ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 1

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Patron Saint of SMACK
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Hilston said:
Hi Philetus and Clete

According to the determinist view, this makes sense because God is in complete and meticulous control of everything without exception. According to the Open View, God is not in meticulous control. So please, please, please answer this question: How does God actively give wisdom to those who ask in faith?
Intervention on God's part could only rightly be refered to as control if that intervention was imposed on me. Why would it need to envolve "meticulous control" for God to intervene in my life when I ask him to? I ask for wisdom in a particular situation, God responds and it seems that I have wisdom beyond my own abilities. Is that not the way it works for determinists? Why do you think it would it would work different for OV'ers?


New member
If you saw your son was about to walk in front of a train because he really wanted to step on the train tracks, would you intervene and pull him off of them, even if he cried and got mad, or would you let him do it out of a desire not to violate his free will, and because he didn't ask first?


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an Open Theist said:
God decreed that I not answer.

Am I wrong?
You're right about God decreeing it. God decreed the existence and effects of evil and heresy. It serves a terrific purpose among the elect. Paul wrote: "For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you."

another Open Theist said:
Intervention on God's part could only rightly be refered to as control if that intervention was imposed on me.
I control people all the time without imposing anything on them. If I can do it, God certainly can.

an Open Theist said:
Why would it need to envolve "meticulous control" for God to intervene in my life when I ask him to?
It's the wrong question. Divine Intervention is not biblical, because that implies periods of non-intervention, which is impossible. God never relinquishes control. It's not possible because He is infinite. All existence depends upon Him. If anything were self-sustaining, He would no longer be infinite.

an Open Theist said:
I ask for wisdom in a particular situation, God responds and it seems that I have wisdom beyond my own abilities.
How does He give you wisdom? Does it get downloaded from the Spirit into your brain? Does He plant thoughts in your head, handing ideas to you like mental cue cards? If that it how God does it, then why ever bother studying His word? He can just give you mental cues whenever you need them. And how do you know the wisdom is beyond your abilities? How do you know it was God, and not the result of just eating right, getting enough sleep, and being in the zone? Would you ever ask God to cue you with the ability to speak another language so that you can communicate the gospel to a foreigner?

an Open Theist said:
Is that not the way it works for determinists?
No, it doesn't work that way.

an Open Theist said:
Why do you think it would it would work different for OV'ers?
Because the OV conception of God is of One Who cannot really do anything. Look around. What is God doing right now? Is He lifting a finger to stop the atrocities in the world? What is He doing to prevent scores of souls from plunging into hell? The muzicman says that someone's noise-making has to be significant enough to get God's attention. Do you believe anyone prayed for their husband or wife or child on Sept. 11? Were those prayers significant to God? Where is the relational, personal, living, good and loving God that the Open Theists speciously declare?


New member
Michael said:
How about accomplishing His purposes? You know, fulfilling prophecy, establishing a people for Himself? God isn't a giant slot machine where we can insert our prayers and pull the arm and hope. He's not obligated to react to anything we do. He acts when it pleases Him.

Sounds Deterministic!



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God's sovereign 'control' is providential, creative, and responsive; it is not meticulous, causative, micromanaging, exhaustive.


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Knight said:
Hilston... I wonder why God is causing you to have such a rough day? :think:
It's been a very good day. I've learned more about how desperately irrational Open Theists can be and the inanities they are capable of. The entertainment never stops. From Philetus' mindless mystical drivel, to Clete's predictable "unfalsifiable" tripe and relentless anti-Hilston Jihad, from the muzicman's "I'm not significant enough to get God's attention" to Knight's sophomoric intransigence. I've added more Open Theist quotes to my arsenal today than I have in recent memory. Rough day? Naw, this has been a very, very good day.

Nathon Detroit

Hilston said:
It's been a very good day. I've learned more about how desperately irrational Open Theists can be and the inanities they are capable of. The entertainment never stops. From Philetus' mindless mystical drivel, to Clete's predictable "unfalsifiable" tripe and relentless anti-Hilston Jihad, from the muzicman's "I'm not significant enough to get God's attention" to Knight's sophomoric intransigence. I've added more Open Theist quotes to my arsenal today than I have in recent memory. Rough day? Naw, this has been a very, very good day.
- irrational
- inanities
- mindless mystical drivel
- tripe
- Jihad
- sophomoric intransigence

All authored by God, no?


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deardelmar said:
Now who's having a rough day? Tell us something, anything, that the Open View's "living, personal, relational, good and loving God" has actively done specifically in your life today.

And IF you can't think of anything, how can you go around calling Him "living, personal, relational, good and loving"? He sounds rather "dead" and "impersonal" and "non-relational" and "arbitrary" and "stingey."

Bob Hill

TOL Subscriber
God is open because He changes His mind quite often. He even repents of things He said He would do.

God set Israel aside quite often, but when we read Judges 10:7-14, we see that God responds to His people often. God even changes His mind because He is loving. Judges 10:7-14 So the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel; and He sold them into the hands of the Philistines and into the hands of the people of Ammon. 8 From that year they harassed and oppressed the children of Israel for eighteen years—all the children of Israel who were on the other side of the Jordan in the land of the Amorites, in Gilead. 9 Moreover the people of Ammon crossed over the Jordan to fight against Judah also, against Benjamin, and against the house of Ephraim, so that Israel was severely distressed. 10 And the children of Israel cried out to the LORD, saying, “We have sinned against You, because we have both forsaken our God and served the Baals!” 11 So the LORD said to the children of Israel, “Did I not deliver you from the Egyptians and from the Amorites and from the people of Ammon and from the Philistines? 12 “Also the Sidonians and Amalekites and Maonites oppressed you; and you cried out to Me, and I delivered you from their hand. 13 “Yet you have forsaken Me and served other gods. Therefore I will deliver you no more. 14 “Go and cry out to the gods which you have chosen; let them deliver you in your time of distress.” 15 And the children of Israel said to the LORD, “We have sinned! Do to us whatever seems best to You; only deliver us this day, we pray.” 16 So they put away the foreign gods from among them and served the LORD. And His soul could no longer endure the misery of Israel.

God’s punishment often doesn’t happen because He always seems to be willing to change His mind.

If our Lord foreknows everything like the Calvinists say the Bible must be wrong when God says He will do something and He doesn’t. That happened quite often in the Old Testament.

Bob Hill


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Bob Hill said:
God is open because He changes His mind quite often. He even repents of things He said He would do.
When the Bible says God repents, it is a figure of speech designed to give special emphasis to a change in God's actions. When God changes His actions, it is always according to His predetermined counsel.

Bob Hill said:
God set Israel aside quite often, but when we read Judges 10:7-14, we see that God responds to His people often.
Did God respond to you today, Bob? Or are you currently set aside?

Bob Hill said:
God’s punishment often doesn’t happen because He always seems to be willing to change His mind.
All according to meticulous, micro-management of the cosmos.

Bob Hill said:
If our Lord foreknows everything like the Calvinists say the Bible must be wrong when God says He will do something and He doesn’t.
God's foreknowledge is a figurative way of describing God's predetermined plan. When God says He will do something and doesn't, it is always in a covenant context, meaning the action depended on a contingency. When God does not do an action that He said He would do, that means the contingency was not met. Open Theists love to take passages about contingency/covenantal arrangements and pervert them to support their notion of a God of Divine Ignorance. It is amazing the extent that Open Theists will go to denigrate the God of the Bible, Whom they find too embarrassing, unfair and evil, and humanize Him into something more palatable, and less God-like. Every one of Bob Hill's posts is directed toward this shameful end.


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Balder said:
If you saw your son was about to walk in front of a train because he really wanted to step on the train tracks, would you intervene and pull him off of them, even if he cried and got mad, or would you let him do it out of a desire not to violate his free will, and because he didn't ask first?
How old is he?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Hilston said:
Now who's having a rough day? Tell us something, anything, that the Open View's "living, personal, relational, good and loving God" has actively done specifically in your life today.
Why would I do that? You just proved that you will claim that anything I say means somthing different than what I said!


Active member
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In the off-chance of finding out that the God of Open Theism actually resembles the attributes they espouse (loving, living, good, relational and personal), I requested, yet again: Tell us something, anything, that the Open View's "living, personal, relational, good and loving God" has actively done specifically in your life today.

deardelmar said:
Why would I do that? You just proved that you will claim that anything I say means somthing different than what I said!
Whatever. Lots of people reading this who are wondering about Open Theism would probably love to see how the Open Theist answers this question. Nevermind who is asking. Think about who is reading, and try not to feel too embarrassed.
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