Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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Well-known member
Take your venom filled blinders off! He said "they meant to do evil".

Oh, that's right. They didn't really do anything wrong. Throwing him in a deep pit with no water....lucky for them he was found and sold into slavery. Nothing evil about that.

Oh, then covering his coat in blood to deceive their father so he'd think his son was dead. Nothing evil about that.

These darn "venom filled blinders" of mine need to come OFF. Thank you sweet kind Bybee.....whatever would I do without your great words of wisdom?


New member
Hall of Fame
Hey, Tex. :)

Yeah, I thought I might be mistaken about that part after I went to bed last night.

My point, however, stands. It was God using someone's evil deeds for a purpose...which is why I gave this example. Town was claiming God never does that and, in fact, wouldn't countenance any such thing.

God uses someone's evil deeds, ok. But do you think God had a direct role in what the brothers did from the start? Did God bring about the evil deeds and make good come from it? Or did He simply bring good out of what evil they did?


Well-known member
you see what he's doing here, glory?

he can't admit that the stripper is wrong

he can't admit that the whore is wrong

(for some reason, he doesn't have any problem saying that the rapist is wrong)

and so he's forced to make his argument based on equating Job, the man who was perfect and upright, with whores and strippers :dizzy:

or if not equating, claiming that there's no way to differentiate

fascinating, isn't it?

apparently, in town's case, grace came with a hefty dose of stupid

town, who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the butt:


Yep....Job and the stripper. They should make a movie on that one. :rotfl:

Yes, I see what he's doing. It's been a real eye opener.

It's funny, too, how he was disappointed in me because of my meanness, I guess. Because he's shocked at my response in all this. He thought he could "trust" me.

Guess he doesn't consider that I thought I could trust him to argue this like an adult.

We failed each other. I'm mean and he's a baby. :chuckle:


New member
Oh, that's right. They didn't really do anything wrong. Throwing him in a deep pit with no water....lucky for them he was found and sold into slavery. Nothing evil about that.

Oh, then covering his coat in blood to deceive their father so he'd think his son was dead. Nothing evil about that.

These darn "venom filled blinders" of mine need to come OFF. Thank you sweet kind Bybee.....whatever would I do without your great words of wisdom?

You are bloviating very nicely without them already.


Well-known member
God uses someone's evil deeds, ok. But do you think God had a direct role in what the brothers did from the start? Did God bring about the evil deeds and make good come from it? Or did He simply bring good out of what evil they did?

Gosh, a "direct role"....that's hard for me to say. I've gotten enough flack from how I see the word "deserve", so I'm a bit reluctant to weigh in on that one. :idunno:

I hate to even use the word "permissive will" because people mean that in different ways, too. But, He does allow bad things to come upon us...both things earned (deserved) and unearned (undeserved).

For those who are doing wrong, God allows them to suffer for their wrong behavior so they can experience first hand the effects of evil. It's the purpose of reaping what we sow. His desire is that man will turn from his evil deeds toward Him. It's a very effective tool, and to deny God uses other evil men for such purposes is denying God's power and His very right to be God.

God also allows suffering in the lives of those who have done nothing to deserve that suffering. There are purposes there, as well, but that isn't what's under discussion here.


Well-known member


Well-known member
To be clear, you have never "hurt my feelings", you angered me and accused me falsely of many things. You couldn't hurt my feelings with a shotgun. I see you doing the same things to others, so now I know it's you with the problems; emotional, mental and spiritual. Have a good one !

I understand. Baby's don't have tantrums because their feelings are hurt.
They have tantrums because they don't get their way.

But, when they don't get their way, their wittle feelings get hurt.



Props to Glorydayz for having stating that. I will aptly steal that and use it in future discussion :)


New member
To be clear, you have never "hurt my feelings", you angered me and accused me falsely of many things. You couldn't hurt my feelings with a shotgun. I see you doing the same things to others, so now I know it's you with the problems; emotional, mental and spiritual. Have a good one !
Some people seek fulfillment in the betterment of themselves and others. Some other people seek fulfillment in the belittlement of others while condemning strippers to rape via anonymous posts on an internet forum. It is what it is. :idunno:

patrick jane

I understand. Baby's don't have tantrums because their feelings are hurt.
They have tantrums because they don't get their way.

But, when they don't get their way, their wittle feelings get hurt.

:rotfl: You are the biggest crybaby I've ever seen in my life !!

patrick jane


Props to Glorydayz for having stating that. I will aptly steal that and use it in future discussion :)

sycophantism won't help you here. You trying to kiss up to GD is hilarious, steal it and use in future discussion to look just like her. :rotfl:

oh, and do it aptly.

what a joke


Well-known member
What do you mean he never saw his father again? At the end of the story, as I remember it, he was reunited in love with his brothers and sends wagons back to them so that he can see the rest of his family, including his father who is very much alive. But it's been a while. I may have forgotten the part where his father dies before he can see him. What verse is that in?

Yes, after suffering without his son until near death (does that make it all better?), we see how God meant their evil deed for good.

Anyway, here's the thing, God never commanded or moved his brothers to do anything against Joseph. Rather, He brought good for Joseph and Joseph's family out of the actions of those brothers.

No, here's the thing. God ALLOWED the evil deeds of his brothers, even "countenanced" those evil deeds, to be committed. And YOU claimed God NEVER does such a thing.

I've never once claimed God "commanded or moved" a rapist to rape. Your attempt to deceive there is noted.

Just so, an evil may befall you and God may overcome that in your life. It doesn't follow that a) Joseph was being punished by God through his brothers or b) that God desired Joseph suffer any evil.

I didn't say it followed that Joseph was being punished....any more than I said Job was being punished. But, "here's the thing"...God most certainly did allow (countenance) an evil deed committed by evil men to be done for His own purposes. And that is what you have denied over and over again with your "house divided" analogy.

No, Joseph prospered and his family ultimately lived because of Joseph's prosperity. It's a bit like the story of Job.

And all of Job's friends called what happened to Job punishment. But it wasn't punishment, was it?

Uh, minor detail, here. Both Joseph and Job were righteous. They were not immoral strippers. Job's friends were like you and your friends....WRONG. They called good 'evil' and you call evil 'good'.

Anyway, did God send Joseph's brothers to throw him in a pit or did he overcome their intent and work a good through it?

NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE has ever said God sent the rapist to rape the stripper. God allowed the stripper to reap what she'd sown and, hopefully, the stripper will benefit from that godly principle of reaping what you sow.


Well-known member
Anyway, you missed the point of the conflicted remark. It was an inferential joke about an action without a consequence. I did it again in speaking to your technical rules violation.

Clearly, you get your own "inferential" jokes, but miss them entirely when they're handed back. :dunce:

You dare say all sorts of things.

Much to your dismay.

That's what's done in debate.

That's nice. Or empathetic...some sort of pathetic anyway.

I can see I need to take debate lessons from you, Town. :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
sycophantism won't help you here. You trying to kiss up to GD is hilarious, steal it and use in future discussion to look just like her. :rotfl:

oh, and do it aptly.

what a joke

Eh, it's only because at this moment, she is bashing rape victims, who are normally women. He has a history on TOL (under all of his previous aliases, which were permanently banned) of blaming everything bad in life on women.
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