Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We failed each other. I'm mean and he's a baby. :chuckle:


Some other people seek fulfillment in the belittlement of others..

ahh, you're talking about Town Quixote, town's self-celebrating blog of a thread :thumb:

I'm Reformed. I'm basically immune to your shenanigans. You were predestined to be an idiot :thumb:


No one sows rape.

no :duh:

they sow wickedness and iniquity

and they reap the consequences of that wickedness and iniquity

you know, just like it says in Isaiah

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I believe that's called "leading the witness".
That's the spirit. Don't let a lack of qualification slow you down on the point. :thumb: No, that wouldn't be leading a witness, though it does appear to be inciting the witless.

It also a good example of "selective" quoting.
Well, you were bellyaching about my replies being too long. Now it's "selective". :eek: You said it. It isn't unclear (the equal sign is a dead giveaway) and I literally wondered who he meant by "we".

So...:plain: Nice hat. What's the soup like?


New member

ahh, you're talking about Town Quixote, town's self-celebrating blog of a thread :thumb:


no :duh:

they sow wickedness and iniquity

and they reap the consequences of that wickedness and iniquity

you know, just like it says in Isaiah

This is exactly what I was trying to explain to Qretzel and town. They are deliberately throwing an emotionally charged word like deserved to sow confusion. It isn't the whoring that reaps rape; its the wickedness and iniquity of whoring that can bring about rape as one of many possible consequences.


like marbles on glass
That's the spirit. Don't let a lack of qualification slow you down on the point. :thumb: No, that wouldn't be leading a witness, though it does appear to be inciting the witless.

Well, you were bellyaching about my replies being too long. Now it's "selective". :eek: You said it. It isn't unclear (the equal sign is a dead giveaway) and I literally wondered who he meant by "we".

So...:plain: Nice hat. What's the soup like?

She's not worth the time, TH.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I don't see the contradiction if that was your point.
That's too bad. Just deserts means getting what you deserve.

So when you wrote:
That's all you have been saying and yet you don't tell us what you mean by it. We are saying that we all reap what we sow. That's not the same as getting what you deserve.

And she wrote:

Just deserts = reap what you sow.

That's the contradiction between you two and so my inquiry.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Just deserts means getting what you deserve, what you merit, getting appropriate punishment for something.

well, in Isaiah, God believes that those who are evil, who are wicked, who are workers of iniquity deserve:
Isaiah 13:16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.

but you go right ahead and tell Him how wrong He is :idunno:


New member
This is exactly what I was trying to explain to Qretzel and town. They are deliberately throwing an emotionally charged word like deserved to sow confusion. It isn't the whoring that reaps rape; its the wickedness and iniquity of whoring that can bring about rape as one of many possible consequences.

They were not the ones who are deliberately throwing an emotionally charged word like 'deserve' into the mix. They have been speaking, as have I, and others, against some in this thread emphatically saying that some 'deserve' to be raped.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
They were not the ones who are deliberately throwing an emotionally charged word like 'deserve' into the mix. They have been speaking, as have I, and others, against some in this thread emphatically saying that some 'deserve' to be raped.

you don't think people earn by their actions the consequences of those actions?


Well-known member
Just by fiat you declare that rape could never possibly be the consequence of bad decisions. I have yet to see any persuasive arguments why this must be so.

Leave it to man to declare what would be impossible for God.

Isaiah 55:8-9
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.​


Well-known member
This is exactly what I was trying to explain to Qretzel and town.

Yeah, they figure if they keep you on the defensive, they won't have to explain their own indefensible position.

They are deliberately throwing an emotionally charged word like deserved to sow confusion. It isn't the whoring that reaps rape; its the wickedness and iniquity of whoring that can bring about rape as one of many possible consequences.

Yeah, and as poster Trad was so adept at pointing out....the word "deserve" can mean different things to different people. In it's common usage, though, it's the reward (whether good or bad) that one earns by one's own behavior. It's where the term "just deserts" comes from.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Leave it to man to declare what would be impossible for God. [/qtuoe]
Recognize. It's not rocket science. If it was we could just ask rocketman. :plain:

Isaiah 55:8-9
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.​
Another mistaken bit of inferential exegesis.

Just because you can't work calculus it doesn't follow that you can't add.


Hall of Fame
We know what was said from the very beginning of this whole discussion on rape. And what was said was that women choose to be raped, that they asked for it and that they deserved it.

Though no discussion about these poor little rapists who accidentally violate and harm women ...

They can't help themselves.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This is exactly what I was trying to explain to Qretzel and town. They are deliberately throwing an emotionally charged word like deserved to sow confusion.
Well, no. I didn't introduce it at all. I responded to it.

It isn't the whoring that reaps rape; its the wickedness and iniquity of whoring that can bring about rape as one of many possible consequences.
Rather, it's that any action can lessen or increase the likelihood of a given event, from rape to graduating suma. But what brings rape about is a rapist. And he's singularly responsible for his action, morally and legally.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We know what was said from the very beginning of this whole discussion on rape. And what was said was that women choose to be raped

that was me, in a different thread (about the morality of aborting pregnancies that resulted from rape), in a different context, and with two specific cases in mind

, that they asked for it

rather, that they got what they were asking for when they engaged in specific behaviors while ignoring the known risk

and that they deserved it.

as defined as "earned by their actions"

note that in each case the comments were qualified to include only those victims specified

not all rape victims
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