will be taking the bus.
I understand your position as "of God" or “in Christ” to mean our sins (past, present and future) are no longer counted against us. Jesus has purchased our salvation! Being of God/in Christ is who we are ... not what we do. But the way you try to make sin/not sinning a universal watershed issue for old and new natures, is (as others have pointed out) confusing as heck. You seem to buy into the ‘totally depravity/inability’ of the Calvinists, their ‘limited atonement’
and the 'open future'. I don’t think you will ever reconcile those three rationally. Simply dismissing the irreconcilable differences by saying God’s ways/thoughts are higher than ours won’t cut it. That's their cop out. We have to do better.
On a side note: If we all had to be crystal clear we would all be apologizing in every post. I appreciate you admission that you lack ability to answer adequately. Don’t we all! (Well except for AMR, of course.

) It isn’t so much your ability as your constant use of terms that mean one thing to you and something different to everybody else. That’s the
Willy you need to let go of and set free or be prepared to be misunderstood and chided constantly.