ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete


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"Your jibe, as you call it, was very intentionally offensive."

So grow up and move on, you queen. Broke a nail? Somebody made a wisecrack? Grown ups deal with it and let it go, for crying out loud. So you got a raise recently. Good. Good for you. Here's a pat on the head, Clete. You wanna stop urinating and moaning now?

You've spent more time complaining about a pot shot made by Soulman than you have defining the mysterious "biblical worldview" you claim to follow. What, exactly, does that say about your priorities?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Soulman

That wasn’t so hard, was it? In other words, non-Christian worldviews are based on knowledge that may or may not be as “true” as the unbeliever thinks it is.
What I think is irrelevant. That's the point. We are not talking about opinion or preferences; we are talking about what is or is not real. Without a Christian world view the question, "What is real?" cannot be answered in a logically coherent way. Thus the Christian world view is the correct one because of the impossibility of the contrary.

That is, if “logic” is applied to what the materialist merely thinks he knows, the rules of logic prove the position “incoherent.”
Right! This is true of materialism as well as every other non-Christian world view that exists. So why not drop it, if it is illogical, especially if there is a rational alternative?

What’s “logical” about accepting truth claims (outlandish truth claims, at that) that can’t be proven? What’s “logically coherent” about talking snakes, stopping the sun, turning water into wine, or people rising from the dead?
What are you talking about? Do you understand what "logically incoherent" means?
What is there that is logically incoherent about God (the Creator of the Earth and the universe it is in) having stopped the earth from spinning on its axis for some period of time? What is logically incoherent about God causing a creature that He created to speak, or His having changed the chemical make up of a vat of liquid, or restoring life to someone who would not have had life in the first place had God not given it to him?
Just because I cannot do these things or know how God did them doesn't mean that they are logically incoherent. Nor is it required for every detail of the Biblical account to have extra-biblical historical confirmation in order for it to be logically coherent.

The point here is that you have now admitted that your own world view is logically incoherent, for you to cry foul because you THINK that my world view cannot be validated is about as big a joke as could be told! By your own admission you have no means to determine that the sentences you are using to make the accusation are even intelligible sentences. How are you going to convince me that you could accurately evaluate any evidence that the Christian world view is true if any where presented? How would you know if there had been any presented in the first place? Based upon your own world view, you cannot even confirm for me that you have a nose on your face, why would I care what you think about the Christian world view or anything else for that matter?
Personally, I don't understand how you can live like that! Are you married? Do you have children? Are you sure? How do you know? How would you go about finding out? Couldn't you be dreaming, isn't that at least a possibility? How can you live with such total uncertainty?
Maybe you're in the Matrix! Want to come into reality?

Take the red pill!

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by granite1010

"Your jibe, as you call it, was very intentionally offensive."

So grow up and move on, you queen. Broke a nail? Somebody made a wisecrack? Grown ups deal with it and let it go, for crying out loud. So you got a raise recently. Good. Good for you. Here's a pat on the head, Clete. You wanna stop urinating and moaning now?

You've spent more time complaining about a pot shot made by Soulman than you have defining the mysterious "biblical worldview" you claim to follow. What, exactly, does that say about your priorities?

You are incredibly stupid and vulgar! I responded to something he said in his last post. Had he not said anything more about it, I wouldn't have brought it up again. As I explained to him, I'm not losing sleep over it, but I wasn't about to let such a slanderous statement go unchallenged.

And as for my defining the Christian world view, it is unnecessary to do so, or at least premature at this time. So far you have very clearly demonstrated that you have no grounds upon which to demand such a definition or any evidence to back it up. As Jesus said...

[jesus]If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.[/jesus]

In other words all the proof in the world will not help you in your current condition. To offer it would be a waste of time.

Resting in Him,


New member
Hi, Clete,

What I think is irrelevant. That's the point. We are not talking about opinion or preferences; we are talking about what is or is not real. Without a Christian world view the question, "What is real?" cannot be answered in a logically coherent way. Thus the Christian world view is the correct one because of the impossibility of the contrary.

I'm curious about your new use of this argument. Are you taking Hilston's word for it that all other worldviews are, and must be, logically incoherent, or have you investigated this for yourself?

Also, I'd be interested in your response to my recent contribution to this thread (concerning Biblical cosmology), if you have time.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by prodigal
My question still remains:

IF I had hard, empirical evidence, evidence that proved for a fact that jesus was a fraud, would you (all Christians taking part in this thread) cast off and reject your faith in him, or would you continue to believe against the fact that he was a con?

I would appreciate a direct answer.

Yours truly,

To answer directly...
YES! If it could be rationally demonstrated that Christianity cannot be true then that which cannot be true must be false. This is the essence of my argument against your world view.

However, my question to you remains as well:

How would you know that you have found any such "hard, empirical evidence"?

I would appreciate a direct answer?

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Balder

Hi, Clete,

I'm curious about your new use of this argument. Are you taking Hilston's word for it that all other worldviews are, and must be, logically incoherent, or have you investigated this for yourself?

See the link at the bottom of my last post to soulman.

Also, I'd be interested in your response to my recent contribution to this thread (concerning Biblical cosmology), if you have time.
I think that such a post proves that you not only do not understand the Bible but do not understand Jim's argument either. Or if you do, (which you do seem to) then you intentionally suspended that understanding in order to make an emotional argument based on presenting the figurative, poetic language of parts of Scripture as though it were something more than that, along with extra-Biblical references which are clearly not inspired at all.

I'm not sure who you are trying to convince with such dry humor, I suspect your sarcasm was wasted upon prodigal. Jim's point still stands. If prodigal clings to his current world view he has no way of knowing whether or not your post is a figment of his own fertile imagination, and neither do you.

Resting in Him,
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Banned by Mod

You can't smell God. You can't see God. You can't touch/feel God. You can't taste God. And you can't hear God. Not in the physical.

Okay, so there’s no way to prove he exists, I have you on the record as having said that. Thank you, finally, almost four hundred posts in and I have an answer to my question.

It is in your soul that you can commune with God.

A soul which you cannot prove exists.

If you don't deny the existence of a God, then why don't you seek Him out.

LIKE I SAID BEFORE: I was a Christian for twenty years. I don’t need to seek god out. Anything I have I have received either from my family, friends or myself. They’re the only ones I need to seek out. I don’t feel like denying them for some invisible deity whose own believers admit that his existence cannot be proven.

"'Cause I can sniff, I can see
I can count up pretty high
But these faculties aren't getting me
Any closer to the sky
But my heart of faith keeps poundin'
So I know I'm doin' fine
But sometimes finding You [God]
Is just like trying to
Smell the color nine...

Smell the color nine?
But nine's not a color
And even if it were you can't smell a color
That's my point exactly..."
-Chris Rice
'Smell the Color 9'

Those were some of the lamest lyrics I’ve ever heard.

Nope. Not what I believe at all.

Lighthouse it doesn’t matter what YOU believe, because for every Christian out there who knows what he believes there are a hundred others out there who not only disagree with you, but disagree with each other. What you believe automatically loses credibility simply because your religion has absolutely no authority through unity. Your religion is one of the most scattered, shattered and incoherent religions on the planet, therefore, by default, whatever you believe, the specifics, become moot.

Wrong. Hell was not created for people

Yet by your own admission people go there, and if god really loved all of us, why would he allow anyone to go there in the first place? Why would he allow me to choose to go there when he could just make my pen spin around and save me? Your god is a sadist, you are a puppet, you do dance for him, you do jump through hoops.

If you have free will, reject jesus for five minutes and then accept him back in your heart. Either you’re his puppet or he’s yours.

You will never find any such proof. Becaue it does not exist.

That’s why I put the extra emphasis on the IF. It’s a hypothetical question, LH, it won’t bite you.

I would appreciate a direct answer to this question.


Right! This is true of materialism as well as every other non-Christian world view that exists. So why not drop it, if it is illogical, especially if there is a rational alternative?

Maybe I missed it, but what makes any other worldview irrational? Forgive me for making you back track, but where’s your proof that Islam is incoherent, Buddhism, Hinduism, Gnosticism, and every other religion that exists or ever has existed? Clete, by sheer virtue of the fact that your religion is one of the most splintered and disjointed in history, it seems far more plausible to me that yours is the worldview that is logically incoherent.

Do you understand what "logically incoherent" means?

The modern Christian church. Thousands of sects, denominations, millions of members and no two believe the exact same thing. Your religion has no unity, therefore no authority, therefore no coherence.

What is there that is logically incoherent about God (the Creator of the Earth and the universe it is in) having stopped the earth from spinning on its axis for some period of time? What is logically incoherent about God causing a creature that He created to speak, or His having changed the chemical make up of a vat of liquid, or restoring life to someone who would not have had life in the first place had God not given it to him?

What is logically incoherent about belief in stories of things that can be proven to be impossible? Hmmmmmm… Let me think…

You believe in fairy tales Clete. Nothing more, nothing less.

for you to cry foul because you THINK that my world view cannot be validated is about as big a joke as could be told!

Why? None of your answers have been good enough so far Clete. Instead of jumping to the conclusion that no one is smart enough to understand your argument, maybe you should consider the possibility that your argument is just BS?

How can you live with such total uncertainty?
Maybe you're in the Matrix! Want to come into reality?

Clete, you are the one who lives in a fairy tale. You are the one who believes in fantastical after death resting places, you are the one who believes in a zombie messiah, demons, angels, outlandish myths, etc. Not one of the things you believe in makes sense, is possible, or is even possible to prove to the lay man. The only proof you can afford is that it is an explanation of where things came from, thus providing you with a rather immature worldview, but there’s nothing unique about that. There are dozens of ther religions that can explain things just as well, if not better than you, so having a worldview is not proof of anything. All you have is an old book chock full of impossible stories and faith without proof.

To answer directly...
YES! If it could be rationally demonstrated that Christianity cannot be true then that which cannot be true must be false. This is the essence of my argument against your world view.

That’s actually more of a round about answer. I actually want to read the words, “yes, I would reject jesus.”

How would you know that you have found any such "hard, empirical evidence"?

Like I said, it was a hypothetical question, which explains why you’re suddenly getting so excited about it. All of your defenses so far have been hypothetical, or have just skirted the issue entirely, so no doubt you want to continue with this hypothetical examination of the non-existent. Clete, the challenge still remains:

Offer whatever proof you think you have for the existence of anything you believe in and we’ll work from there. You, Hilston, Lighthouse and Aimiel have all said that you have proof. It has to be proof that all men, Christian and non can recognize as true and indisputable. You have all said that you have four aces, but so far you’ve only talked about your four aces, I have yet to see anything. I’ve shown you my cards and all you’ve tried to do is discredit them and avoid showing your own.

I think that such a post proves that you not only do not understand the Bible but do not understand Jim's argument either

Like I said before, maybe the problem isn’t with our understanding of your argument, but Clete, maybe you should accept the possibility that it’s just a really crappy argument.

If prodigal clings to his current world view he has no way of knowing whether or not your post is a figment of his own fertile imagination, and neither do you.

Not true Clete, it’s right here in front of me. I can touch my computer screen and read with my eyes. Lighthouse just admitted that there’s no way to physically test god, so once again, the burden of proof is still on you.

And as for my defining the Christian world view, it is unnecessary to do so, or at least premature at this time. So far you have very clearly demonstrated that you have no grounds upon which to demand such a definition or any evidence to back it up

We are 386 posts in Clete, how can you possibly say that it would be premature to define your worldview now? We’ve been begging you to show your four aces from the beginning, and instead of fearlessly showing them, all you’ve done is avoid the question and talk about how right you are instead of proving it.

You’re a coward. That’s the only conclusion I can come to. You say you have four aces, you talk about them a lot, but you won’t show them. You believe in fantastical stories written in a book by men you don’t know or question and you expect us to believe it all without a lick of truth? In fact you get downright hostile when cornered. When the burden of proof is thrown so heavily in your face you find yourself in a corner and you become insulting and intolerant. You come back at us with some pathetic, hypothetical idea that perhaps what we see MAY NOT BE what we are seeing, despite the fact that we CAN see it, and IT IS there. You claim we don’t understand your arguments, Clete, it’s not that we don’t understand your arguments, it’s that in the face of what can be proven, your arguments are just plain old horrible. They’re bad arguments, and when this is pointed out to you, you simply huff and puff about how we’re “too stupid” to understand them.

Clete you’re as transparent and thin as air. Accept the possibility that you MAY BE wrong. So far you’ve had no problem accepting the possibility of other things that MAY BE, why are you having such a hard time with this?


New member
Originally posted by Soulman

If our “eyes” and “ears” can’t be trusted, the Word can’t be trusted.

What kind of argument is this? From the word go, you clearly show you have no clue of what is being discussed. Look at your statement above Soulman.

You are actually saying if for example I see a mirage on the road while driving, I should slow down because I am just about to plunge the car into a pool of water ahead of me.

Hilston presented a genuine philosophical argument that we can't trust our senses because they are either chemical, sensory or mechanical in nature. And these change all the time. Have you ever heard of Descartes and Plato?


Banned by Mod

Hilston presented a genuine philosophical argument that we can't trust our senses because they are either chemical, sensory or mechanical in nature. And these change all the time. Have you ever heard of Descartes and Plato?

I think Soulman's point is that if what Hilston says is true, than there's no reason for us to believe that the authors of the bible weren't mistaken as well. By introducing his argument, Hilston has shown that there is no reason whatsoever to trust the veracity of the "word of god". By using his own argument against him the bible is in just as much question as everything else.

But as soon as your argument is used against you, the user is by default "clueless", right? It just goes back to the fundamentals of christian apologetics: admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations. When you're faced with an argument which you cannot overcome, your "opponent" (for lack of a better word) is automatically clueless and doesn't understand what you're talking about in the first place.

It's a nice trick, but it's just not good enough for ex-christians who have been there and done that and have the experience of sitting on both sides of the table, experience which you do not have, therefore if anyone is clueless, it is you.


New member

Yes, I do understand Hilston's argument. It is fairly simple. I do not agree with it, but that's another matter. For the sake of those who may not get what Hilston is saying, this is my take on his claims: Only a Biblical worldview is capable of accounting for the world as we know it, including the reliability of our senses and the trustworthiness of logic. He is not saying that senses can't be trusted; rather, he is making a (rather outrageous) claim that only in a Christian worldview can you rationally account for the operation of your senses, the orderliness of phenomena, the "truth" of mathematics, the operation of laws, the existence of people and objects, etc, etc. His contention is that all other worldviews, all other descriptions of the nature and origin of existence, are internally inconsistent and flawed, and therefore, unless you subscribe to the Christian worldview, you do not have a leg to stand on in critiquing things because you can't rationally account (he claims) for anything at all. (But beware -- if you begin to show that you can account for things in a coherent manner, he will accuse you of stealing from his worldview!)

Concerning the cosmological views presented in the Bible, there is no reason to believe that the Biblical references to the firmament separating the waters, etc, were believed to be figurative. I can understand why you would want to call them figurative, because they are so contrary to modern understanding and it is hard to believe that people really believed that at one time, but the writers of the Bible were not alone in possessing a three-tiered picture of the universe, nor in imagining that the sky was actually a physical dome, nor in imagining that the sun and stars actually moved around the sky by some sort of mechanism (say, the wind or chariots), nor that there was a huge body of water on the other side of the stars, etc. Similar ideas were held by their neighbors, the Egyptians and the Babylonians. People in many cultures during that time believed the sky was a real dome, studded with stars, which actually was fashioned by God or the gods, which rested on the far ends of the Earth, where gates regulated the coming and going of heavenly (often anthropomorphized) bodies. The writers of the Old Testament also make it clear that they believe the Earth rests on top of primal, chaotic waters. Enoch may not be included presently among the inspired books, but that may be because it was "lost" for a long time; certainly Jude and other writers refer to it a number of times, and even the Book of Revelation repeats language from it. So these writers held it in esteem.

Anyway, I wrote my last post in a tongue-in-cheek way, yes, but I was serious in my intent: the Biblical worldview is actually quite different from our present one, and much closer to what we call the mythological worldviews of the many different peoples who lived during that time. If you want to consider the Bible to be perfect and infallible, insisting that the worldview found therein is the only logical and rationally defensible one, then intellectual honesty at least should compel you to reckon with the very different beliefs about the nature of the physical universe that the Bible conveys.

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Hall of Fame
NP]Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer [/i][/b]

You are incredibly stupid and vulgar! I responded to something he said in his last post. Had he not said anything more about it, I wouldn't have brought it up again. As I explained to him, I'm not losing sleep over it, but I wasn't about to let such a slanderous statement go unchallenged.

And as for my defining the Christian world view, it is unnecessary to do so, or at least premature at this time. So far you have very clearly demonstrated that you have no grounds upon which to demand such a definition or any evidence to back it up. As Jesus said...

[jesus]If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.[/jesus]

In other words all the proof in the world will not help you in your current condition. To offer it would be a waste of time.

Resting in Him,
Clete [/QUOTE]

Uh-huh. I'm stupid and vulgar. Oh, heavens. I used to think you were just a nancy, now you've transformed into Miss Manners before my very eyes. I'm shakin', Clete. Next you'll be telling me how to fold napkins and what fork I should use for my appetizer...

As for this mystical concept of a Christian "biblical worldview" you keep batting say it's "premature" to define it. "Premature"? Well, gee, Clete. We're only close to 400 posts deep into this thread. How much more time do you need to make up your mind? Invent some softball definition for this "biblical worldview," or something.

I know why you refuse to define it. There is no single, agreed upon, coherent "biblical worldview." That's why the church is splintered and divided today. No one can agree, nothing makes sense to anybody, and the idea that there is some "biblical worldview" to unify the church is laughable and absurd. Any "biblical worldview" you come up with be your own personal worldview, wrapped in the trappings of the Bible. Very personal; very subjective.

So you fall back on the old "don't throw pearls before swine" argument. You don't have anything else to play, so you refuse to debate. You refuse to define what your worldview is. You can't, you're too lazy to, or you just won't. You refuse to hold a reasonable adult discussion and explain what you mean by your "biblical worldview." You got nothin' and I think you know it.

You are, in other words, a weak sister.


Banned by Mod
Granite's right Clete. You have nothing, you've had nothing from the beginning. Just smoke and bull. Oh, I found something you might be able to relate to as well Clete:

This is a Christian apologetic strategy for dealing with someone who wants to argue by Dan Langerock:

When you first encounter the person, begin praying for an opening that the Holy Spirit can use to soften their heart. In a sense it is like a spiritual chess game, with the Holy Spirit telling you which pieces to move. If they begin to argue, try to discern if they are really wanting information or just trying to push your buttons. Remember, they are rebelling against God, not just what you are saying. Are they truly seeking God or just wanting a good fight?

In other words (if you were the Christian) completely ignore the unbelievers’ argument and judge how mentally pliable they are. This is not so much an exercise in spiritual discernment as it is in psychology.

If someone wants to argue about keeping the Ten Commandments, for example, refer them to Romans and Galatians in the New Testament. The people I have encountered in this stance have not read these two books. Tell them you will be glad to discuss the subject again with them after they have read these two books honestly. This way you are letting God deal with them as they read, if they do. If they just want to argue, they will likely not read what you tell them. Let them know you will help them answer any honest questions they have, but that you will not argue with them.

Ah, the dodge. Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations. This part right here directly tells the believer to digress in order to avoid the content of what the unbeliever has to say.

A person was trying to argue with me about the Bible, one day, saying they had a question. However, it was obvious they just wanted to argue so I told them “It is good to have questions but sometimes questions can keep you from God”. Some people have all kinds of questions, one after another, but they never get any closer to God because all their questions get in the way. You must discern if this is what is happening through the Holy Spirit, so you don’t waste your time and resources on someone who really deosn’t want answers.

This one makes me wanna scream. Ignore what the unbeliever is trying to get across, discourage questions and then shake the dust of this unsatisfied person off your heels if you discern that he is not pliable enough to sink your teeth into. Shameful really. This is Christian apologetics at work, ignore the opposite, discourage questions, digress to avoid having your fragile world rocked by hard questions, and then completely walk away when it gets too hard.

Clete, your behavior through this entire thread, as well as the behavior by Aimiel, Lighthouse, Hilston, Dotcom, etc. has been predictable at best. As ex's, Granite, Soulman and myself have unique perspectives on the christian faith that you will never be able to fully comprehend because of the mind control you have allowed yourself to be victimized by.

Define your worldview.

Come up with some proof for why your worldview is valid, even if you're afraid your proof will be denied. All I'm asking for is for you to defend yourself, so far you have failed. Granite and I have both mentioned that we are close to four hundred posts deep and you have yet to defend yourself.

You're failing, Clete. You're letting yourself down, you're letting your religion down, and I guess ultimately you're letting your god down. You have nothing and you have presented nothing to lead me or anyone else to believe otherwise.


New member
Originally posted by prodigal


I think Soulman's point is that if what Hilston says is true, than there's no reason for us to believe that the authors of the bible weren't mistaken as well.

Soulman's point is well documented - We MUST trust our senses. What we see must be what it is. Same with what we smell, hear, taste, and touch. Hilston's point is that we can't trust our senses. Are we on the same wavelength so far?

By introducing his argument, Hilston has shown that there is no reason whatsoever to trust the veracity of the "word of god".

I don't think so. Hilston is saying we need common sense which according to these posts is not that common. When my eyes lie to me there is water on the road ahead of me while driving through a desert road, who actually argues it may be a mirage, Soulman or Hilston? Of course, Hilston.

Soulman argues our eyes must be trusted and there is actually water on that road which is incorrect. The "Word" involves other senses that are not mundane - thus my link of Descartes and Plato. Meaning we're not the first people to be troubled by whether we can trust our senses.

By using his own argument against him the bible is in just as much question as everything else.

Correct. But isn't that the position of an atheist? You are simply propagating an argument presented by atheists. Your interest is for theists to prove their part, but if asked to prove your part, you blame theists for failing to own up to their belief.

You have repeatedly been told - Knowledge based on belief is NOT empirical. Why do you demand it should be Prodigal?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by prodigal
Define your worldview.
The world is as the Bible teaches.

Come up with some proof for why your worldview is valid, even if you're afraid your proof will be denied.
It is the only world view that doesn't lead to endless question begging and logical incoherence.

All I'm asking for is for you to defend yourself, so far you have failed.
No, I won after the first two or three of my posts. I had an arm removed and Jim came along and removed the other arm and both legs but you just keep trying to bite our knee caps off! It's pathetic.

Granite and I have both mentioned that we are close to four hundred posts deep and you have yet to defend yourself.

You're failing, Clete. You're letting yourself down, you're letting your religion down, and I guess ultimately you're letting your god down. You have nothing and you have presented nothing to lead me or anyone else to believe otherwise.
You know otherwise and are intentionally lying to yourself. I would like to thank Jim for having taught me this presuppostional argument. I have never had such a decisive victory in any debate with an unbeliever before even though my learning the argument is still very much a work in progress.

Resting in Him,


New member
Clete wrote:
The world is as the Bible teaches.

Including the fact that the hard metal sky separates the upper ocean from the lower one.

Get that through your thick skull, Prodigal!



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Hall of Fame
"The world is as the Bible teaches."

According to who? You? Protestantism? Catholicism? Nazarenes? Presbyterians? Arminians? Calvinists? Theonomists? Bob Enyart?

The Bible is not self evident and self explanatory. If it was, we would not be having this discussion.


I misspoke myself. You’re absolutely right. Talking snakes, stopping the sun, turning water into wine, people rising from the dead are, admittedly, perfectly “normal” in a logically coherent biblical worldview.

Not only do snakes speak and the dead live, in a “biblical worldview” miracles of one kind or another are an every day event. In fact, given their frequency, there is practically nothing “miraculous” about a “miracle” by the time the writers of the gospels are through with them. Of the miracles of Jesus alone, if they should all be written, the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.

Throw in the dozens of miracles performed by the apostles and the disciples, and the miracles of the Old Testament, you have a biblical worldview that looks (strangely enough) absolutely nothing like the world we live in.

“Faith, man.”
“Thanks. I’ll need it.”

Miracles, literally on a “biblical scale,” the “prophets,” wonders-workers on every street corner, talking snakes, talking asses, floating axe-heads, chariots of fire, pillars of smoke. The unlikely or the impossible accepted as real and true. On faith. The “logical coherence” of the "biblical" worldview is no different or better than the “logical coherence” of the future followers of a religious movement called The Ring.

Frodians quote Frodo as a moral authority. His Book and Word are true. Did he not survive certain death? Did he not overcome evil, and save the world? Is it not so revealed in His Word? Only a fool would deny him. His miracles and adventures are understood and taught as literal history. Thus they, with equal confidence and with perfect "logical cohesion," claim that the Frodian worldview is correct, “because,” as an obscure, particularly annoying Frodian apologist has insisted, “of the impossibility of the contrary."


Oops. There’s one now. Only take a moment. Honey, where’s the hose???



New member
We agree on one thing; religion IS obsolete! But what you obviously fail to realize is that GOD is the author of the 2000 year old book you are so quick to criticize. Several writers, but one author! And if you really understood the heart of the author, you would realize that He doesn’t want to send ANYONE to hell. See John 3:16!!! Rather, He wants to have a RELATINSHIP with YOU!!!

Your points about: "how many different sects have risen?" and "how many churches live in hostility towards one another?" etc, are right on! The "church" has falsely used scripture to control people. But that is changing. Just hang on, you will see it!!! (But if you think Christianity has controlled people, how about the other religions?)

But all of that said, you have one big problem!!! You have to believe! Did God create the universe? The Bible says he did! See Genisis 1:1. If you can't or if you refuse to believe that. Then you can't believe anything else. And if you can't believe, then what do you have to put your hope in? And if you can't believe, then nothing anyone says on here will make a difference.

Open your heart. Open your eyes. Believe!


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

"The world is as the Bible teaches."

According to who? You? Protestantism? Catholicism? Nazarenes? Presbyterians? Arminians? Calvinists? Theonomists? Bob Enyart?

The Bible is not self evident and self explanatory. If it was, we would not be having this discussion.
The Bible was written to be impossible to understand, if the ones reading it were clean in their own eyes, and better than at least some others.